Trade Statistics by Product (HS 6-digit)

Quickly obtain export and imports of HS 6-digit products by clicking on the product name. Change selection to view exports/imports by country, to a country. Note exports are gross exports and imports are gross imports. Source: UN COMTRADE H0 Nomenclature


02 - Meat and edible meat offal

020110 -- Fresh or chilled bovine carcasses and half carc 020120 -- Fresh or chilled unboned bovine meat (excl. car
020130 -- Fresh or chilled boneless bovine meat 020210 -- Frozen bovine carcasses and half carcasses
020220 -- Frozen unboned bovine meat (excl. carcasses) 020230 -- Frozen boneless bovine meat
020311 -- Fresh or chilled swine carcasses and half carca 020312 -- Fresh or chilled unboned hams, shoulders and cu
020319 -- Fresh or chilled swine meat, nes (unboned) 020321 -- Frozen swine carcasses and half carcasses
020322 -- Frozen unboned hams, shoulders and cuts thereof 020329 -- Frozen swine meat, nes
020410 -- Fresh or chilled lamb carcasses and half carcas 020421 -- Fresh or chilled sheep carcasses and half carca
020422 -- Fresh or chilled unboned meat of sheep 020423 -- Fresh or chilled boneless meat of sheep
020430 -- Frozen lamb carcasses and half carcasses 020441 -- Frozen sheep carcasses and half carcasses (excl
020442 -- Frozen unboned meat of sheep 020443 -- Frozen boned meat of sheep
020450 -- Fresh, chilled or frozen goat meat 020500 -- Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh,
020610 -- Fresh or chilled edible bovine offal 020621 -- Frozen bovine tongues
020622 -- Frozen bovine livers 020629 -- Frozen edible bovine offal (excl. tongues and l
020630 -- Fresh or chilled edible swine offal 020641 -- Frozen swine livers
020649 -- Frozen edible swine offal (excl. livers) 020680 -- Fresh or chilled edible offal of sheep, goats,
020690 -- Frozen edible offal of sheep, goats, horses... 020710 -- Fresh or chilled whole poultry
020721 -- Frozen whole chickens 020722 -- Frozen whole turkeys
020723 -- Frozen whole ducks, geese and guinea fowls 020731 -- Fresh or chilled fatty livers of geese or ducks
020739 -- Fresh or chilled poultry cuts and offal (excl. 020741 -- Frozen cuts and offal of chicken (excl. livers)
020742 -- Frozen cuts and offal of turkey (excl. livers) 020743 -- Frozen cuts and offal of geese, ducks and guine
020750 -- Frozen poultry livers 020810 -- Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal
020820 -- Fresh, chilled or frozen frogs'' legs 020890 -- Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal,
020900 -- Pig and poultry fat, fresh, chilled, frozen, sa 021011 -- Unboned swine hams, shoulders and cuts thereof,
021012 -- Bellies and cuts thereof of swine, salted... or 021019 -- Meat of swine, salted... or smoked, nes
021020 -- Meat of bovine animals, salted... or smoked 021090 -- Other meat, nes, salted... or smoked; flours an

03 - Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates

030110 -- Live ornamental fish 030191 -- Live trout
030192 -- Live eels 030193 -- Live carp
030199 -- Other live fish 030211 -- Fresh or chilled trout
030212 -- Fresh or chilled Pacific, Atlantic and Danube s 030219 -- Fresh or chilled salmonidae (excl. 0302.11 and
030221 -- Fresh or chilled halibut 030222 -- Fresh or chilled plaice
030223 -- Fresh or chilled sole 030229 -- Fresh or chilled flat fish (excl. halibut, plai
030231 -- Fresh or chilled albacore or longfinned tunas 030232 -- Fresh or chilled yellowfin tunas
030233 -- Fresh or chilled skipjack or stripe-bellied bon 030239 -- Fresh or chilled tunas, nes
030240 -- Fresh or chilled herrings (excl. livers and roe 030250 -- Fresh or chilled cod (excl. livers and roes)
030261 -- Fresh or chilled sardines, brisling or sparts 030262 -- Fresh or chilled haddock
030263 -- Fresh or chilled coalfish 030264 -- Fresh or chilled mackerel
030265 -- Fresh or chilled dogfish and other sharks 030266 -- Fresh or chilled eels
030269 -- Fresh or chilled fish, nes 030270 -- Fresh or chilled fish livers and roes
030310 -- Frozen Pacific salmon 030321 -- Frozen trout
030322 -- Frozen Atlantic and Danube salmon 030329 -- Frozen salmonidae (excl. Pacific, Atlantic, Dan
030331 -- Frozen halibut 030332 -- Frozen plaice
030333 -- Frozen sole 030339 -- Frozen flat fish (excl. halibut, plaice and sol
030341 -- Frozen albacore or longfinned tunas 030342 -- Frozen yellowfin tunas
030343 -- Frozen skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito 030349 -- Frozen tunas, nes
030350 -- Frozen herrings (excl. livers and roes) 030360 -- Frozen cod (excl. livers and roes)
030371 -- Frozen sardines, brisling or sprats 030372 -- Frozen haddock
030373 -- Frozen coalfish 030374 -- Frozen mackerel
030375 -- Frozen dogfish and sharks 030376 -- Frozen eels
030377 -- Frozen sea-bass 030378 -- Frozen hake
030379 -- Frozen fish, nes 030380 -- Frozen fish livers and roes
030410 -- Fresh or chilled fish fillets 030420 -- Frozen fish fillets
030490 -- Frozen fish meat (excl. fillets) 030510 -- Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for huma
030520 -- Livers and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in br 030530 -- Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but no
030541 -- Smoked Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon (inc 030542 -- Smoked herrings (incl. fillets)
030549 -- Smoked fish (excl. salmon and herrings) 030551 -- Dried cod, not smoked
030559 -- Dried fish, not smoked (excl. cod) 030561 -- Herrings salted or in brine but not dried or sm
030562 -- Cod salted or in brine but not dried or smoked 030563 -- Anchovies salted or in brine but not dried or s
030569 -- Other fish salted or in brine but not dried or 030611 -- Frozen rock lobster and other sea crawfish
030612 -- Frozen lobsters 030613 -- Frozen shrimps and prawns
030614 -- Frozen crabs 030619 -- Frozen crustaceans,nes,including flours,meals &
030621 -- Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (excl. froz 030622 -- Lobsters (excl.frozen)
030623 -- Shrimps and prawns (excl. frozen) 030624 -- Crabs (excl.frozen)
030629 -- Crustaceans not frozen,nes,includ.flours,meals, 030710 -- Oysters
030721 -- Scallops, live, fresh or chilled 030729 -- Scallops (excl. live, fresh or chilled)
030731 -- Mussels, live, fresh or chilled 030739 -- Mussels (excl. live, fresh or chilled)
030741 -- Cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled 030749 -- Cuttle fish and squid (excl. live, fresh or chi
030751 -- Octopus live, fresh or chilled 030759 -- Octopus (excl. live, fresh or chilled)
030760 -- Snails other than sea snails 030791 -- Aquatic invertebrates, nes, live, fresh or chil
030799 -- Aquatic invertebrates,nes,includ.flours,meals,p

07 - Vegetables and certain roots and tubers; edible

070110 -- Seed potatoes 070190 -- Other potatoes, fresh or chilled
070200 -- Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 070310 -- Onions and shallots, fresh or chilled
070320 -- Garlic, fresh or chilled 070390 -- Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, nes
070410 -- Cauliflowers and headed broccoli, fresh or chil 070420 -- Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled
070490 -- White and red cabbages, kohlrabi, kale...etc, f 070511 -- Cabbage lettuce, fresh or chilled
070519 -- Lettuce, fresh or chilled, (excl. cabbage lettu 070521 -- Witloof chicory, fresh or chilled
070529 -- Chicory, fresh or chilled, (excl. witloof) 070610 -- Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled
070690 -- Beetroot...radishes and other similar edible ro 070700 -- Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled
070810 -- Peas, fresh or chilled 070820 -- Beans, fresh or chilled
070890 -- Leguminous vegetables, fresh or chilled, nes 070910 -- Globe artichokes, fresh or chilled
070920 -- Asparagus, fresh or chilled 070930 -- Aubergines, fresh or chilled
070940 -- Celery, fresh or chilled 070951 -- Mushrooms, fresh or chilled
070952 -- Truffles, fresh or chilled 070960 -- Fruits of genus Capiscum or Pimenta, fresh or c
070970 -- Spinach, fresh or chilled 070990 -- Other vegetables, fresh or chilled, nes
071010 -- Potatoes, frozen 071021 -- Shelled or unshelled peas, frozen
071022 -- Shelled or unshelled beans, frozen 071029 -- Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fr
071030 -- Spinach, frozen 071040 -- Sweet corn, frozen
071080 -- Vegetables, frozen, nes 071090 -- Mixtures of vegetables, frozen
071110 -- Onions provisionally preserved, not for immedia 071120 -- Olives provisionally preserved, not for immedia
071130 -- Capers provisionally preserved, not for immedia 071140 -- Cucumbers and gherkins provisionally preserved
071190 -- Other vegetables and mixture of vegetables pro 071210 -- Dried potatoes
071220 -- Dried onions 071230 -- Dried mushrooms and truffles
071290 -- Dried vegetables, nes 071310 -- Dried peas, shelled
071320 -- Dried chickpeas, shelled 071331 -- Dried beans, shelled
071332 -- Dried adzuki beans, shelled 071333 -- Dried kidney beans, incl. white pea beans, shel
071339 -- Dried beans, shelled, nes 071340 -- Dried lentils, shelled
071350 -- Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled 071390 -- Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, nes
071410 -- Manioc, fresh or dried 071420 -- Sweet potatoes, fresh or dried
071490 -- Roots and tubers with high starch content, fres

08 - Fruit and nuts, edible; peel of citrus fruit or melons

080110 -- Coconuts, fresh or dried 080120 -- Brazil nuts, fresh or dried
080130 -- Cashew nuts, fresh or dried 080211 -- Almonds in shell, fresh or dried
080212 -- Almonds without shells, fresh or dried 080221 -- Hazlenuts in shell, fresh or dried
080222 -- Hazlenuts without shells, fresh or dried 080231 -- Walnuts in shell, fresh or dried
080232 -- Walnuts without shells, fresh or dried 080240 -- Chestnuts, fresh or dried
080250 -- Pistachio, fresh or dried 080290 -- Other nuts, fresh or dried, nes
080300 -- Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried 080410 -- Dates, fresh or dried
080420 -- Figs, fresh or dried 080430 -- Pineapples, fresh or dried
080440 -- Avocados, fresh or dried 080450 -- Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried
080510 -- Oranges, fresh or dried 080520 -- Mandarins, clementines, wilkings...etc, fresh o
080530 -- Lemons and limes, fresh or dried 080540 -- Grapefruit, fresh or dried
080590 -- Citrus fruit, fresh or dried, nes 080610 -- Fresh grapes
080620 -- Dried grapes 080710 -- Melons and watermelons, fresh
080720 -- Papaws (papayas), fresh 080810 -- Apples, fresh
080820 -- Pears and quinces, fresh 080910 -- Apricots, fresh
080920 -- Cherries, fresh 080930 -- Peaches, including nectarines, fresh
080940 -- Plums and sloes, fresh 081010 -- Strawberries, fresh
081020 -- Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and logan 081030 -- Black, white or red currants and gooseberries,
081040 -- Cranberries, milberries...etc, fresh 081090 -- Other fruit, fresh, nes
081110 -- Strawberries, frozen 081120 -- Raspberries, blackberries...etc, frozen
081190 -- Other fruit and nuts, frozen, nes 081210 -- Cherries, provisionally preserved, not for imme
081220 -- Strawberries, provisionally preserved, not for 081290 -- Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved, not fo
081310 -- Dried apricots 081320 -- Dried prunes
081330 -- Dried apples 081340 -- Other dried fruit, nes
081350 -- Mixtures of dried fruit and nuts, nes 081400 -- Peel of citrus fruit or melons, fresh, frozen,

12 - Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit, industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder

120100 -- Soya beans 120210 -- Ground-nuts in shell, not roasted or otherwise
120220 -- Shelled ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise c 120300 -- Copra
120400 -- Linseed 120500 -- Rape or colza seeds
120600 -- Sunflower seeds 120710 -- Palm nuts and kernels
120720 -- Cotton seeds 120730 -- Castor oil seeds
120740 -- Sesamum seeds 120750 -- Mustard seeds
120760 -- Safflower seeds 120791 -- Poppy seeds
120792 -- Shea nuts (karite nuts) 120799 -- Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, nes
120810 -- Soya bean flour and meal 120890 -- Other flours and meal of oil seeds or oleaginou
120911 -- Sugar beet seed, of a kind used for sowing 120919 -- Beet seed, of a kind used for sowing, (excl. su
120921 -- Lucerne (alfalfa) seed, of a kind used for sowi 120922 -- Clover seed, of a kind used for sowing
120923 -- Fescue seed, of a kind used for sowing 120924 -- Kentucky blue grass seed, of a kind used for so
120925 -- Rye grass seed, of a kind used for sowing 120926 -- Timothy grass seed, of a kind used for sowing
120929 -- Other seeds of forage plants, of a kind used fo 120930 -- Seeds of herbaceous plants, of a kind used for
120991 -- Vegetable seed, of a kind used for sowing 120999 -- Other seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used f
121010 -- Hop cones (excl. ground, powdered or pellets), 121020 -- Hop cones, ground, powdered or in pellets; lupu
121110 -- Liquorice roots, of a kind used in perfumery, p 121120 -- Ginseng roots, of a kind used in perfumery, pha
121190 -- Other plants or parts, of a kind used in perfum 121210 -- Locust beans (incl. locust bean seeds), fresh o
121220 -- Seaweeds and other algae used for human consump 121230 -- Apricot, peach or plum stones and kernels used
121291 -- Sugar beet, fresh or dried 121292 -- Sugar cane, fresh or dried
121299 -- Vegetable products used primarily for human con 121300 -- Cereal straw and husks
121410 -- Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets 121490 -- Other forage products, nes

15 - Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared animal fats; animal or vegetable waxes

150100 -- Lard, other pig fat and poultry fat, rendered 150200 -- Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, raw or
150300 -- Lard stearin, lardoil, oleostearin, oleo-oil an 150410 -- Fish-liver oils and their fractions
150420 -- Fish fats, oils and fractions (excl. fish liver 150430 -- Marine mammal fats, oils and their liquid fract
150510 -- Crude wool grease 150590 -- Fatty substances of crude wool grease (incl. la
150600 -- Other animal fats and oils and their fractions 150710 -- Crude soya-bean oil
150790 -- Soya-bean oil (excl. crude) and fractions 150810 -- Crude ground-nut oil
150890 -- Ground-nut oil (excl. crude) and fractions 150910 -- Virgin olive oil and fractions
150990 -- Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin) 151000 -- Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely
151110 -- Crude palm oil 151190 -- Palm oil (excl. crude) and liquid fractions
151211 -- Crude sunflower-seed and safflower oil and frac 151219 -- Sunflower-seed and safflower oil (excl. crude)
151221 -- Crude cotton-seed oil, whether or not gossypol 151229 -- Cotton-seed oil (excl. crude) and fractions the
151311 -- Crude coconut (copra) oil and fractions thereof 151319 -- Coconut copra oil (excl. crude) and fractions t
151321 -- Crude palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions 151329 -- Palm kernel or babassu oil (excl. crude) and fr
151410 -- Crude rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions 151490 -- Rape, colza or mustard oil (excl. crude) and fr
151511 -- Crude linseed oil 151519 -- Linseed oil (excl. crude) and fractions
151521 -- Crude maize (corn) oil 151529 -- Maize (corn) oil (excl. crude) and fractions
151530 -- Castor oil and its fractions 151540 -- Tung oil and its fractions
151550 -- Sesame oil and fractions 151560 -- Jojoba oil and fractions
151590 -- Other fixed vegetable fats and fractions, nes 151610 -- Animal fats and oils and fractions, hydrogenate
151620 -- Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, hy 151710 -- Margarine (excl. liquid)
151790 -- Edible preparations of fats and oils, nes 151800 -- Animal or vegetable fats and oils... chemically
151911 -- Indus.monocarboxylic fatty acids;acid oils from 151912 -- Indus.monocarboxylic fatty acids;acid oils from
151913 -- Indus.monocarbox.fatty acids;acid oils from ref 151919 -- Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids;acid oils
151920 -- Industrial fatty alcohols 152010 -- Glycerol (glycerine), crude, glycerol waters an
152090 -- Glycerol (excl. crude), including synthetic 152110 -- Vegetable waxes (excl. triglycerides)
152190 -- Beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti 152200 -- Degras; residues of fatty substances or animal

20 - Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants

200110 -- Cucumbers and gherkins, preserved by vinegar or 200120 -- Onions, prepared or preserved by vinegar or ace
200190 -- Other vegetables, fruits, etc, preserved by vin 200210 -- Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, preserved other t
200290 -- Tomatoes, preserved otherwise than by vinegar o 200310 -- Mushrooms, preserved otherwise than by vinegar
200320 -- Truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise than 200410 -- Potatoes, preserved other than by vinegar or ac
200490 -- Other vegetables preserved other than by vinega 200510 -- Homogenized vegetable, preserved other than by
200520 -- Potatoes, preserved other than by vinegar or ac 200530 -- Sauerkraut, preserved other than by vinegar or
200540 -- Peas, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic 200551 -- Shelled beans, preserved other than by vinegar,
200559 -- Beans, unshelled, preserved other than by vineg 200560 -- Asparagus, preserved other than by vinegar or a
200570 -- Olives, preserved other than by vinegar or acet 200580 -- Sweetcorn, preserved other than by vinegar or a
200590 -- Vegetables preserved other than by vinegar, etc 200600 -- Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plan
200710 -- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, etc, homogeniz 200791 -- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, etc, of citrus
200799 -- Other jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, etc, bei 200811 -- Ground-nuts, preserved
200819 -- Nuts and seeds including mixtures, preserved 200820 -- Pineapples, prepared or preserved (excl. those
200830 -- Citrus fruit, prepared or preserved (excl. thos 200840 -- Pears, prepared or preserved (excl. those of 20
200850 -- Apricots, prepared or preserved (excl. those of 200860 -- Cherries, prepared or preserved (excl. those of
200870 -- Peaches, prepared or preserved (excl. those of 200880 -- Strawberries, prepared or preserved (excl. thos
200891 -- Palm hearts, prepared or preserved (excl. those 200892 -- Mixtures of fruit, prepared or preserved (excl.
200899 -- Other fruit, etc, prepared or preserved, nes 200911 -- Frozen orange juice, unfermented, not containin
200919 -- Unfrozen orange juice, unfermented, not contain 200920 -- Grapefruit juice, unfermented, not containing a
200930 -- Single citrus fruit juice, (excl. orange and gr 200940 -- Pineapple juice, unfermented, not containing ad
200950 -- Tomato juice, unfermented, not containing added 200960 -- Grape juice, (incl. must), unfermented, not con
200970 -- Apple juice, unfermented, not containing added 200980 -- Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c
200990 -- Mixtures of juices, unfermented, not containing

25 - Salt; sulphur; earths, stone; plastering materials, lime and cement

250100 -- Salt and pure sodium chloride; sea water 250200 -- Unroasted iron pyrites
250310 -- Crude or unrefined sulphur 250390 -- Other sulphur (excl. crude, sublimed, precipita
250410 -- Natural graphite in powder or in flakes 250490 -- Other natural graphite (excl. in powder or in f
250510 -- Silica sands and quartz sands 250590 -- Natural sands, (excl. metal-bearing sands of Ch
250610 -- Quartz 250621 -- Crude or roughly trimmed quartzite
250629 -- Quartzite cut into rectangular blocks or slabs 250700 -- Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not
250810 -- Bentonite 250820 -- Decolourizing earths and fuller''s earth
250830 -- Fire-clay 250840 -- Other clays, nes
250850 -- Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite 250860 -- Mullite
250870 -- Chamotte or dinas earths 250900 -- Chalk
251010 -- Unground natural calcium phosphates, aluminium 251020 -- Ground natural calcium phosphates, aluminium ca
251110 -- Natural barium sulphate (barytes) 251120 -- Natural barium carbonate (whitherite)
251200 -- Siliceous fossil meals (kieselguhr, tripolite, 251311 -- Pumice stone, crude or in irregular pieces, (in
251319 -- Other pumice stone, nes 251321 -- Emery... and other natural abrasives, crude or
251329 -- Emery... and other natural abrasives, nes 251400 -- Slate, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut
251511 -- Marble and travertine crude or roughly trimmed 251512 -- Marble and travertine merely cut into a square
251520 -- Ecaussine and other calcarcous building stone; 251611 -- Granite, crude or roughly trimmed
251612 -- Granite, merely cut into a square or rectangula 251621 -- Sandstone, crude or roughly trimmed
251622 -- Sandstone, merely cut into a square or rectangu 251690 -- Porphyry, sylnite, etc, merely cut into a squar
251710 -- Pebbles, gravel, shingle and flint 251720 -- Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial wa
251730 -- Tarred macadam 251741 -- Marble granules, chippings and powder
251749 -- Granules, chippings and powder of stones (excl. 251810 -- Dolomite not calcined
251820 -- Calcined dolomite 251830 -- Agglomerated dolomite (incl. tarred dolomite)
251910 -- Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) 251990 -- Magnesia and other magnesium oxide
252010 -- Gypsum; anhydrite 252020 -- Plasters
252100 -- Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous 252210 -- Quicklime
252220 -- Slaked lime 252230 -- Hydraulic lime
252310 -- Cement clinkers 252321 -- White portland cement
252329 -- Portland cement (excl. white) 252330 -- Aluminous cement
252390 -- Other hydraulic cements, etc 252400 -- Asbestos
252510 -- Crude mica and mica rifted into sheets or split 252520 -- Mica powder
252530 -- Mica waste 252610 -- Natural steatite, talc, not crushed or powdered
252620 -- Natural steatite, talc, crushed or powdered 252700 -- Natural cryolite; natural chiolite
252810 -- Natural sodium borates and concentrates thereof 252890 -- Natural borates (excl. sodium) and concentrates
252910 -- Felspar 252921 -- Fluorspar containing by weight <=97% of calcium
252922 -- Fluorspar containing by weight >97% of calcium 252930 -- Leucite nepheline and nepheline syenite
253010 -- Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites (unexpanded) 253020 -- Kieserite, epsomite (natural magnesium sulphate
253030 -- Earth colours 253040 -- Natural micaceous iron oxides
253090 -- Other mineral substances, nes

26 - Ores, slag and ash

260111 -- Non-agglomerated iron ores and concentrates 260112 -- Agglomerated iron ores and concentrates
260120 -- Roasted iron pyrites 260200 -- Manganese ores and concentrates, with a mangane
260300 -- Copper ores and concentrates 260400 -- Nickel ores and concentrates
260500 -- Cobalt ores and concentrates 260600 -- Aluminium ores and concentrates
260700 -- Lead ores and concentrates 260800 -- Zinc ores and concentrates
260900 -- Tin ores and concentrates 261000 -- Chromium ores and concentrates
261100 -- Tungsten ores and concentrates 261210 -- Uranium ores and concentrates
261220 -- Thorium ores and concentrates 261310 -- Roasted molybdenum ores and concentrates
261390 -- Molybdenum ores and concentrates (excl. roasted 261400 -- Titanium ores and concentrates
261510 -- Zirconium ores and concentrates 261590 -- Niobium, tantalum and vanadium ores and concent
261610 -- Silver ores and concentrates 261690 -- Precious metal ores and concentrates (excl. sil
261710 -- Antimony ores and concentrates 261790 -- Other ores and concentrates, nes
261800 -- Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufactur 261900 -- Slag, dross, etc, from the manufacture of iron
262011 -- Hard zinc spelter 262019 -- Ash and residues containing mainly zinc (excl.
262020 -- Ash and residues containing mainly lead 262030 -- Ash and residues containing mainly copper
262040 -- Ash and residues containing mainly aluminium 262050 -- Ash and residues containing mainly vanadium
262090 -- Ash and residues containing other metals or met 262100 -- Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp

27 - Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes

270111 -- Anthracite, not agglomerated 270112 -- Bituminous coal, not agglomerated
270119 -- Other coal, not agglomerated, nes 270120 -- Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manu
270210 -- Lignite, not agglomerated 270220 -- Agglomerated lignite
270300 -- Peat (incl. peat litter) 270400 -- Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of pe
270500 -- Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar g 270600 -- Tar distilled from coal, lignite or peat, and o
270710 -- Benzole 270720 -- Toluole
270730 -- Xylole 270740 -- Naphthalene
270750 -- Aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures which >=65% disti 270760 -- Phenols
270791 -- Creosote oils 270799 -- Other oils and oil products, nes
270810 -- Pitch obtained from coal tar or from other mine 270820 -- Pitch coke obtained from coal tar or from other
270900 -- Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminou 271000 -- Petroleum oils, etc, (excl. crude); preparation
271111 -- Natural gas, liquefied 271112 -- Propane, liquefied
271113 -- Butanes, liquefied 271114 -- Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene, li
271119 -- Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, 271121 -- Natural gas in gaseous state
271129 -- Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons 271210 -- Petroleum jelly
271220 -- Paraffin wax, containing <0.75% oil 271290 -- Other paraffin wax... and similar products, nes
271311 -- Petroleum coke, not calcined 271312 -- Calcined petroleum coke
271320 -- Petroleum bitumen 271390 -- Other residues of petroleum oils , etc
271410 -- Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands 271490 -- Bitumen and asphalt; natural asphaltites and as
271500 -- Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, b 271600 -- Electrical energy

28 - Inorganic chemicals; organic and inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare earth metals, of radio-active elements and of isotopes

280110 -- Chlorine 280120 -- Iodine
280130 -- Fluorine; bromine 280200 -- Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal su
280300 -- Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon 280410 -- Hydrogen
280421 -- Argon 280429 -- Rare gases (excl. argon)
280430 -- Nitrogen 280440 -- Oxygen
280450 -- Boron; tellurium 280461 -- Silicon containing by weight >=99.99% silicon
280469 -- Silicon containing by weight <99.99% silicon 280470 -- Phosphorus
280480 -- Arsenic 280490 -- Selenium
280511 -- Sodium 280519 -- Alkali metals (excl. sodium)
280521 -- Calcium 280522 -- Strontium and barium
280530 -- Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium 280540 -- Mercury
280610 -- Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) 280620 -- Chlorosulphuric acid
280700 -- Sulphuric acid; oleum 280800 -- Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids
280910 -- Diphosphorus pentaoxide 280920 -- Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids
281000 -- Oxides of boron; boric acids 281111 -- Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid)
281119 -- Other inorganic acids, nes 281121 -- Carbon dioxide
281122 -- Silicon dioxide 281123 -- Sulphur dioxide
281129 -- Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals, 281210 -- Chlorides and chlorides oxides of non-metals
281290 -- Halides and halide oxides of non-metals, nes 281310 -- Carbon disulphide
281390 -- Sulphides of non-metals (excl. carbon)commercia 281410 -- Anhydrous ammonia
281420 -- Ammonia in aqueous solution 281511 -- Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), solid
281512 -- Sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution (soda lye 281520 -- Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)
281530 -- Peroxides of sodium or potassium 281610 -- Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium
281620 -- Oxide, hydroxide and peroxide of strontium 281630 -- Oxide, hydroxide and peroxide of barium
281700 -- Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide 281810 -- Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically
281820 -- Aluminium oxide, other than artificial corundum 281830 -- Aluminium hydroxide
281910 -- Chromium trioxide 281990 -- Chromium oxides and hydroxides (excl. chromium
282010 -- Manganese dioxide 282090 -- Manganese oxides (excl. manganese dioxide)
282110 -- Iron oxides and hydroxides 282120 -- Earth colours containing >=70% iron(III)oxide
282200 -- Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt 282300 -- Titanium oxides
282410 -- Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) 282420 -- Red lead and orange lead
282490 -- Lead oxides, nes 282510 -- Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic
282520 -- Lithium oxide and hydroxide 282530 -- Vanadium oxides and hydroxides
282540 -- Nickel oxides and hydroxides 282550 -- Copper oxides and hydroxides
282560 -- Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxides 282570 -- Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides
282580 -- Antimony oxides 282590 -- Other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydr
282611 -- Fluorides of ammonium or of sodium 282612 -- Fluorides of aluminium
282619 -- Fluorides, nes 282620 -- Fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium
282630 -- Sodium hexafloroaluminate (synthetic cryolite) 282690 -- Fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine sal
282710 -- Ammonium chloride 282720 -- Calcium chloride
282731 -- Magnesium chloride 282732 -- Aluminium chloride
282733 -- Iron chloride 282734 -- Cobalt chloride
282735 -- Nickel chloride 282736 -- Zinc chloride
282737 -- Tin chloride 282738 -- Barium chloride
282739 -- Chlorides, nes 282741 -- Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of copp
282749 -- Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides (excl. 282751 -- Bromides of sodium or of potassium
282759 -- Bromides and bromide oxides (excl. of sodium an 282760 -- Iodides and iodide oxides
282810 -- Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calci 282890 -- Hypochlorites (excl. of calcium) and chlorites;
282911 -- Chlorates of sodium 282919 -- Chlorates (excl. of sodium)
282990 -- Perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates 283010 -- Sodium sulphides
283020 -- Zinc sulphide 283030 -- Cadmium sulphide
283090 -- Other sulphides and polysulphides 283110 -- Dithionites and sulphoxylates of sodium
283190 -- Dithionites and sulphoxylates (excl. of sodium) 283210 -- Sodium sulphites
283220 -- Sulphites (excl. sodium) 283230 -- Thiosulphates
283311 -- Disodium sulphate 283319 -- Sodium sulphates (excl. disodium sulphate)
283321 -- Sulphates of magnesium 283322 -- Sulphates of aluminium
283323 -- Sulphates of chromium 283324 -- Sulphates of nickel
283325 -- Sulphates of copper 283326 -- Sulphates of zinc
283327 -- Sulphates of barium 283329 -- Other sulphates, nes
283330 -- Alums 283340 -- Peroxosulphates (persulphates)
283410 -- Nitrites 283421 -- Nitrates of potassium
283422 -- Nitrates of bismuth 283429 -- Nitrates of barium; of beryllium; of cadmium; o
283510 -- Phosphinates and phosphonates 283521 -- Phosphates of triammonium
283522 -- Phosphates of mono or disodium 283523 -- Phosphates of trisodium
283524 -- Phosphates of potassium 283525 -- Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate (dicalcium phosp
283526 -- Phosphates of calcium, nes 283529 -- Phosphates (excl. polyphosphates)
283531 -- Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphates) 283539 -- Polyphosphates, nes
283610 -- Commercial ammonium carbonate and other ammoniu 283620 -- Disodium carbonate
283630 -- Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) 283640 -- Potassium carbonates
283650 -- Calcium carbonate 283660 -- Barium carbonate
283670 -- Lead carbonate 283691 -- Lithium carbonates
283692 -- Strontium carbonate 283693 -- Bismuth carbonate
283699 -- Other carbonates; peroxocarbonates 283711 -- Cyanides and cyanide oxides of sodium
283719 -- Cyanides, cyanide oxides (excl. sodium) 283720 -- Complex cyanides
283800 -- Fulminates; cyanates and thiocyanates 283911 -- Sodium metasilicates
283919 -- Silicates of sodium (excl. metasilicates) 283920 -- Silicates of potassium
283990 -- Other silicates (excl. of sodium and potassium) 284011 -- Anhydrous disodium tetraborate (refined borax)
284019 -- Disodium tetraborate, not anhydrous 284020 -- Other borates, nes
284030 -- Peroxoborates 284110 -- Aluminates
284120 -- Chromates of zinc or of lead 284130 -- Sodium dichromate
284140 -- Potassium dichromate 284150 -- Other chromates and dichromates, nes; peroxochr
284160 -- Manganites, manganates and permanganates 284170 -- Molybdates
284180 -- Tungstates (wolframates) 284190 -- Other salts of oxometallic and peroxometallic a
284210 -- Double or complex silicates 284290 -- Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (
284310 -- Colloidal precious metals 284321 -- Silver nitrate
284329 -- Silver compounds (excl. silver nitrate) 284330 -- Gold compounds
284390 -- Other compounds, nes, and amalgams of precious 284410 -- Natural uranium and its compounds, etc
284420 -- Enriched uranium and plutonium and their compou 284430 -- Depleted uranium and thorium and their compound
284440 -- Radioactive elements/isotopes and their compoun 284450 -- Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) o
284510 -- Heavy water (deuterium oxide) 284590 -- Other isotopes and their inorganic or organic c
284610 -- Cerium compounds 284690 -- Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth
284700 -- Hydrogen peroxide 284810 -- Phosphides of copper (phosphor copper), contain
284890 -- Phosphides of other metals, nes, or of non-meta 284910 -- Carbides of calcium
284920 -- Carbides of silicon 284990 -- Other carbides (excl. of calcium and silicon)
285000 -- Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borid 285100 -- Other inorganic compounds; liquid air; compress

29 - Organic chemicals

290110 -- Acyclic hydrocarbons, saturated 290121 -- Ethylene
290122 -- Propene (propylene) 290123 -- Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof
290124 -- Buta-1,3-diene and isoprene 290129 -- Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons, nes
290211 -- Cyclohexane 290219 -- Cyclanes, cyclenes and cycloterpenes
290220 -- Benzene 290230 -- Toluene
290241 -- o-Xylene 290242 -- m-Xylene
290243 -- p-Xylene 290244 -- Mixed xylene isomers
290250 -- Styrene 290260 -- Ethylbenzene
290270 -- Cumene 290290 -- Other cyclic hydrocarbons, nes
290311 -- Chloromethane (methyl chloride) and chloroethan 290312 -- Dichloromethane (methylene chloride)
290313 -- Chloroform (trichloromethane) 290314 -- Carbon tetrachloride
290315 -- 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) 290316 -- 1,2-Dichloropropane (propylene dichloride) and
290319 -- Saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hy 290321 -- Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene)
290322 -- Trichloroethylene 290323 -- Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene)
290329 -- Unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic 290330 -- Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivitive
290340 -- Halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons 290351 -- 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane
290359 -- Halogenated derivatives of cyclanic... cycloter 290361 -- Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene and p-dichloro
290362 -- Hexachlorobenzene and DDT(1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-b 290369 -- Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbon
290410 -- Hydrocarbon derivatives containing only sulpho 290420 -- Hydrocarbon derivatives containing only nitro/n
290490 -- Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives 290511 -- Methanol (methyl alcohol)
290512 -- Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (i 290513 -- Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol)
290514 -- Other butanols, nes 290515 -- Pentanol (amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof
290516 -- Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof 290517 -- Dodecan-1-ol, hexadecan-1-ol and octadecan-1-ol
290519 -- Saturated monohydric alcohols, nes 290521 -- Allyl alcohol
290522 -- Acyclic terpene alcohols 290529 -- Unsaturated monohydric alcohols, nes
290531 -- Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) 290532 -- Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol)
290539 -- Other diols, nes 290541 -- 2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol (trim
290542 -- Pentaerythritol 290543 -- Mannitol
290544 -- D-glucitol (sorbitol) 290549 -- Other polyhydric alcohols, nes
290550 -- Halogenated... or nitrosated derivatives of acy 290611 -- Menthol
290612 -- Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols and dimethylc 290613 -- Sterols and inositols
290614 -- Terpineols 290619 -- Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic alcohols an
290621 -- Benzyl alcohol 290629 -- Aromatic alcohols and their derivatives, nes
290711 -- Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts 290712 -- Cresols and their salts
290713 -- Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers; sal 290714 -- Xylenols and their salts
290715 -- Naphthols and their salts 290719 -- Other monophenols, nes
290721 -- Resorcinol and its salts 290722 -- Hydroquinone (quinol) and its salts
290723 -- 4,4-Isopropylidenediphenol (bisphenol A, diphen 290729 -- Other polyphenols, nes
290730 -- Phenol-alcohols 290810 -- Phenol or phenol-alcohol derivatives containing
290820 -- Phenol or phenol-alcohol derivatives containing 290890 -- Other halogenated... or nitrosated derivatives
290911 -- Diethyl ether 290919 -- Other acyclic ethers and their halogenated... d
290920 -- Cyclanic, cyclenic... ethers and their halogena 290930 -- Aromatic ethers and their halogenated... deriva
290941 -- 2,2-Oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol, digol) 290942 -- Monomethyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diet
290943 -- Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of dieth 290944 -- Other monoalkylethers of ethylene glycol or of
290949 -- Other acyclic ether-alcohols and their halogena 290950 -- Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols and haloge
290960 -- Alcohol, ether and ketone peroxides and their.. 291010 -- Oxirane (ethylene oxide)
291020 -- Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) 291030 -- 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin)
291090 -- Epoxides... with a three-membered ring and deri 291100 -- Acetals and hemiacetals and their halogenated..
291211 -- Methanal (formaldehyde) 291212 -- Ethanal (acetaldehyde)
291213 -- Butanal (butyaldehyde, normal isomer) 291219 -- Other acyclic aldehydes, without oxygen functio
291221 -- Benzaldehyde 291229 -- Other cyclic aldehydes, without oxygen function
291230 -- Aldehyde-alcohols 291241 -- Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde)
291242 -- Ethylvanillin (3-ethoxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde) 291249 -- Aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols, aldehydes, w
291250 -- Cyclic polymers of aldehydes 291260 -- Paraformaldehyde
291300 -- Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosate 291411 -- Acetone
291412 -- Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) 291413 -- 4-Methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobutyl ketone)
291419 -- Other acyclic ketones, without oxygen function, 291421 -- Camphor
291422 -- Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones 291423 -- Ionones and methylionones
291429 -- Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones wit 291430 -- Aromatic ketones without oxygen function
291441 -- 4-Hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one (diacetone alcoh 291449 -- Ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes (excl. dia
291450 -- Ketone-phenols and ketones with oxygen function 291461 -- Anthraquinone
291469 -- Quinones (excl. anthraquinone) 291470 -- Halogenated... or nitrosated derivatives of ket
291511 -- Formic acid 291512 -- Salts of formic acid
291513 -- Esters of formic acid 291521 -- Acetic acid
291522 -- Sodium acetate 291523 -- Cobalt acetates
291524 -- Acetic anhydride 291529 -- Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal
291531 -- Ethyl acetate 291532 -- Vinyl acetate
291533 -- n-Butyl acetate 291534 -- Isobutyl acetate
291535 -- 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 291539 -- Other esters of acetic acids, nes
291540 -- Mono-, di- or trichloroacetic acids, their salt 291550 -- Propionic acid, its salts and esters
291560 -- Butyric acids, valeric acids, their salts and e 291570 -- Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and es
291590 -- Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and thei 291611 -- Acrylic acid and its salts
291612 -- Esters of acrylic acid 291613 -- Methacrylic acid and its salts
291614 -- Esters of methacrylic acid 291615 -- Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts
291619 -- Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and th 291620 -- Cyclanic...cycloterpenic monocarboxylic acids,
291631 -- Benzoic acid, its salts and esters 291632 -- Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride
291633 -- Phenylacetic acid, its salts and esters 291639 -- Aromatic monocarboxylic acids, etc, their... de
291711 -- Oxalic acid, its salts and esters 291712 -- Adipic acid, its salts and esters
291713 -- Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their salts and est 291714 -- Maleic anhydride
291719 -- Acyclic polycarboxylic acids, etc, their... der 291720 -- Cyclanic... cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids,
291731 -- Dibutyl orthophthalates 291732 -- Dioctyl orthophthalates
291733 -- Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates 291734 -- Other esters of orthophthalic acid, nes
291735 -- Phthalic anhydride 291736 -- Terephthalic acid and its salts
291737 -- Dimethyl terephthalate 291739 -- Aromatic polycarboxylic acids, etc, their... de
291811 -- Lactic acid, its salts and esters 291812 -- Tartaric acid
291813 -- Salts and esters of tartaric acid 291814 -- Citric acid
291815 -- Salts and esters of citric acid 291816 -- Gluconic acid, its salts and esters
291817 -- Phenylglycolic acid (mandelic acid), its salts 291819 -- Carboxylic acids with alcohol function, without
291821 -- Salicylic acid and its salts 291822 -- O-Acetylsalicylic acid, its salts and esters
291823 -- Other esters of salicylic acid and their salts 291829 -- Carboxylic acids with phenol function, without
291830 -- Carboxylic acids with aldehyde, ketone but with 291890 -- Carboxylic acids with oxygen function, etc, the
291900 -- Phosphoric esters, etc (incl. lactophosphates); 292010 -- Triophosphoric esters (phosphorothioates) their
292090 -- Esters of other inorganic acids (excl. of hydro 292111 -- Methylamine, di- or trimethylamine and their sa
292112 -- Diethylamine and its salts 292119 -- Acylic monoamines and their derivatives, nes; s
292121 -- Ethylenediamine and its salts 292122 -- Hexamethylenediamine and its salts
292129 -- Acyclic polyamines and their derivatives, nes; 292130 -- Cyclanic...or cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines
292141 -- Aniline and its salts 292142 -- Aniline derivatives and their salts
292143 -- Toluidines and derivatives; salts thereof 292144 -- Diphenylamine and its derivatives; salts thereo
292145 -- 1-Naphthylamine, 2-naphthylamine and their deri 292149 -- Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives, nes;
292151 -- o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, diaminotoluenes, et 292159 -- Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives, nes;
292211 -- Monoethanolamine and its salts 292212 -- Diethanolamine and its salts
292213 -- Triethanolamine and its salts 292219 -- Amino-alcohols, their ethers and esters with on
292221 -- Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulphonic acids and thei 292222 -- Anisidines, dianisidines, phenetidines, and the
292229 -- Amino-naphthols and -phenols, etc... one oxygen 292230 -- Amino-aldehydes, ketones quinones, not >1 oxyge
292241 -- Lysine and its esters; salts thereof 292242 -- Glutamic acid and its salts
292249 -- Amino-acids and their esters, not >1 oxygen fun 292250 -- Amino-alcohol/acid-phenols; amino-compounds wit
292310 -- Choline and its salts 292320 -- Lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids
292390 -- Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides, nes 292410 -- Acyclic amides (incl. acyclic carbamates) and d
292421 -- Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof 292429 -- Cyclic amides (incl. carbamates) and derivative
292511 -- Saccharin and its salts 292519 -- Imides and their derivatives; salts thereof (ex
292520 -- Imines and their derivatives; salts thereof 292610 -- Acrylonitrile
292620 -- 1-Cyanoguanidine (dicyanidiamide) 292690 -- Nitrile-function compounds, nes
292700 -- Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds 292800 -- Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxyi
292910 -- Isocyanates 292990 -- Compounds with other nitrogen function, nes
293010 -- Dithiocarbonates (xanthates) 293020 -- Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates
293030 -- Thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides 293040 -- Methionine
293090 -- Other organo-sulphur compounds, nes 293100 -- Other organo-inorganic compounds
293211 -- Tetrahydrofuran 293212 -- 2-Furaldehyde (furfuraldehyde)
293213 -- Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol 293219 -- Compounds containing an unfused furan ring in t
293221 -- Coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins 293229 -- Lactones, nes
293290 -- Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom( 293311 -- Phenazone (antipyrin) and its derivatives
293319 -- Compounds containing an unfused pyrazole ring i 293321 -- Hydantoin and its derivatives
293329 -- Compounds containing an unfused imidazole ring 293331 -- Pyridine and its salts
293339 -- Compounds containing an unfused pyridine ring i 293340 -- Compounds with quinoline or isoquinoline ring-s
293351 -- Malonylurea (barbituric acid) and its derivativ 293359 -- Compounds with pyrimidine or piperazine ring; n
293361 -- Melamine 293369 -- Compounds containing an unfused triazine ring i
293371 -- 6-Hexanelactam (epsilon-caprolactam) 293379 -- Lactams (excl. epsilon-caprolactam)
293390 -- Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-ato 293410 -- Compounds containing an unfused thiazole ring i
293420 -- Compounds containing a benzothiazole ring-syste 293430 -- Compounds containing a phenothiazine ring-syste
293490 -- Other heterocyclic compounds, nes 293500 -- Sulphonamides
293610 -- Provitamins, unmixed 293621 -- Vitamins A and their derivatives, unmixed
293622 -- Vitamin B1 and its derivatives, unmixed 293623 -- Vitamin B2 and its derivatives, unmixed
293624 -- D- or DL- Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B3 or B5) a 293625 -- Vitamin B6 and its derivatives, unmixed
293626 -- Vitamin B12 and its derivatives, unmixed 293627 -- Vitamin C and its derivatives, unmixed
293628 -- Vitamin E and its derivatives, unmixed 293629 -- Other vitamins and their derivatives, unmixed,
293690 -- Other vitamines (incl. natural concentrates), n 293710 -- Pituitary (anterior) or similar hormones, and t
293721 -- Cortisone, hydrocortisone... and predisolone (d 293722 -- Halogenated derivatives of adrenal cortical hor
293729 -- Adrenal cortical hormones and their derivatives 293791 -- Insulin and its salts
293792 -- Oestrogens and progestogens 293799 -- Other hormones and derivatives, nes; other ster
293810 -- Rutoside (rutin) and its derivatives 293890 -- Glycosides and their salts, ethers, esters and
293910 -- Alkaloids of opium and their derivatives; salts 293921 -- Quinine and its salts
293929 -- Other alkaloids of cinchona and their derivativ 293930 -- Caffeine and its salts
293940 -- Ephedrines and their salts 293950 -- Theophylline and aminophylline and derivatives
293960 -- Alkaloids of rye ergot and their derivatives; s 293970 -- Nicotine and its salts
293990 -- Other vegetable alkaloids and their salts, etc; 294000 -- Sugars, pure (excl. glucose, etc); sugar ethers
294110 -- Penicillins and derivatives with a penicillanic 294120 -- Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts ther
294130 -- Tetracyclines and their derivatives; salts ther 294140 -- Chloramphenicol and its derivatives; salts ther
294150 -- Erythromycin and its derivatives; salts thereof 294190 -- Other antibiotics, nes
294200 -- Other organic compounds, nes

30 - Pharmaceutical products

300110 -- Glands and other organs, dried 300120 -- Extracts of glands or other organs or of their
300190 -- Substances of human or animal origin, for proph 300210 -- Antisera and other blood fractions
300220 -- Vaccines for human medicine 300231 -- Vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease
300239 -- Other vaccines for veterinary medicine (excl. f 300290 -- Human and animal blood; microbial cultures; tox
300310 -- Medicaments of penicillins... or streptomycins. 300320 -- Medicaments of other antibiotics, not for retai
300331 -- Medicaments of insulin, not for retail sale 300339 -- Medicaments of other hormones, not for retail s
300340 -- Medicaments of alkaloids or derivatives thereof 300390 -- Other medicaments with >=2 constituents, not fo
300410 -- Medicaments of penicillins... or streptomycins. 300420 -- Medicaments of other antibiotics, for retail sa
300431 -- Medicaments of insulin, for retail sale 300432 -- Medicaments of adrenal cortical hormones, for r
300439 -- Medicaments of other hormones, for retail sale, 300440 -- Medicaments of alkaloids or derivatives thereof
300450 -- Other medicaments of vitamins or other products 300490 -- Other medicaments of mixed or unmixed products,
300510 -- Adhesive dressings..., for medical... purposes 300590 -- Wadding, gauze, etc with pharmaceutical substan
300610 -- Materials for surgical sutures; laminaria ; abs 300620 -- Blood-grouping reagents
300630 -- Opacifying preparations for X-ray examinations; 300640 -- Dental cements and other dental fillings; bone
300650 -- First-aid boxes and kits 300660 -- Chemical contraceptive preparations based on ho

32 - Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter; paints, varnishes; putty, other mastics; inks

320110 -- Quebracho extract 320120 -- Wattle extract
320130 -- Oak or chestnut extract 320190 -- Tanning extracts of vegetable origin; tannins a
320210 -- Synthetic organic tanning substances 320290 -- Inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparati
320300 -- Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, 320411 -- Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon
320412 -- Acid dyes and preparations; mordant dyes and pr 320413 -- Basic dyes and preparations based thereon
320414 -- Direct dyes and preparations based thereon 320415 -- Vat dyes and preparations based thereon
320416 -- Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon 320417 -- Pigments and preparations based thereon
320419 -- Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparat 320420 -- Synthetic organic products used as fluorescent
320490 -- Synthetic organic products used as luminophores 320500 -- Colour lakes; preparations based on colour lake
320610 -- Pigments and preparations based on titanium dio 320620 -- Pigments and preparations based on chromium com
320630 -- Pigments and preparations based on cadminum com 320641 -- Ultramarine and preparations based thereon
320642 -- Lithopone and other pigments and preparations b 320643 -- Pigments and preparations based on hexacyanofer
320649 -- Other colouring matter; preparations as specifi 320650 -- Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophor
320710 -- Prepared pigments, opacifiers and colours... fo 320720 -- Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, englobes and si
320730 -- Liquid lustres and similar preparations 320740 -- Glass frit and other glass in the form of powde
320810 -- Paints... based on polyesters, in a non-aqueous 320820 -- Paints... based on acrylic or vinyl polymers, i
320890 -- Paints and varnishes, in a non-aqueous medium, 320910 -- Paints... based on acrylic or vinyl polymers, i
320990 -- Paints and varnishes, in an aqueous medium, nes 321000 -- Other paints and varnishes (incl. enamels...)..
321100 -- Prepared driers 321210 -- Stamping foils
321290 -- Pigments in non-aqueous media, nes, for retail 321310 -- Colours in sets
321390 -- Artists'', students'' or signboard painters'' colo 321410 -- Mastics and painters fillings
321490 -- Glaziers putty, etc, non-refractory surfacing p 321511 -- Black printing ink, whether or not concentrated
321519 -- Printing ink, whether or not concentrated or so 321590 -- Other ink, whether or not concentrated or solid

33 - Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations

330111 -- Essential oils of bergamot (incl. concretes and 330112 -- Essential oils of orange (incl. concretes and a
330113 -- Essential oils of lemon (incl. concretes and ab 330114 -- Essential oils of lime (incl. concretes and abs
330119 -- Essential oils of citrus fruit (incl. concretes 330121 -- Essential oils of geranium (incl. concretes and
330122 -- Essential oils of jasmin (incl. concretes and a 330123 -- Essential oils of lavender or lavandin (incl. c
330124 -- Essential oils of peppermint (incl. concretes a 330125 -- Essential oils of mints (incl. concretes and ab
330126 -- Essential oils of vetiver (incl. concretes and 330129 -- Essential oils (incl. concretes and absolutes),
330130 -- Resinoids 330190 -- Concentrates of essential oils in fats... aqueo
330210 -- Mixtures of odoriferous substances, for the foo 330290 -- Mixtures of odoriferous substances, as raw mate
330300 -- Perfumes and toilet waters 330410 -- Lip make-up preparations
330420 -- Eye make-up preparations 330430 -- Manicure or pedicure preparations
330491 -- Powders, whether or not compressed, for cosmeti 330499 -- Beauty, make-up, skin-care (incl. suntan), nes
330510 -- Shampoos 330520 -- Preparations for permanent waving or straighten
330530 -- Hair lacquers 330590 -- Preparations for use on the hair, nes
330610 -- Dentifrices 330690 -- Preparations for oral or dental hygiene (incl.
330710 -- Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations 330720 -- Personal deodorants and antiperspirants
330730 -- Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations 330741 -- Agarbatti and other odiferous preparations whic
330749 -- Preparations for deodorizing rooms, nes 330790 -- Other perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparation

37 - Photographic or cinematographic goods

370110 -- Photographic plates... for X-ray, in the flat, 370120 -- Instant print flat film, unexposed
370130 -- Plates and film, in the flat with any side >255 370191 -- Photographic plates..., in the flat for colour
370199 -- Photographic plates and film, in the flat (excl 370210 -- Photographic film in rolls, for X-ray, unexpose
370220 -- Instant print film in rolls, unexposed 370231 -- Polychrome film, in rolls, non-perforated, of w
370232 -- Film, in rolls, non-perforated, with silver... 370239 -- Film, in rolls, non-perforated, of width =<105m
370241 -- Polychrome film, in rolls, non-perforated, widt 370242 -- Film, in rolls, non-perforated, width >610mm le
370243 -- Film, in rolls, non-perforated, width >610mm an 370244 -- Film, in rolls, non-perforated, width >105mm bu
370251 -- Polychrome film, in rolls, width =<16mm and len 370252 -- Polychrome film, in rolls, width =<16mm and len
370253 -- Polychrome slide film, in rolls, width >16mm bu 370254 -- Polychrome film, in rolls, width >16mm but =<35
370255 -- Polychrome film, in rolls, width >16mm but =<35 370256 -- Polychrome film, in rolls, width >35mm
370291 -- Film, in rolls, width =<16mm and length =<14m ( 370292 -- Film, in rolls, width =<16mm and length >14m (e
370293 -- Film, in rolls, width >16mm but =<35mm and leng 370294 -- Film, in rolls, width >16mm but =<35mm and leng
370295 -- Film, in rolls, width >35mm (excl. colour) 370310 -- Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, i
370320 -- Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles fo 370390 -- Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n
370400 -- Photographic plates, film, paper..., exposed bu 370510 -- Photographic plates..., exposed and developed,
370520 -- Microfilms, exposed and developed 370590 -- Photographic plates..., exposed and developed,
370610 -- Cinematographic film, exposed and developed, wi 370690 -- Cinematographic film, exposed and developed, wi
370710 -- Sensitising emulsions for photographic uses 370790 -- Chemical preparations for photograpic use, nes

38 - Chemical products n.e.s.

380110 -- Artificial graphite 380120 -- Colloidal graphite or semi-colloidal graphite
380130 -- Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and pastes f 380190 -- Preparations based on graphite or carbon in the
380210 -- Activated carbon 380290 -- Activated natural mineral products; animal blac
380300 -- Tall oil, whether or not refined 380400 -- Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp
380510 -- Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils 380520 -- Pine oil containing alpha-terpined as the main
380590 -- Other turpenic oils, nes; crude dipentene, etc 380610 -- Rosin and resin acids
380620 -- Salts of rosin or of resin acids 380630 -- Ester gums
380690 -- Derivatives of rosin and resin acids, nes; rosi 380700 -- Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood na
380810 -- Insecticides, put up for retail sale 380820 -- Fungicides, put up for retail sale
380830 -- Herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant g 380840 -- Disinfectants, put up for retail sale
380890 -- Rodenticides and similar products, put up for r 380910 -- Finishing agents, etc, with amylaceous basis
380991 -- Finishing agents, etc, of a kind used in the te 380992 -- Finishing agents, etc, of a kind used in the pa
380993 -- Finishing agents, etc, of a kind used in the le 381010 -- Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; solde
381090 -- Preparations such as fluxes for soldering..., e 381111 -- Anti-knock preparations based on lead compounds
381119 -- Anti-knock preparations (excl. based on lead) 381121 -- Additives for lubricating oils with petroleum o
381129 -- Additives for lubricating oils (excl. with petr 381190 -- Other additives other than for lubricating oils
381210 -- Prepared rubber accelerators 381220 -- Compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics, n
381230 -- Anti-oxidising preparations and stabilisers for 381300 -- Preparations for fire-extinguishers; charged fi
381400 -- Organic composite solvents and thinners, nes; p 381511 -- Supported catalysts with nickel or its compound
381512 -- Supported catalysts with precious metal or its 381519 -- Supported catalysts, nes
381590 -- Reaction initiators, accelerators and catalytic 381600 -- Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and simi
381710 -- Mixed alkylbenzenes, nes 381720 -- Mixed alkylnaphthalenes, nes
381800 -- Chemical elements in disk form and compounds, d 381900 -- Hydraulic brake fluids and similar liquids with
382000 -- Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icin 382100 -- Prepared culture media for development of micro
382200 -- Composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents, ne 382310 -- Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores
382320 -- Naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts a 382330 -- Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together
382340 -- Prepared additives for cements, mortars or conc 382350 -- Non-refractory mortars and concretes
382360 -- Sorbitol (excl. that of 2905.44) 382390 -- Chemical products and residual products of chem

39 - Plastics and articles thereof

390110 -- Polyethylene having a specific gravity <0.94, i 390120 -- Polyethylene having a specific gravity >=0.94,
390130 -- Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, in primary f 390190 -- Other polymers of ethylene, in primary forms, n
390210 -- Polypropylene, in primary forms 390220 -- Polyisobutylene, in primary forms
390230 -- Propylene copolymers, in primary forms 390290 -- Other polymers of propylene or other olefins, i
390311 -- Expansible polystyrene, in primary forms 390319 -- Polystyrene (excl. expansible), in primary form
390320 -- Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, in prim 390330 -- Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymer
390390 -- Polymers of styrene, in primary forms, nes 390410 -- Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with other substa
390421 -- Non-plasticised polyvinyl chloride mixed, in pr 390422 -- Plasticised polyvinyl chloride mixed, in primar
390430 -- Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers, in pri 390440 -- Vinyl chloride copolymers (excl. acetate), in p
390450 -- Vinylidene chloride polymers, in primary forms 390461 -- Polytetrafluoroethylene, in primary forms
390469 -- Fluoro-polymers (excl. polytetrafluoroethylene) 390490 -- Polymers of halogenated olefins, in primary for
390511 -- Polymers of vinyl acetate, in aqueous dispersio 390519 -- Polymers of vinyl acetate (excl. aqueous disper
390520 -- Polyvinyl alcohols, in primary forms 390590 -- Polymers of vinyl esters or vinyl polymers, nes
390610 -- Polymethyl methacrylate, in primary forms 390690 -- Acrylic polymers prepared,in primary forms, nes
390710 -- Polyacetals, in primary forms 390720 -- Other polyethers, in primary forms, nes
390730 -- Epoxide resins, in primary forms 390740 -- Polycarbonates, in primary forms
390750 -- Alkyd resins, in primary forms 390760 -- Polyethylene terephthalate, in primary forms
390791 -- Unsaturated polyesters, in primary forms, nes 390799 -- Polyesters, in primary forms, nes
390810 -- Polyamide -6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6 390890 -- Other polymides, in primary forms, nes
390910 -- Urea resins; thiourea resins, in primary forms 390920 -- Melamine resins, in primary forms
390930 -- Other amino resins, in primary forms, nes 390940 -- Phenolic resins, in primary forms
390950 -- Polyurethanes, in primary forms 391000 -- Silicones in primary forms
391110 -- Petroleum resins... other resins and polyterpen 391190 -- Polysulphides, polysulphones and other products
391211 -- Non-plasticised cellulose acetates, in primary 391212 -- Plasticised cellulose acetates, in primary form
391220 -- Cellulose nitrates (incl. collodions), in prima 391231 -- Carboxymethylcellulose and its salts, in primar
391239 -- Other cellulose ethers, in primary forms, nes 391290 -- Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, in prim
391310 -- Alginic acid, its salts and esters, in primary 391390 -- Natural and modified natural polymers, in prima
391400 -- Ion-exchangers based on polymers of 39.01 to 39 391510 -- Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of ethyle
391520 -- Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of styren 391530 -- Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of vinyl
391590 -- Waste, parings and scrap, of other plastics, ne 391610 -- Monofilament >1mm, rods... and profile shapes,
391620 -- Monofilament >1mm, rods..., etc, of polymers of 391690 -- Monofilament >1mm, rods... and profile shapes,
391710 -- Artificial guts of hardened proteins or cellulo 391721 -- Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of e
391722 -- Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of p 391723 -- Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of v
391729 -- Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of other plastic 391731 -- Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, with a burst p
391732 -- Tubes, pipes and hoses, not reinforced, without 391733 -- Tubes, pipes and hoses, not reinforced, with fi
391739 -- Other tubes, pipes and hoses, nes 391740 -- Fittings, for tubes, pipes and hoses, of plasti
391810 -- Floor... coverings of polymers of vinyl chlorid 391890 -- Floor, wall or ceiling coverings of plastics, n
391910 -- Self-adhesive tape, plates, strip..., in rolls, 391990 -- Other self-adhesive plates, tape, strip, foil..
392010 -- Plates..., of polymers of ethylene, not reinfor 392020 -- Plates..., of polymers of propylene, not reinfo
392030 -- Plates..., of polymers of styrene, not reinforc 392041 -- Plates..., of polymers of vinyl chloride, rigid
392042 -- Plates..., of polymers of vinyl chloride, flexi 392051 -- Plates..., of polymethyl methacrylate, not rein
392059 -- Plates..., of other acrylic polymers, not reinf 392061 -- Plates..., of polycarbonates, not reinforced, e
392062 -- Plates..., of polyethylene terephthalate, not r 392063 -- Plates..., of unsaturated polyesters, not reinf
392069 -- Plates..., of other polyesters, not reinforced, 392071 -- Plates..., of regenerated cellulose, not reinfo
392072 -- Plates..., of vulcanised fibre, not reinforced, 392073 -- Plates..., of cellulose acetate, not reinforced
392079 -- Plates..., of other cellulose derivatives, not 392091 -- Plates..., of polyvinyl butyral, not reinforced
392092 -- Plates..., of polyamides, not reinforced, etc 392093 -- Plates..., of amino-resins, not reinforced, etc
392094 -- Plates..., of phenolic resins, not reinforced, 392099 -- Plates..., of other plastics, not reinforced, e
392111 -- Cellular plates, strips... of polymers of styre 392112 -- Cellular plates, strips... of polymers of vinyl
392113 -- Cellular plates, strips... of polymers of polyu 392114 -- Cellular plates, strips... of polymers of regen
392119 -- Cellular plates, strips... of other plastics, n 392190 -- Other cellular plates, strips..., of plastics,
392210 -- Baths, shower-baths and wash-basins, of plastic 392220 -- Lavatory seats and covers of plastics
392290 -- Bidets, lavatory pans... and other sanitary war 392310 -- Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles of pl
392321 -- Sacks and bags (incl. cones) of polymers of eth 392329 -- Sacks and bags (incl. cones) of other plastics
392330 -- Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles o 392340 -- Spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports of p
392350 -- Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures of plas 392390 -- Articles for the packing of goods, of plastics,
392410 -- Tableware and kitchenware of plastics 392490 -- Household and toilet articles of plastics, nes
392510 -- Reservoirs... and similar containers, capacity 392520 -- Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds
392530 -- Shutters, blinds and similar articles and parts 392590 -- Builders'' ware of plastics, nes
392610 -- Office or school supplies of plastics 392620 -- Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of
392630 -- Fittings for furniture, coachwork or the like o 392640 -- Statuettes and other ornamental articles of pla
392690 -- Other articles of plastics, nes

40 - Rubber and articles thereof

400110 -- Natural rubber latex, in primary forms or in pl 400121 -- Smoked sheets of natural rubber
400122 -- Technically specified natural rubber, in primar 400129 -- Other natural rubber, in primary forms or in pl
400130 -- Balata, gutta-percha... and similar gums, in pr 400211 -- Latex of styrene-butadiene or carboxylated styr
400219 -- Styrene-butadiene rubber; carboxylated styrene- 400220 -- Butadiene rubber, in primary forms or in plates
400231 -- Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber 400239 -- Halo-isobutene-isoprene rubber
400241 -- Latex of chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber 400249 -- Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber (excl. lat
400251 -- Latex of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber 400259 -- Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (excl. latex)
400260 -- Isoprene rubber 400270 -- Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber
400280 -- Mixtures of any product of 40.01 with any produ 400291 -- Latex of synthetic rubber, nes
400299 -- Other synthetic rubber products (excl. latex), 400300 -- Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates,
400400 -- Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (excl. hard 400510 -- Rubber compounded with carbon black or silica,
400520 -- Rubber solutions; dispersions, unvulcanized, ne 400591 -- Plates, sheets and strip of unvulcanized, compo
400599 -- Compounded rubber, unvulcanized, in primary for 400610 -- Camel-back strips for retreading rubber tyres
400690 -- Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber 400700 -- Vulcanized rubber thread and cord
400811 -- Plates, sheets and strip of cellular vulcanized 400819 -- Rods and profile shapes of cellular vulcanized
400821 -- Plates, sheets and strip of non-cellular, vulca 400829 -- Rods and profile shapes of non-cellular, vulcan
400910 -- Tubes..., of vulcanized rubber, not reinforced, 400920 -- Tubes..., of vulcanized rubber, reinforced with
400930 -- Tubes..., of vulcanized rubber, reinforced with 400940 -- Tubes..., of vulcanized rubber, reinforced with
400950 -- Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized rubber wi 401010 -- Conveyor... belting, of vulcanized rubber of tr
401091 -- Conveyor... belting, of vulcanized rubber of a 401099 -- Conveyor... belting, of vulcanized rubber of a
401110 -- New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of a kind used o 401120 -- New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of a kind used o
401130 -- New pneumatic tyres, of rubber for aircraft 401140 -- New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of a kind used o
401150 -- New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of a kind used o 401191 -- New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, nes, of herring
401199 -- New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, nes (excl. of h 401210 -- Retreaded tyres of rubber
401220 -- Used pneumatic tyres of rubber 401290 -- Solid... tyres, interchangeable tyre treads and
401310 -- Inner tubes, of rubber of a kind used on motor 401320 -- Inner tubes, of rubber of a kind used on bicycl
401390 -- Inner tubes, of rubber, nes 401410 -- Sheath contraceptives
401490 -- Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles of vulcaniz 401511 -- Surgical gloves
401519 -- Gloves of vulcanized rubber (excl. surgical glo 401590 -- Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of
401610 -- Articles of vulcanized rubber of cellular rubbe 401691 -- Floor coverings and mats of vulcanized rubber,
401692 -- Erasers, of vulcanized rubber 401693 -- Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanized
401694 -- Boat or dock fenders, of vulcanized rubber 401695 -- Inflatable articles, of vulcanized rubber, nes
401699 -- Articles of vulcanized rubber, nes 401700 -- Hard rubber (eg. ebonite) in all forms; article

41 - Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather

410110 -- Whole hides and skins of bovine animals, =<8kg 410121 -- Whole hides and skins of bovine animals, nes, f
410122 -- Butts and bends of bovine animal hide, fresh or 410129 -- Hides and skins of bovine animals, fresh or wet
410130 -- Hides and skins of bovine animals preserved but 410140 -- Hides and skins of equine animal (fresh, or sal
410210 -- Raw skins of sheep or lambs, with wool on 410221 -- Pickled skins of sheep or lambs, without wool,
410229 -- Skins of sheep or lambs, without wool, not pick 410310 -- Hides and skins of goats or kids, fresh or pres
410320 -- Hides and skins of reptiles, fresh or preserved 410390 -- Other hides and skins, fresh or preserved, not
410410 -- Whole bovine skin leather, of surface area =<2. 410421 -- Bovine leather, vegetable pre-tanned (excl. fur
410422 -- Bovine leather, non-vegetable pre-tanned (excl. 410429 -- Other bovine and equine leather, tanned (excl.
410431 -- Full-grains, splits of bovine and equine leathe 410439 -- Bovine and equine leather, prepared after tanni
410511 -- Sheep, lamb skin leather, vegetable pre-tanned 410512 -- Sheep, lamb skin leather, non-veg. pre-tanned (
410519 -- Sheep or lamb skin leather, (excl. further prep 410520 -- Sheep or lamb skin leather, prepared after tann
410611 -- Goat or kid skin leather, vegetable pre-tanned, 410612 -- Goat or kid skin leather, pre-tanned, (excl. fu
410619 -- Goat or kid skin leather, (excl. further prepar 410620 -- Goat or kid skin leather, prepared after tannin
410710 -- Leather of swine, without hair on 410721 -- Leather of reptiles, vegetable pre-tanned
410729 -- Leather of reptiles, nes 410790 -- Leather of animals, nes
410800 -- Chamois (incl. combination chamois) leather 410900 -- Patent leather and patent laminated leather; me
411000 -- Waste... of leather or of composition leather; 411100 -- Composition leather with a basis of leather...,

44 - Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal

440110 -- Fuel wood, in logs, in billets... or in similar 440121 -- Coniferous wood in chips or particles
440122 -- Non-coniferous wood in chips or particles 440130 -- Sawdust, wood waste and scrap (incl. agglomerat
440200 -- Wood charcoal 440310 -- Wood in the rough..., treated with paint, stain
440320 -- Untreated coniferous wood in the rough... 440331 -- Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and Meranti
440332 -- White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, Yello 440333 -- Keruing, Ramin, Kapur, Teak, Jongkong, Merbau,
440334 -- Okoume, Obeche, Sapeli, Sipo, Acajou d''Afrique, 440335 -- Tiama, Mansonia, Ilomba, Dibetou, Limba and Azo
440391 -- Oak (Quercus spp.) wood in the rough, (excl. tr 440392 -- Beech (Fagus spp.) wood in the rough, (excl. tr
440399 -- Wood, nes in the rough..., (excl. treated) 440410 -- Coniferous hoopwood; split poles, etc; wooden s
440420 -- Non-coniferous hoopwood; split poles, etc; wood 440500 -- Wood wool; wood flour
440610 -- Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of woo 440690 -- Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of woo
440710 -- Coniferous wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sli 440721 -- Specified tropical woods (Meranti, etc) sawn le
440722 -- Specified tropical woods (OKoume..., etc) sawn 440723 -- Baboen, Mahogany, Imbuia and Balsa wood, sawn l
440791 -- Oak (Quercus spp.) wood,sawn/chipped lengthwise 440792 -- Beech (Fagus spp.) wood,sawn/chipped lengthwise
440799 -- Wood, nes sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or 440810 -- Coniferous veneer sheets and sheets for plywood
440820 -- Specified tropical wood veneer sheets and for p 440890 -- Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and other
440910 -- Coniferous wood, continuously shaped along any 440920 -- Non-coniferous wood, continuously shaped along
441010 -- Particle board and similar board of wood, unwor 441090 -- Particle board and similar board of ligneous ma
441111 -- Fibreboard of a density >0.8g/cm3, not worked o 441119 -- Fibreboard of a density >0.8g/cm3, nes
441121 -- Fibreboard of a density >0.5g/cm3 but =<0.8g/cm 441129 -- Fibreboard of a density >0.5g/cm3 but =<0.8g/cm
441131 -- Fibreboard of a density >0.35g/cm3 but =<0.5g/c 441139 -- Fibreboard of a density >0.35g/cm3 but =<0.5g/c
441191 -- Fibreboard of a density =<0.35g/cm3, not worked 441199 -- Fibreboard of a density =<0.35g/cm3, nes
441211 -- Plywood with >=1 outer ply of tropical wood, ea 441212 -- Plywood with >=1 outer ply of non-coniferous wo
441219 -- Plywood, each ply =<6mm thick, nes 441221 -- Plywood... >6mm non-coniferous outer ply, with
441229 -- Plywood... >6mm non-coniferous outer ply, nes 441291 -- Plywood... containing at least one layer of pa
441299 -- Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated 441300 -- Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or pr
441400 -- Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirro 441510 -- Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packing
441520 -- Pallets, box pallets and other load boards of w 441600 -- Casks, barrets, vats, tubs, etc, and parts ther
441700 -- Tools..., broom or brush bodies... of wood; boo 441810 -- Windows, French-windows and their frames, of wo
441820 -- Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood 441830 -- Parquet panels, of wood
441840 -- Shuttering for concrete constructional work, of 441850 -- Shingles and shakes, of wood
441890 -- Builders'' joinery and carpentry, of wood, nes 441900 -- Tableware and kitchenware, of wood
442010 -- Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood 442090 -- Wood marquetry, inlaid wood; caskets... of wood
442110 -- Clothes hangers of wood 442190 -- Articles of wood, nes

48 - Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, of paper or paperboard

480100 -- Newsprint, in rolls or sheets 480210 -- Hand-made paper and paperboard
480220 -- Paper and paperboard as a base for photo-sensit 480230 -- Carbonizing base paper, uncoated, in rolls or s
480240 -- Wallpaper base, uncoated, in rolls or sheets 480251 -- Paper... (excl. mechanical fibres), weighing <4
480252 -- Paper... (excl. mechanical fibres), weighing >= 480253 -- Paper... (excl. mechanical fibres), weighing >1
480260 -- Paper... (>10% of mechanical fibres), uncoated, 480300 -- Toilet... similar paper, in rolls or sheets
480411 -- Unbleached kraftliner, uncoated, in rolls or sh 480419 -- Kraftliner, uncoated (excl. unbleached), in rol
480421 -- Unbleached sack kraft paper, uncoated, in rolls 480429 -- Sack kraft paper (excl. unbleached), uncoated,
480431 -- Unbleached kraft paper..., weighing =<150g/m2 480439 -- Kraft paper... (excl. unbleached), weighing =<1
480441 -- Unbleached kraft paper..., weighing >150g/m2 bu 480442 -- Kraft paper..., weighing >150g/m2 but <225g/m2,
480449 -- Kraft paper..., weighing >150g/m2 but <225g/m2, 480451 -- Unbleached kraft paper..., weighing >=225g/m2
480452 -- Kraft paper..., weighing >=225g/m2, bleached un 480459 -- Kraft paper..., weighing >=225g/m2, nes
480510 -- Semi-chemical fluting paper (corrugated medium) 480521 -- Multi-ply paper and paperboard with each layer
480522 -- Multi-ply paper... with only one outer layer bl 480523 -- Multi-ply paper... two outer layers bleached, i
480529 -- Multi-ply paper and paperboard, in rolls or she 480530 -- Sulphite wrapping paper, in rolls or sheets
480540 -- Filter paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets 480550 -- Felt paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets
480560 -- Paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weigh 480570 -- Paper..., in rolls or sheets, weighing >150g/m2
480580 -- Paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weigh 480610 -- Vegetable parchment, in rolls or sheets
480620 -- Greaseproof papers, in rolls or sheets 480630 -- Tracing papers, in rolls or sheets
480640 -- Glassine and other glazed transparent or transl 480710 -- Composite paper..., laminated with bitumen, etc
480791 -- Straw paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets 480799 -- Composite paper and paperboard, in rolls or she
480810 -- Corrugated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sh 480820 -- Sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled, in rolls
480830 -- Kraft paper, creped or crinkled, (excl. sack), 480890 -- Paper and paperboard, corrugated, creped, etc,
480910 -- Carbon or similar copying papers, in rolls or s 480920 -- Self-copy paper, in rolls or sheets
480990 -- Copying or transfer papers, nes, in rolls or sh 481011 -- Paper..., coated with kaolin, etc, weighing =<1
481012 -- Paper..., coated with kaolin, etc, weighing >15 481021 -- Light-weight coated paper for writing, etc, >10
481029 -- Paper... for writing, etc, >10% mechanical fibr 481031 -- Kraft paper..., bleached, >95% chemical fibres,
481032 -- Kraft paper..., bleached, >95% chemical fibres, 481039 -- Kraft paper and paperboard, coated..., nes
481091 -- Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated... 481099 -- Paper and paperboard, coated with kaolin, etc,
481110 -- Tarred, bituminized or asphalted paper and pape 481121 -- Self-adhesive paper and paperboard
481129 -- Gummed paper and paperboard (excl. self-adhesiv 481131 -- Paper..., coated... with plastics, bleached and
481139 -- Paper and paperboard coated... with plastics, n 481140 -- Paper and paperboard coated... with wax, paraff
481190 -- Paper, paperboard, coated... surface-decorated 481200 -- Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp
481310 -- Cigarette paper in the form of booklets or tube 481320 -- Cigarette paper in rolls of a width =<5cm
481390 -- Cigarette paper, nes 481410 -- Ingrain paper
481420 -- Wallpaper, etc, of paper coated with a... layer 481430 -- Wallpaper, etc, consisting of paper covered wit
481490 -- Wallpaper and other wall coverings; window tran 481500 -- Floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperb
481610 -- Carbon or similar copying papers 481620 -- Self-copy paper
481630 -- Duplicator stencils of paper 481690 -- Copying or transfer paper, nes; offset plates,
481710 -- Envelopes of paper or paperboard 481720 -- Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondanc
481730 -- Boxes, etc, of paper or paperboard containing p 481810 -- Toilet paper
481820 -- Handkerchiefs and cleansing or facial tissues o 481830 -- Tablecloths and serviettes of paper
481840 -- Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin 481850 -- Articles of apparel and clothing of paper, cell
481890 -- Household, sanitary or hospital articles of pap 481910 -- Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper o
481920 -- Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrug 481930 -- Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of >=4
481940 -- Sacks and bags, including cones of paper, paper 481950 -- Packing containers, including record sleeves, o
481960 -- Box files, letter trays, storage boxes, etc, of 482010 -- Registers, account books, order and receipt boo
482020 -- Exercise-books 482030 -- Binders (other than book covers), folders and f
482040 -- Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon 482050 -- Albums for stamps or for collections of paper o
482090 -- Blotting pads, book covers and other articles o 482110 -- Printed paper or paperboard labels of all kinds
482190 -- Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds (excl. 482210 -- Bobbins, spools..., of paper or paperboard for
482290 -- Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of p 482311 -- Self-adhesive paper, in strips or rolls
482319 -- Gummed or adhesive paper (excl. self-adhesive), 482320 -- Filter paper and paperboard, cut to shape
482330 -- Cards, not punched, for punch card machines 482340 -- Rolls, sheets and dials, printed for self-recor
482351 -- Printed, embossed or perforated paper or paperb 482359 -- Paper and paperboard writing, printing, etc, cu
482360 -- Trays, dishes, plates and cups, etc, of paper o 482370 -- Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp
482390 -- Paper and paperboard, cut to size and articles

51 - Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric

510111 -- Greasy shorn wool, not carded or combed 510119 -- Greasy wool (excl. shorn), not carded or combed
510121 -- Degreased shorn wool, not carbonised, not carde 510129 -- Degreased wool (excl. shorn), not carbonised, n
510130 -- Carbonised wool, not carded or combed 510210 -- Fine animal hair, not carded or combed
510220 -- Coarse animal hair, not carded or combed 510310 -- Noils of wool or of fine animal hair, not garne
510320 -- Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair, not 510330 -- Waste of coarse animal hair
510400 -- Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse an 510510 -- Carded wool
510521 -- Combed wool in fragments 510529 -- Wool tops and combed wool (excl. in fragments)
510530 -- Fine animal hair, carded or combed 510540 -- Coarse animal hair, carded or combed
510610 -- Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale 510620 -- Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale
510710 -- Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale 510720 -- Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale
510810 -- Carded yarn of fine animal hair, not put up for 510820 -- Combed yarn of fine animal hair, not put up for
510910 -- Yarn, with >=85% wool or of fine animal hair, p 510990 -- Yarn, with <85% wool or of fine animal hair, pu
511000 -- Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair (inc 511111 -- Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a
511119 -- Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a 511120 -- Woven fabrics of carded wool, mixed with man-ma
511130 -- Woven fabrics of carded wool, mixed with man-ma 511190 -- Other woven fabrics of carded wool or carded fi
511211 -- Woven fabrics with >=85% combed wool or fine an 511219 -- Woven fabrics with >=85% combed wool or animal
511220 -- Woven fabrics of combed wool, mixed with man-ma 511230 -- Woven fabrics of combed wool, mixed with man-ma
511290 -- Woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine 511300 -- Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horse

52 - Cotton

520100 -- Cotton, not carded or combed 520210 -- Yarn waste of cotton
520291 -- Garnetted stock of cotton 520299 -- Cotton waste, nes
520300 -- Cotton, carded or combed 520411 -- Cotton sewing thread, with >=85% cotton, not pu
520419 -- Cotton sewing thread, with <85% cotton, not put 520420 -- Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale
520511 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, 520512 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton,
520513 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, 520514 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton,
520515 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, 520521 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n
520522 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n 520523 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n
520524 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n 520525 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n
520531 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, 520532 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton,
520533 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, 520534 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton,
520535 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, 520541 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n
520542 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n 520543 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n
520544 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n 520545 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with >=85% cotton, n
520611 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, 520612 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton,
520613 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, 520614 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton,
520615 -- Uncombed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, 520621 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np
520622 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np 520623 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np
520624 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np 520625 -- Combed single cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np
520631 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, 520632 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton,
520633 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, 520634 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton,
520635 -- Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, 520641 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np
520642 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np 520643 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np
520644 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np 520645 -- Combed cabled cotton yarn, with <85% cotton, np
520710 -- Cotton yarn (excl. sewing), put up for retail s 520790 -- Cotton yarn (excl. sewing), put up for retail s
520811 -- Unbleached plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotto 520812 -- Unbleached plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotto
520813 -- Unbleached 3 or 4-thread twill, with >=85% cott 520819 -- Unbleached woven cotton fabrics, nes, with >=85
520821 -- Bleached plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton, 520822 -- Bleached plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton,
520823 -- Bleached 3 or 4-thread twill (incl. cross twill 520829 -- Bleached woven cotton fabrics, nes, with >=85%
520831 -- Dyed plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton, =<1 520832 -- Dyed plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton, >10
520833 -- Dyed 3 or 4-thread twill (incl. cross twill), w 520839 -- Dyed woven cotton fabrics, with >=85% cotton, n
520841 -- Coloured plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton, 520842 -- Coloured plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton,
520843 -- Coloured 3 or 4-thread twill (incl. cross twill 520849 -- Coloured woven cotton fabrics, with >=85% cotto
520851 -- Printed plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton, 520852 -- Printed plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton,
520853 -- Printed 3 or 4-thread twill (incl. cross twill) 520859 -- Printed woven cotton fabrics, with >=85% cotton
520911 -- Unbleached plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotto 520912 -- Unbleached 3 or 4-thread twill (incl. cross twi
520919 -- Unbleached cotton fabrics, with >=85% cotton, > 520921 -- Bleached plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton,
520922 -- Bleached 3 or 4-thread twill, >=85% cotton, >20 520929 -- Bleached woven cotton fabrics, with >=85% cotto
520931 -- Dyed plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton, >20 520932 -- Dyed 3 or 4-thread twill (incl. cross twill), w
520939 -- Dyed woven cotton fabrics, with >=85% cotton, > 520941 -- Coloured plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton,
520942 -- Denim, with >=85% cotton, >200g/m2 520943 -- Coloured 3 or 4-thread twill, with >=85% cotton
520949 -- Coloured woven cotton fabrics, with >=85% cotto 520951 -- Printed plain cotton weave, with >=85% cotton,
520952 -- Printed 3 or 4-thread twill, with >=85% cotton, 520959 -- Printed woven cotton fabrics, with >=85% cotton
521011 -- Unbleached plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton 521012 -- Unbleached 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotto
521019 -- Unbleached woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% 521021 -- Bleached plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton,
521022 -- Bleached 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotton, 521029 -- Bleached woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% c
521031 -- Dyed plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton, =<20 521032 -- Dyed 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotton, =<2
521039 -- Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto 521041 -- Coloured plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton,
521042 -- Coloured 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotton, 521049 -- Coloured woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% c
521051 -- Printed plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton, = 521052 -- Printed 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotton,
521059 -- Printed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% co 521111 -- Unbleached plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton
521112 -- Unbleached 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotto 521119 -- Unbleached woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85%
521121 -- Bleached plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton, 521122 -- Bleached 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotton,
521129 -- Bleached woven cotton fibres, nes, with <85% co 521131 -- Dyed plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton, >200
521132 -- Dyed 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotton, >20 521139 -- Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto
521141 -- Coloured plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton, 521142 -- Coloured denim, with <85% cotton, >200g/m2
521143 -- Coloured fabrics of 3 or 4-thread twill, with < 521149 -- Coloured woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% c
521151 -- Printed plain cotton weave, with <85% cotton, > 521152 -- Printed 3 or 4-thread twill, with <85% cotton,
521159 -- Printed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% co 521211 -- Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, =<200g/m2,
521212 -- Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, =<200g/m2, ne 521213 -- Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, =<200g/m2, nes
521214 -- Coloured woven fabrics of cotton, =<200g/m2, ne 521215 -- Printed woven fabrics of cotton, =<200g/m2, nes
521221 -- Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, >200g/m2, n 521222 -- Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, >200g/m2, nes
521223 -- Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, >200g/m2, nes 521224 -- Coloured woven fabrics of cotton, >200g/m2, nes
521225 -- Printed woven fabrics of cotton, >200g/m2, nes

53 - Vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn

530110 -- Flax, raw or retted 530121 -- Flax, broken or scutched, but not spun
530129 -- Flax, hackled or otherwise processed, but not s 530130 -- Flax tow and waste (incl. yarn waste and garnet
530210 -- True hemp, raw or retted 530290 -- True hemp (excl. raw), not spun; tow and waste
530310 -- Jute, etc (excl. flax, true hemp and ramie), ra 530390 -- Jute, etc (excl. flax, true hemp and ramie), ne
530410 -- Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Aga 530490 -- Sisal, etc (excl. raw), not spun; tow and waste
530511 -- Raw coconut fibres 530519 -- Processed coconut fibres; tow, noils and waste
530521 -- Raw albaca fibres 530529 -- Processed abaca fibres; tow, noils and waste of
530591 -- Raw ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, n 530599 -- Processed ramie, etc, nes; tow, noils and waste
530610 -- Single flax yarn put up for retail sale 530620 -- Multiple or cabled flax yarn put up for retail
530710 -- Single yarn of jute or of other textile bast fi 530720 -- Multiple or cabled yarn of jute or of other tex
530810 -- Coir yarn 530820 -- True hemp yarn
530830 -- Paper yarn 530890 -- Yarn of vegetable textile fibres, nes
530911 -- Bleached or unbleached, woven fabrics of flax, 530919 -- Woven fabrics of flax, with >=85% flax, printed
530921 -- Bleached or unbleached, woven fabrics of flax, 530929 -- Woven fabrics of flax, with <85% flax, printed,
531010 -- Unbleached woven fabrics of jute or of other te 531090 -- Woven fabrics of jute or other textile bast fib
531100 -- Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres

54 - Man-made filaments

540110 -- Sewing thread of synthetic filaments 540120 -- Sewing thread of artificial filaments
540210 -- High tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides 540220 -- High tenacity yarn of polyesters, nprs
540231 -- Textured yarn, of nylon or other polyamides, =< 540232 -- Textured yarn, of nylon or other polyamides, >5
540233 -- Textured yarn of polyesters, nprs 540239 -- Textured yarn, nes, nprs
540241 -- Single yarn of nylon or other polyamides, with 540242 -- Single yarn of partially oriented polyesters, w
540243 -- Single yarn of polyesters, nes, with =<50turns/ 540249 -- Single synthetic yarn, nes, with =<50turns/m, n
540251 -- Single yarn of nylon or other polyamides, with 540252 -- Single yarn of polyesters, with >50turns/m, npr
540259 -- Single synthetic yarn, nes, with >50turns/m, np 540261 -- Multiple or cabled yarn of nylon or other polya
540262 -- Multiple or cabled yarn of polyesters, nprs 540269 -- Multiple or cabled yarn, nes, nprs
540310 -- High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon, nprs 540320 -- Artificial textured yarn, nprs
540331 -- Single yarn of viscose rayon, with =<120turns/m 540332 -- Single yarn of viscose rayon, with >120turns/m,
540333 -- Single yarn of cellulose acetate, nprs 540339 -- Single artificial yarn, nes, nprs
540341 -- Multiple or cabled yarn of viscose rayon, nprs 540342 -- Multiple or cabled yarn of cellulose acetate, n
540349 -- Multiple or cabled artificial yarn, nes, nprs 540410 -- Synthetic monofilament of >=67decitex
540490 -- Strip and the like of synthetic textile materia 540500 -- Monofilament; strip and the like of artificial
540610 -- Synthetic filament yarn (excl. sewing thread), 540620 -- Artificial filament yarn (excl. sewing thread),
540710 -- Woven fabrics of high tenacity yarn of nylon... 540720 -- Woven fabrics obtained from synthetic strip or
540730 -- Fabrics of synthetic filament yarn specified in 540741 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, >=85% nyl
540742 -- Dyed woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, 540743 -- Coloured woven fabrics of synthetic filament ya
540744 -- Printed woven fabrics of synthetic filament yar 540751 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, >=85% tex
540752 -- Dyed woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, 540753 -- Coloured woven fabrics of synthetic yarn, >=85%
540754 -- Printed woven fabrics of synthetic yarn, >=85% 540760 -- Other woven fabrics of synthetic yarn, >=85% no
540771 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, >=85% syn 540772 -- Dyed woven fabrics, >=85% synthetic filaments,
540773 -- Coloured woven fabrics, >=85% synthetic filamen 540774 -- Printed woven fabrics, >=85% synthetic filament
540781 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, <85% synt 540782 -- Dyed woven fabrics, <85% synthetic filaments, m
540783 -- Coloured woven fabrics, <85% synthetic filament 540784 -- Printed woven fabrics, <85% synthetic filaments
540791 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics of synthet 540792 -- Dyed woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn,
540793 -- Coloured woven fabrics of synthetic filament ya 540794 -- Printed woven fabrics of synthetic filament yar
540810 -- Woven fabrics of high tenacity synthetic filame 540821 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, >=85% art
540822 -- Dyed woven fabrics, >=85% artificial filaments 540823 -- Coloured woven fabrics, >=85% artificial filame
540824 -- Printed woven fabrics, >=85% artificial filamen 540831 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics of artific
540832 -- Dyed woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, 540833 -- Coloured woven fabrics of artificial filament y
540834 -- Printed woven fabrics of artificial filament ya

55 - Man-made staple fibres

550110 -- Synthetic filament tow of nylon or other polyam 550120 -- Synthetic filament tow of polyesters
550130 -- Synthetic filament tow, acrylic or modacrylic 550190 -- Synthetic filament tow, nes
550200 -- Artificial filament tow 550310 -- Synthetic staple fibres, of nylon or other poly
550320 -- Synthetic staple fibres, of polyesters, not car 550330 -- Acrylic or modacrylic synthetic staple fibres,
550340 -- Synthetic staple fibres, of polypropylene, not 550390 -- Synthetic staple fibres, nes, not carded, etc
550410 -- Artificial staple fibres, of viscose rayon, not 550490 -- Artificial staple fibres, (excl. viscose), not
550510 -- Waste of synthetic fibre, (incl. noils, yarn wa 550520 -- Waste of artificial fibre, (incl. noils, yarn w
550610 -- Synthetic staple fibres, of nylon or other poly 550620 -- Synthetic staple fibres, of polyesters, carded,
550630 -- Acrylic or modacrylic synthetic staple fibres, 550690 -- Synthetic staple fibres, nes, carded, etc
550700 -- Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or pro 550810 -- Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres
550820 -- Sewing thread of artificial staple fibres 550911 -- Single yarn, with >=85% staple fibres of nylon
550912 -- Multiple or cabled yarn, >=85% staple fibres of 550921 -- Single yarn, with >=85% polyester staple fibres
550922 -- Multiple or cabled yarn, with >=85% polyester s 550931 -- Single yarn, with >=85% acrylic or modacrylic s
550932 -- Multiple or cabled yarn, >=85% acrylic or modac 550941 -- Single yarn, with >=85% synthetic staple fibres
550942 -- Multiple or cabled yarn, with >=85% synthetic s 550951 -- Yarn, <85% polyester staple fibres, with artifi
550952 -- Yarn, <85% polyester staple fibres, with wool o 550953 -- Yarn, <85% polyester staple fibres, mixed with
550959 -- Yarn, <85% polyester staple fibres, nes, nprs 550961 -- Yarn, <85% acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres,
550962 -- Yarn, <85% acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, 550969 -- Yarn, <85% acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres,
550991 -- Yarn, <85% synthetic staple fibres, nes, mixed 550992 -- Yarn, <85% synthetic staple fibres, nes, mixed
550999 -- Yarn, <85% synthetic staple fibres, nes, nprs 551011 -- Single yarn, with >=85% artificial staple fibre
551012 -- Multiple or cabled yarn, with >=85% artificial 551020 -- Yarn, with <85% artificial staple fibres, mixed
551030 -- Yarn, with <85% artificial staple fibres, mixed 551090 -- Yarn, with <85% artificial staple fibres, nes,
551110 -- Yarn, with >=85% synthetic staple fibres, put u 551120 -- Yarn, <85% synthetic staple fibres, put up for
551130 -- Yarn of artificial staple fibres, put up for re 551211 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, >=85% pol
551219 -- Printed, dyed or coloured woven fabrics, >=85% 551221 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, >=85% acr
551229 -- Printed, dyed or coloured woven fabrics, >=85% 551291 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, >=85% syn
551299 -- Printed, dyed, coloured woven fabrics, >=85% sy 551311 -- Plain weave fabrics, <85% polyester fibres + co
551312 -- 3 or 4-thread twill, <85% polyester staple fibr 551313 -- Woven fabrics, nes, <85% polyester staple fibre
551319 -- Woven fabrics, <85% synthetic staple fibres + c 551321 -- Dyed plain weave fabrics, <85% polyester fibres
551322 -- Dyed 3 or 4-thread twill, <85% polyester fibres 551323 -- Dyed woven fabrics, nes, <85% polyester fibres
551329 -- Dyed woven fabrics, <85% synthetic fibres + cot 551331 -- Coloured plain weave fabrics, <85% polyester fi
551332 -- Coloured 3 or 4-thread twill, <85% polyester fi 551333 -- Coloured woven fabrics, nes, <85% polyester fib
551339 -- Coloured woven fabrics, <85% synthetic fibres + 551341 -- Printed plain weave fabrics, <85% polyester fib
551342 -- Printed 3 or 4-thread twill, <85% polyester fib 551343 -- Printed woven fabrics, nes, <85% polyester fibr
551349 -- Printed woven fabrics, <85% synthetic fibres + 551411 -- Plain weave fabrics, <85% polyester staple fibr
551412 -- 3 or 4-thread twill, <85% polyester staple fibr 551413 -- Woven fabrics, nes, <85% polyester staple fibre
551419 -- Woven fabrics, <85% synthetic staple fibres + c 551421 -- Dyed plain weave fabrics, <85% polyester fibres
551422 -- Dyed 3 or 4-thread twill, <85% polyester fibres 551423 -- Dyed woven fabrics, nes, <85% polyester fibres
551429 -- Dyed woven fabrics, <85% synthetic fibres + cot 551431 -- Coloured plain weave fabrics, <85% polyester fi
551432 -- Coloured 3 or 4-thread twill, <85% polyester fi 551433 -- Coloured woven fabrics, nes, <85% polyester fib
551439 -- Coloured woven fabrics, <85% synthetic fibres + 551441 -- Printed plain weave fabrics, <85% polyester fib
551442 -- Printed 3 or 4-thread twill, <85% polyester fib 551443 -- Printed woven fabrics, nes, <85% polyester fibr
551449 -- Printed woven fabrics, <85% synthetic fibres + 551511 -- Woven fabrics, <85% polyester staple fibres, wi
551512 -- Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, mixed 551513 -- Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, mixed
551519 -- Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, nes 551521 -- Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic fibres,
551522 -- Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic fibres, 551529 -- Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple f
551591 -- Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes, 551592 -- Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes,
551599 -- Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes 551611 -- Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics, >=85% art
551612 -- Dyed woven fabrics, >=85% artificial staple fib 551613 -- Coloured woven fabrics, >=85% artificial staple
551614 -- Printed woven fabrics, >=85% artificial staple 551621 -- Woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, with man
551622 -- Dyed woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, wit 551623 -- Coloured woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres,
551624 -- Printed woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, 551631 -- Woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, with woo
551632 -- Dyed woven fabrics, <85% artificial fibres, wit 551633 -- Coloured woven fabrics, <85% artificial staple
551634 -- Printed woven fabrics, <85% artificial staple f 551641 -- Woven fabrics, <85% artificial staple fibres, m
551642 -- Dyed woven fabrics, <85% artificial staple fibr 551643 -- Coloured woven fabrics, <85% artificial staple
551644 -- Printed woven fabrics, <85% artificial staple f 551691 -- Woven fabrics, artificial staple fibres, nes
551692 -- Dyed woven fabrics, artificial staple fibres, n 551693 -- Coloured woven fabrics, artificial staple fibre
551694 -- Printed woven fabrics, artificial staple fibres

56 - Wadding, felt and nonwovens, special yarns; twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof

58 - Fabrics; special woven fabrics, tufted textile fabrics, lace, tapestries, trimmings, embroidery

580110 -- Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics of wool 580121 -- Uncut weft pile fabrics of cotton
580122 -- Cut corduroy of cotton 580123 -- Weft pile fabrics of cotton, nes
580124 -- Warp pile fabrics, epingle (uncut), of cotton 580125 -- Warp pile fabrics, cut, of cotton
580126 -- Chenille fabrics, of cotton 580131 -- Uncut weft pile fabrics of man-made fibres, nes
580132 -- Cut corduroy of man-made fibres, nes 580133 -- Weft pile fabrics of man-made fibres, nes
580134 -- Warp pile fabrics, epingle (uncut), of man-made 580135 -- Warp pile fabrics, cut, of man-made fibres, nes
580136 -- Chenille fabrics of man-made fibres, nes 580190 -- Woven pile and chenille fabrics of other textil
580211 -- Unbleached terry towelling and similar woven te 580219 -- Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics
580220 -- Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics 580230 -- Tufted textile fabrics
580310 -- Cotton gauze (excl. narrow fabrics) 580390 -- Gauze of other textiles (excl. narrow fabrics)
580410 -- Tulles and other net fabrics 580421 -- Lace of man-made fibres in piece, in strips or
580429 -- Lace of other textiles in piece, in strips or i 580430 -- Hand-made lace in pieces, in strips or in motif
580500 -- Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Fla 580610 -- Narrow woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics
580620 -- Narrow woven fabrics, with >=5% elastomeric yar 580631 -- Narrow woven fabrics of cotton, nes
580632 -- Narrow woven fabrics of man-made fibres, nes 580639 -- Narrow woven fabrics of other textiles, nes
580640 -- Fabrics with warp without weft assembled by an 580710 -- Labels, badges... of textiles, woven, in piece.
580790 -- Labels, badges... of textiles, unwoven, in piec 580810 -- Braids, in the piece
580890 -- Ornamental trimmings in the piece; tassels, pom 580900 -- Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics
581010 -- Embroidery without visible ground 581091 -- Cotton embroidery, in the piece, in strips or i
581092 -- Embroidery of man-made fibres, in the piece, in 581099 -- Embroidery of other textiles, in the piece, in
581100 -- Quilted textile products in the piece (excl. em

61 - Apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted

610110 -- Men''s or boys'' coats, etc, of wool..., knitted 610120 -- Men''s or boys'' coats, etc, of cotton, knitted o
610130 -- Men''s or boys'' coats, etc, of man-made fibres, 610190 -- Men''s or boys'' coats, etc, of other textiles, k
610210 -- Woman''s or girls'' coats, etc, of wool..., knitt 610220 -- Woman''s or girls'' coats, etc, of cotton, knitte
610230 -- Woman''s or girls'' coats, etc, of man-made fibre 610290 -- Woman''s or girls'' coats, etc, of other textiles
610311 -- Men''s or boys'' suits of wool or fine animal hai 610312 -- Men''s or boys'' suits of synthetic fibres, knitt
610319 -- Men''s or boys'' suits of other textiles, nes, kn 610321 -- Men''s or boys'' ensembles of wool or fine hair,
610322 -- Men''s or boys'' ensembles of cotton, knitted or 610323 -- Men''s or boys'' ensembles of synthetic fibres, k
610329 -- Men''s or boys'' ensembles of other textiles, nes 610331 -- Men''s or boys'' jackets and blazers of wool...,
610332 -- Men''s or boys'' jackets and blazers of cotton, k 610333 -- Men''s or boys'' jackets... of synthetic fibres,
610339 -- Men''s or boys'' jackets... of other textiles, ne 610341 -- Men''s or boys'' trousers, etc, of wool..., knitt
610342 -- Men''s or boys'' trousers, etc, of cotton, knitte 610343 -- Men''s or boys'' trousers, etc, of synthetic fibr
610349 -- Men''s or boys'' trousers, etc, of other textiles 610411 -- Women''s or girls'' suits of wool or fine hair, k
610412 -- Women''s or girls'' suits of cotton, knitted or c 610413 -- Women''s or girls'' suits of synthetic fibres, kn
610419 -- Women''s or girls'' suits of other textiles, nes, 610421 -- Women''s or girls'' ensembles, of wool..., knitte
610422 -- Women''s or girls'' ensembles, of cotton, knitted 610423 -- Women''s or girls'' ensembles, of synthetic fibre
610429 -- Women''s or girls'' ensembles, of other textiles, 610431 -- Women''s or girls'' jackets, of wool..., knitted
610432 -- Women''s or girls'' jackets, of cotton, knitted o 610433 -- Women''s or girls'' jackets, of synthetic fibres,
610439 -- Woman''s or girls'' jackets, of other textiles, k 610441 -- Dresses of wool or fine animal hair, knitted or
610442 -- Dresses of cotton, knitted or crocheted 610443 -- Dresses of synthetic fibres, knitted or crochet
610444 -- Dresses of artificial fibres, knitted or croche 610449 -- Dresses of other textile material, nes, knitted
610451 -- Skirts and divided skirts of wool or fine hair, 610452 -- Skirts and divided skirts of cotton, knitted or
610453 -- Skirts and divided skirts of synthetic fibres, 610459 -- Skirts and divided skirts of other textiles, ne
610461 -- Women''s or girls'' trousers, etc, of wool..., kn 610462 -- Women''s or girls'' trousers, etc, of cotton, kni
610463 -- Women''s or girls'' trousers, etc, of synthetic, 610469 -- Women''s or girls'' trousers, etc, of other texti
610510 -- Men''s or boys'' shirts of cotton, knitted or cro 610520 -- Men''s or boys'' shirts of man-made fibres, knitt
610590 -- Men''s or boys'' shirts of other textiles, nes, k 610610 -- Women''s or girls'' blouses, etc, of cotton, knit
610620 -- Women''s or girls'' blouses, etc, of man-made fib 610690 -- Women''s or girls'' blouses, etc, of other textil
610711 -- Men''s or boys'' underpants and briefs of cotton, 610712 -- Men''s or boys'' underpants, etc, of man-made fib
610719 -- Men''s or boys'' underpants, etc, of other textil 610721 -- Men''s or boys'' pyjamas of cotton, knitted or cr
610722 -- Men''s or boys'' pyjamas of man-made fibres, knit 610729 -- Men''s or boys'' pyjamas of other textiles, nes,
610791 -- Men''s or boys'' dressing gowns, etc, of cotton, 610792 -- Men''s or boys'' dressing gowns, of man-made fibr
610799 -- Men''s or boys'' dressing gowns, of other textile 610811 -- Women''s or girls'' slips, etc, of man-made fibre
610819 -- Women''s or girls'' slips, etc, of other textiles 610821 -- Women''s or girls'' briefs and panties of cotton,
610822 -- Women''s or girls'' briefs, etc, of man-made fibr 610829 -- Women''s or girls'' briefs, etc, of other textile
610831 -- Women''s or girls'' nighties..., etc, of cotton, 610832 -- Women''s or girls'' pyjamas, etc, of man-made fib
610839 -- Women''s or girls'' nighties, etc, of other texti 610891 -- Women''s or girls'' dressing gowns..., of cotton,
610892 -- Women''s or girls'' dressing gowns of man-made fi 610899 -- Women''s or girls'' dressing gowns of other texti
610910 -- T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of cotton, 610990 -- T-shirts, singlets, etc, of other textiles, nes
611010 -- Jerseys, pullovers, etc, of wool..., knitted or 611020 -- Jerseys, pullovers, etc, of cotton, knitted or
611030 -- Jerseys, pullovers, etc, of man-made fibres, kn 611090 -- Jerseys, pullovers, etc, of other textiles, kni
611110 -- Babies'' garments, etc, of wool or fine animal h 611120 -- Babies'' garments, etc, of cotton, knitted or cr
611130 -- Babies'' garments, etc, of synthetic fibres, kni 611190 -- Babies'' garments, etc, of other textiles, knitt
611211 -- Track-suits of cotton, knitted or crocheted 611212 -- Track-suits of synthetic fibres, knitted or cro
611219 -- Track-suits of other textiles, knitted or croch 611220 -- Ski-suits, knitted or crocheted
611231 -- Men''s or boys'' swimwear of synthetic fibres, kn 611239 -- Men''s or boys'' swimwear of other textiles, knit
611241 -- Women''s or girls'' swimwear of synthetic fibres, 611249 -- Women''s or girls'' swimwear of other textiles, k
611300 -- Garments made up of knitted or crocheted fabric 611410 -- Garments of wool or fine animal hair, knitted o
611420 -- Garments of cotton, knitted or crocheted, nes 611430 -- Garments of man-made fibres, knitted or crochet
611490 -- Garments of other textiles, knitted or crochete 611511 -- Panty hose, etc, of synthetic fibres, <67decite
611512 -- Panty hose, etc, of synthetic fibres, >=67decit 611519 -- Panty hose and tights of other textiles, nes, k
611520 -- Women''s hosiery of synthetic fibres, <67decitex 611591 -- Hosiery and footwear, of wool..., knitted or cr
611592 -- Hosiery and footwear, of cotton, knitted or cro 611593 -- Hosiery and footwear, of synthetic fibres, knit
611599 -- Hosiery and footwear, of other textiles, knitte 611610 -- Gloves, impregnated... with plastics or rubber,
611691 -- Gloves, mittens and mitts, of wool..., knitted 611692 -- Gloves, mittens and mitts, of cotton, knitted o
611693 -- Gloves, mittens and mitts, of synthetic fibres, 611699 -- Gloves, mittens and mitts, of other textiles, k
611710 -- Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, et 611720 -- Ties, bow ties and cravats, knitted or crochete
611780 -- Other clothing accessories, knitted or crochete 611790 -- Parts of garments or clothing accessories, knit

62 - Apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted

620111 -- Men''s or boys'' overcoats, etc, of wool or fine 620112 -- Men''s or boys'' overcoats, etc, of cotton
620113 -- Men''s or boys'' overcoats, etc, of man-made fibr 620119 -- Men''s or boys'' overcoats, etc, of other textile
620191 -- Men''s or boys'' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc, of 620192 -- Men''s or boys'' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc, of
620193 -- Men''s or boys'' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc, of 620199 -- Men''s or boys'' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc, of
620211 -- Woman''s or girls'' overcoats, etc, of wool or fi 620212 -- Woman''s or girls'' overcoats, etc, of cotton
620213 -- Woman''s or girls'' overcoats, etc, of man-made f 620219 -- Woman''s or girls'' overcoats, etc, of other text
620291 -- Woman''s or girls'' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc, 620292 -- Woman''s or girls'' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc,
620293 -- Woman''s or girls'' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc, 620299 -- Woman''s or girls'' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc,
620311 -- Men''s or boys'' suits of wool or fine animal hai 620312 -- Men''s or boys'' suits of synthetic fibres
620319 -- Men''s or boys'' suits of other textiles, nes 620321 -- Men''s or boys'' ensembles of wool or fine animal
620322 -- Men''s or boys'' ensembles of cotton 620323 -- Men''s or boys'' ensembles of synthetic fibres
620329 -- Men''s or boys'' ensembles of other textiles, nes 620331 -- Men''s or boys'' jackets and blazers of wool or f
620332 -- Men''s or boys'' jackets and blazers of cotton 620333 -- Men''s or boys'' jackets and blazers of synthetic
620339 -- Men''s or boys'' jackets and blazers of other tex 620341 -- Men''s or boys'' trousers, breeches, etc, of wool
620342 -- Men''s or boys'' trousers, breeches, etc, of cott 620343 -- Men''s or boys'' trousers, breeches of synthetic
620349 -- Men''s or boys'' trousers, breeches of other text 620411 -- Women''s or girls'' suits of wool or fine animal
620412 -- Women''s or girls'' suits of cotton 620413 -- Women''s or girls'' suits of synthetic fibres
620419 -- Women''s or girls'' suits of other textiles, nes 620421 -- Women''s or girls'' ensembles of wool or fine ani
620422 -- Women''s or girls'' ensembles of cotton 620423 -- Women''s or girls'' ensembles of synthetic fibres
620429 -- Women''s or girls'' ensembles of other textiles, 620431 -- Women''s or girls'' jackets and blazers of wool o
620432 -- Women''s or girls'' jackets and blazers of cotton 620433 -- Women''s or girls'' jackets and blazers of synthe
620439 -- Women''s or girls'' jackets and blazers of other 620441 -- Dresses of wool or fine animal hair
620442 -- Dresses of cotton 620443 -- Dresses of synthetic fibres
620444 -- Dresses of artificial fibres 620449 -- Dresses of other textiles, nes
620451 -- Skirts and divided skirts of wool or fine anima 620452 -- Skirts and divided skirts of cotton
620453 -- Skirts and divided skirts of synthetic fibres 620459 -- Skirts and divided skirts of other textiles, ne
620461 -- Women''s or girls'' trousers, breeches, etc, of w 620462 -- Women''s or girls'' trousers, breeches, etc, of c
620463 -- Women''s or girls'' trousers, breeches, etc, of s 620469 -- Women''s or girls'' trousers, breeches, etc, of o
620510 -- Men''s or boys'' shirts of wool or fine animal ha 620520 -- Men''s or boys'' shirts of cotton
620530 -- Men''s or boys'' shirts of man-made fibres 620590 -- Men''s or boys'' shirts of other textiles, nes
620610 -- Women''s or girls'' blouses, shirts, etc, of silk 620620 -- Women''s or girls'' blouses, shirts, etc, of wool
620630 -- Women''s or girls'' blouses, shirts, etc, of cott 620640 -- Women''s or girls'' blouses, shirts, etc, of man-
620690 -- Women''s or girls'' blouses, shirts, etc, of othe 620711 -- Men''s or boys'' underpants and briefs of cotton
620719 -- Men''s or boys'' underpants and briefs of textile 620721 -- Men''s or boys'' nightshirts and pyjamas of cotto
620722 -- Men''s or boys'' nightshirts and pyjamas of man-m 620729 -- Men''s or boys'' nightshirts and pyjamas of texti
620791 -- Men''s or boys'' singlets... dressing gowns, etc, 620792 -- Men''s or boys'' singlets... dressing gowns, etc,
620799 -- Men''s or boys'' singlets... dressing gowns, etc, 620811 -- Slips and petticoats of man-made fibres
620819 -- Slips and petticoats of other textiles, nes 620821 -- Women''s or girls'' nightdresses and pyjamas of c
620822 -- Women''s or girls'' nightdresses and pyjamas of m 620829 -- Women''s or girls'' nightdresses and pyjamas of t
620891 -- Women''s or girls'' dressing gowns, panties, etc, 620892 -- Women''s or girls'' dressing gowns, panties, etc,
620899 -- Women''s or girls'' dressing gowns, panties, etc, 620910 -- Bables'' garments and clothing accessories of wo
620920 -- Bables'' garments and clothing accessories of co 620930 -- Bables'' garments and clothing accessories of sy
620990 -- Bables'' garments and clothing accessories of ot 621010 -- Garments, made up of fabrics of 56.02 or 56.03
621020 -- Garments of 6201.11 to 19, made up of fabrics o 621030 -- Garments of 6202.11 to 19, made up of fabrics o
621040 -- Men''s or boys'' garments made up of fabrics of 5 621050 -- Women''s or girls'' garments made up of fabrics o
621111 -- Men''s or boys'' swimwear 621112 -- Women''s or girls'' swimwear
621120 -- Ski suits 621131 -- Men''s or boys'' garments of wool or fine animal
621132 -- Men''s or boys'' garments of cotton, nes 621133 -- Men''s or boys'' garments of man-made fibres, nes
621139 -- Men''s or boys'' garments of other textiles, nes 621141 -- Women''s or girls'' garments of wool or fine anim
621142 -- Women''s or girls'' garments of cotton, nes 621143 -- Women''s or girls'' garments of man-made fibres,
621149 -- Women''s or girls'' garments of other textiles, n 621210 -- Brassieres
621220 -- Girdles and panty-girdles 621230 -- Corselettes
621290 -- Corsets, braces, garters, suspenders and simila 621310 -- Handkerchiefs of silk or silk waste
621320 -- Handkerchiefs of cotton 621390 -- Handkerchiefs of other textiles, nes
621410 -- Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, et 621420 -- Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, et
621430 -- Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, et 621440 -- Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, et
621490 -- Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, et 621510 -- Ties, bow ties and cravats of silk or silk wast
621520 -- Ties, bow ties and cravats of man-made fibres 621590 -- Ties, bow ties and cravats of other textiles, n
621600 -- Gloves, mittens and mitts 621710 -- Clothing accessories, nes
621790 -- Parts of garments or clothing accessories, nes

63 - Textiles, made up articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags

630110 -- Electric blankets 630120 -- Blankets (excl. electric blankets) and travelli
630130 -- Blankets (excl. electric blankets) and travelli 630140 -- Blankets (excl. electric blankets), etc, of syn
630190 -- Other blankets and travelling rugs, nes 630210 -- Bed linen, knitted or crocheted
630221 -- Printed bed-linen of cotton (excl. knitted or c 630222 -- Printed bed-linen of man-made fibres (excl. kni
630229 -- Printed bed-linen of other textiles (excl. knit 630231 -- Bed linen of cotton (excl. printed, knitted or
630232 -- Bed linen of man-made fibres (excl. printed, kn 630239 -- Bad linen of other textiles (excl. printed, kni
630240 -- Table linen, knitted or crocheted 630251 -- Table linen of cotton (excl. knitted or crochet
630252 -- Table linen of flax (excl. knitted or crocheted 630253 -- Table linen of man-made fibres (excl. knitted o
630259 -- Table linen of other textiles, nes (excl. knitt 630260 -- Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry fabric
630291 -- Toilet linen and kitchen linen of cotton, nes 630292 -- Toilet linen and kitchen linen of flax, nes
630293 -- Toilet linen and kitchen linen of man-made fibr 630299 -- Toilet linen and kitchen linen of other textile
630311 -- Curtains and interior blinds; valances of cotto 630312 -- Curtains, etc; valances of synthetic fibres, kn
630319 -- Curtains, etc; valances of textile materials, k 630391 -- Curtains and interior blinds; curtain or bed va
630392 -- Curtains and interior blinds; curtain/bed valan 630399 -- Curtains and interior blinds; curtain/bed valan
630411 -- Knitted or crocheted bedspreads 630419 -- Bedspreads (excl. knitted or crocheted)
630491 -- Knitted or crocheted furnishing articles, nes 630492 -- Furnishing articles, nes, of cotton (excl. knit
630493 -- Furnishing articles of synthetic fibres (excl. 630499 -- Furnishing articles of other textiles (excl. kn
630510 -- Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of jute 630520 -- Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of cott
630531 -- Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of poly 630539 -- Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of man-
630590 -- Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of othe 630611 -- Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of cotton
630612 -- Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of synthetic 630619 -- Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of other tex
630621 -- Tents of cotton 630622 -- Tents of synthetic fibres
630629 -- Tents of other textiles, nes 630631 -- Sails of synthetic fibres
630639 -- Sails of other textiles (excl. synthetic fibres 630641 -- Pneumatic mattresses, of cotton
630649 -- Pneumatic mattresses, of other textiles (excl. 630691 -- Camping goods, of cotton (excl. tents)
630699 -- Camping goods of other textiles (excl. cotton a 630710 -- Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar
630720 -- Life-jackets and life-belts 630790 -- Made up articles (incl. dress patterns), nes
630800 -- Sets of woven fabric and yarn, for making up in 630900 -- Worn clothing and other worn articles
631010 -- Used or new rags, worn out scrap twine, cordage 631090 -- Used or new rags, worn out scrap twine, cordage

64 - Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles

640110 -- Waterproof footwear incorporating a protective 640191 -- Waterproof footwear covering the knee...
640192 -- Waterproof footwear covering the ankle but not 640199 -- Waterproof footwear (not covering the ankle)
640211 -- Ski-boots and cross-country ski footwear of rub 640219 -- Sport footwear, nes, of rubber or plastics
640220 -- Footwear with thongs plugged into soles, of rub 640230 -- Footwear, with metal toe-cap, of rubber or plas
640291 -- Footwear, nes, covering the ankle of rubber or 640299 -- Footwear, nes, not covering the ankle, of rubbe
640311 -- Ski-boots, etc, with rubber, plastics, leather. 640319 -- Sports footwear, with rubber, plastics, leather
640320 -- Sandles, with leather soles and straps (over in 640330 -- Footwear with a wood base, no inner soles or ca
640340 -- Footwear, with a metal toe-cap, leather uppers 640351 -- Footwear with leather soles and uppers, coverin
640359 -- Footwear with leather soles and uppers, not cov 640391 -- Footwear with rubber... soles and leather upper
640399 -- Footwear with rubber... soles, leather uppers, 640411 -- Sports footwear,with rubber or plastic soles an
640419 -- Other footwear,with rubber or plastic soles and 640420 -- Footwear with leather or composition leather so
640510 -- Footwear, nes, with leather or composition leat 640520 -- Footwear, nes, with textile uppers
640590 -- Footwear, nes 640610 -- Uppers and parts thereof (excl. stiffeners)
640620 -- Outer soles and heels of rubber or plastics 640691 -- Wooden parts of footwear (excl. uppers, outer s
640699 -- Non-wood parts of footwear (excl. uppers, outer

68 - Stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; articles thereof

680100 -- Setts, curbstones and flagstones of natural sto 680210 -- Tiles etc rect or not >7 cm etc; arti coloured
680221 -- Monumental/building stone,cut/sawn flat/even,ma 680222 -- Monumental/building stone, cut/sawn flat or eve
680223 -- Monumental/building stone, cut/sawn flat or eve 680229 -- Monumental/building stone, cut/sawn flat or eve
680291 -- Worked monumental/building stone nes, marble, t 680292 -- Worked monumental/building stone nes, calcareou
680293 -- Worked monumental/building stone nes, granite 680299 -- Worked monumental/building stone nes
680300 -- Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglom 680410 -- Millstones and grindstones for milling, grindin
680421 -- Millstones,grindstones etc of agglomerated synt 680422 -- Millstones, grindstones etc of oth agglomerated
680423 -- Millstones, grindstones etc of natural stone 680430 -- Hand sharpening or polishing stones
680510 -- Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain 680520 -- Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain
680530 -- Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain 680610 -- Slag wool, rock wool & similar mineral wools in
680620 -- Exfoliated vermiculite,expanded clays,foamed sl 680690 -- Art. of heat/sound insulating,etc,nes,mineral m
680710 -- Asphalt or similar material articles, in rolls 680790 -- Asphalt or similar material articles nes
680800 -- Panels,boards etc of veg fbr,straw etc agglomer 680911 -- Plaster boards etc not ornamental faced or rein
680919 -- Plaster boards etc not ornamental faced or rein 680990 -- Articles of plaster or compositions based on pl
681011 -- Building blocks and bricks of cement, concrete 681019 -- Tiles,flagstones and similar art. of cement/con
681020 -- Pipes of cement or concrete 681091 -- Prefabri structural components of buildings etc
681099 -- Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificia 681110 -- Corrugated sheets of asbestos-cement,of cellulo
681120 -- Sheets nes,panels/tiles etc of asbestos-cement, 681130 -- Tubes,pipes&tube or pipe fittings of asbestos-c
681190 -- Articles nes, of asbestos-cement of cellulose f 681210 -- Asbestos fibres etc
681220 -- Asbestos yarn and thread 681230 -- Asbestos cords and string, whether or not plait
681240 -- Asbestos woven or knitted fabric 681250 -- Asbestos clothing, clothing accessories, footwe
681260 -- Asbestos paper, millboard and felt 681270 -- Compressed asbestos fibre jointing, in sheets o
681290 -- Asbestos fabricated products nes 681310 -- Asbestos brake linings and pads
681390 -- Asbestos friction material and articles nes 681410 -- Mica plates,sheets and strips,agglomerated/reco
681490 -- Worked mica and articles of mica nes 681510 -- Non-electrical articles of graphite or other ca
681520 -- Articles of peat 681591 -- Articles containing magnesite, dolomite or chro
681599 -- Articles of stone or of other mineral substance

69 - Ceramic products

70 - Glass and glassware

700100 -- Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glas 700210 -- Balls, glass exc microspheres of No 70.18
700220 -- Rods, glass 700231 -- Tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica
700232 -- Tubes of glass linear coef of exp =<5 X 10-6 pe 700239 -- Tubes of glass nes
700311 -- Cast gls sheets non-wired coloured etc having a 700319 -- Cast glass sheets non-wired nes
700320 -- Cast glass sheets wired 700330 -- Cast glass profiles
700410 -- Drawn glass sheets, coloured etc having an abso 700490 -- Drawn glass in sheets nes
700510 -- Float gls etc in sheets,non-wired having an abs 700521 -- Float glass etc in sheets, non-wired coloured t
700529 -- Float glass etc in sheets, non-wired nes 700530 -- Float glass etc in sheets, wired
700600 -- Glass of 70.03, 70.04, 70.05 bent, edge-worked 700711 -- Safety gls toughened (tempered) for vehicles,ai
700719 -- Safety glass toughened (tempered) nes 700721 -- Safety glass laminated for vehicles, aircraft,
700729 -- Safety glass laminated nes 700800 -- Multiple-walled insulating units of glass
700910 -- Rear-view mirrors for vehicles 700991 -- Glass mirrors, unframed
700992 -- Glass mirrors, framed 701010 -- Ampoules of glass conveyance or packing
701090 -- Carboys/bottles/flasks etc for conveyance of gd 701110 -- Glass envelopes (including bulbs/tubes) for ele
701120 -- Glass envelopes (including bulbs/tubes) for cat 701190 -- Glass envelopes (including bulbs/tubes) nes
701200 -- Glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vac 701310 -- Glassware of a kind used for table kitchen, etc
701321 -- Drinking glasses other than glass-ceramics, of 701329 -- Drinking glasses other than glass-ceramics nes
701331 -- Table/kitchenware (exc drinking gls) o/t gls-ce 701332 -- Table/kitchenware (exc drinking gls) o/t gls ce
701339 -- Table/kitchenware (exc drinking glasses) other 701391 -- Glassware nes of lead crystal (other than that
701399 -- Glassware nes (other than that of 70.10 or 70.1 701400 -- Signalling glsware&optical elements gls (o/t 70
701510 -- Glasses for corrective spectacles, not opticall 701590 -- Clock or watch glasses etc curved/bent not opti
701610 -- Gls cubes&oth gls smallwares backed or not for 701690 -- Paving blocks etc for building/const etc, leade
701710 -- Laboratory,hygienic or pharmaceutical glsware e 701720 -- Laboratory glassware etc of other glass linear
701790 -- Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glasswar 701810 -- Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precio
701820 -- Glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm in diamet 701890 -- Articles of glass etc exc jewellery, glass eyes
701910 -- Slivers, rovings, yarn and chopped strands of g 701920 -- Woven fabrics, including narrow fabrics of glas
701931 -- Mats of glass fibres 701932 -- Thin sheets (voiles) of glass fibres
701939 -- Webs, mattresses, boards and similar nonwoven p 701990 -- Glass fibres (including glass wool) and article
702000 -- Articles of glass nes

71 - Natural, cultured pearls; precious, semi-precious stones; precious metals, metals clad with precious metal, and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin

710110 -- Pearls natural whether or not worked or graded 710121 -- Pearls cultured unworked
710122 -- Pearls cultured worked 710210 -- Diamonds unsorted whether or not worked
710221 -- Diamonds industrial unworked or simply sawn, cl 710229 -- Diamonds industrial nes excluding mounted or se
710231 -- Diamonds non-industrial unworked or simply sawn 710239 -- Diamonds non-industrial nes excluding mounted o
710310 -- Prec or semi-prec stones (o/t diamonds) unwkd o 710391 -- Rubies, sapphires and emeralds further worked t
710399 -- Precious or semi-precious stones nes further wk 710410 -- Piezo-electric quartz whether or not worked or
710420 -- Syn or reconstr prec/semi-prec stones unwkd (si 710490 -- Syn or reconstr prec/semi-prec stones further w
710510 -- Diamond dust or powder 710590 -- Natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious
710610 -- Silver powder 710691 -- Silver in unwrought forms
710692 -- Silver in oth semi-manufactured forms (silver p 710700 -- Base metals clad with silver, not further worke
710811 -- Gold powder non-monetary 710812 -- Gold in unwrought forms non-monetary
710813 -- Gold in oth semi-manufactured forms,non-monetar 710820 -- Monetary gold
710900 -- Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not furt 711011 -- Platinum unwrought or in powder form
711019 -- Platinum in other semi-manufactured forms 711021 -- Palladium unwrought or in powder form
711029 -- Palladium in other semi-manufactured forms 711031 -- Rhodium unwrought or in powder form
711039 -- Rhodium in other semi-manufactured forms 711041 -- Iridium, osmium and ruthenium unwrought or in p
711049 -- Iridium, osmium and ruthenium in other semi-man 711100 -- Base metals, silver or gold clad with platinum
711210 -- Waste&scrap of gold,incl mtl clad w gold,excl s 711220 -- Waste&scrap of platinum,incl mtl clad w plat ex
711290 -- Waste&scrap of precious metal or of metal clad 711311 -- Art. of jewellery and pts thereof of silver w/n
711319 -- Art. of jewellery and pts thereof of/o prec mtl 711320 -- Art. of jewellery and pts thereof of base mtl c
711411 -- Art. of gold or silversmiths&parts of silver w/ 711419 -- Art. of gold or silversmiths&parts of prec mtl
711420 -- Articles of gold or silversmiths & parts of bas 711510 -- Catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill, o
711590 -- Articles of precious metal or of metal clad wit 711610 -- Articles of natural or cultured pearls
711620 -- Art. of precious or semi-precious stones,natura 711711 -- Imitation jewellery cuff-links &studs of base m
711719 -- Imitation jewellery nes of base mtl whether or 711790 -- Imitation jewellery nes
711810 -- Coin (other than gold coin) not being legal ten 711890 -- Coin nes

72 - Iron and steel

720110 -- Pig iron,non-alloy,containing by wt.=<0.5% of p 720120 -- Pig iron,non-alloy,containing by wt. >0.5% of p
720130 -- Pig iron, alloy in primary forms 720140 -- Spiegeleisen in primary forms
720211 -- Ferro-manganese, containing by weight more than 720219 -- Ferro-manganese, nes
720221 -- Ferro-silicon, containing by weight more than 5 720229 -- Ferro-silicon, nes
720230 -- Ferro-silico-manganese 720241 -- Ferro-chromium containing by weight more than 4
720249 -- Ferro-chromium, nes 720250 -- Ferro-silico-chromium
720260 -- Ferro-nickel 720270 -- Ferro-molybdenum
720280 -- Ferro-tungsten and ferro-silico-tungsten 720291 -- Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titanium
720292 -- Ferro-vanadium 720293 -- Ferro-niobium
720299 -- Ferro-alloys, nes 720310 -- Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction o
720390 -- Spongy ferrous products, or iron having a minim 720410 -- Waste and scrap, cast iron
720421 -- Waste and scrap, stainless steel 720429 -- Waste and scrap, of alloy steel, other than sta
720430 -- Waste and scrap, of tinned iron or steel 720441 -- Ferrous waste and scrap,i or s,from the mechani
720449 -- Ferrous waste and scrap, iron or steel, nes 720450 -- Remelting scrap ingots, of iron or steel
720510 -- Granules of pig iron or spiegeleisen 720521 -- Powders, alloy steel
720529 -- Powders, iron or steel, other than alloy 720610 -- Ingots, iron or non-alloy steel, of a purity of
720690 -- Primary forms, iron or non-alloy steel, nes, of 720711 -- Semi-fin prod,i/nas,rect/sq cross-sect cntg by
720712 -- Semi-fin prod,iron or n-al steel,rect/ sq cross 720719 -- Semi-fin prod, iron or non-alloy steel, cntg by
720720 -- Semi-fin prod, iron or non-alloy steel, w/ carb 720811 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, hr,=>600mm w, >
720812 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, hr,=>600mm w, 4 720813 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, hr,=>600mm w, 3
720814 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, in coil, hr, =>600mm w 720821 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, in coil, hr, =>600mm w
720822 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, hr,=>600mm w, 4 720823 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, hr,=>600mm w, 3
720824 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, hr,=>600mm w, l 720831 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas,nic,hr,=>600mm width, =
720832 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, nic, hr =>600mm wide, 720833 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, nic, hr=>600mm w, 4.75mm
720834 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas,nic,hr=>600mm wide, 3mm 720835 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas,nic,hr=>600mm wide, les
720841 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, nic, hr 600mm = 720842 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, not in coil, hr =>600m
720843 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, not in coil, hr=>600mm w 720844 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, not in coil, hr =>600m
720845 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, not in coil, hr =>600m 720890 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, not further worked tha
720911 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, in coil, cr, =>600mm w 720912 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, cr,=>600mm w, 1
720913 -- Flat rlld prod,i/nas,in coil,cr,=>600mm w,0.5mm 720914 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, cr,=>600mm w, <
720921 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, in coil, cr, =>600mm w 720922 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, in coil, cr, =>600mm w
720923 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, cr,=>600mm w, 0 720924 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, in coil, cr,=>600mm w, l
720931 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, not in coil, cr=>600mm w 720932 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, not in coil,cr=>600mm
720933 -- Flat rlld prod,i/nas,not in coil,cr=>600mm w,0. 720934 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, not in coil, cr=>600mm w
720941 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, not in coil, cr=>600mm w 720942 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, not in coil, cr =>600m
720943 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, not in coil, cr =>600m 720944 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, not in coil, cr=>600mm w
720990 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, not in coil, cr =>600m 721011 -- Flat rolled prod,i/nas, plated or coated with t
721012 -- Flat rlld prod, i/nas, plated or coated with ti 721020 -- Flat rlld prod,plated or coated with lead,=>600
721031 -- Flat rolled prod,steel,electro pltd/w/ zinc,<3m 721039 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, electro pltd or ctd w
721041 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, pltd or ctd w zinc, co 721049 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, plated or coated with
721050 -- Flat rlld prod,i/nas,pltd or ctd w chrom oxides 721060 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, plated or coated with
721070 -- Flat rolled prod,i/nas,painted,varnish./coated 721090 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, clad, plated or coated
721111 -- Flat rlld prod,i/nas,hr,rlld on 4 face,150mm 721112 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, hr, <600mm wide =>4.75
721119 -- Flat rlld prod,i/nas,hr,<600mm wide <3mm thk my 721121 -- Flat rlld prod,i/nas,hr,rlld on 4 faces,150mm <
721122 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, hr, <600mm wide, =>4.7 721129 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, hr, <600mm wide nes
721130 -- Flat rlld prod,i/nas,cr,<600mm wide<3mm thk myp 721141 -- Flat rlld prod,i/nas,cr,<600mm wide cntg by wt
721149 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, cold rolled or cold re 721190 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, <600mm wide, not clad,
721210 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, <600mm wide, plated or 721221 -- Flat rlld prod, steel, <600mm w, <3mm thk myp 2
721229 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, <600mm wide, clad, pla 721230 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, <600mm wide, o/w plate
721240 -- Flat rolled prod,i/nas,<600mm wide,painted,varn 721250 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, <600mm wide, plated or
721260 -- Flat rolled prod, i/nas, <600mm wide, clad 721310 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, hr,in irreg wound coils,cnt
721320 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, hr, in irreg wound coils, o 721331 -- Bars/rods,i/nas,hr,in irreg wnd coils of circ c
721339 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, hr, containing by weight le 721341 -- Bars&rods,i/nas,hr,of circ cross sect<14mm dia,
721349 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, hr, containing by wght 0.25 721350 -- Bars&rods,iron or non-alloy steel,hr containing
721410 -- Bars & rods, iron or non-alloy steel forged 721420 -- Bars&rods,i/nas,hr,hd or he,cntg indent,ribs,et
721430 -- Bars&rods, i/nas, hot rlld drawn or extruded of 721440 -- Bars&rods,i/nas,hot rlld,drawn/extruded,cntg by
721450 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, hr, hd or he, cntg by wght 721460 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, hr, hd or he, cntg by wght
721510 -- Bars&rods,i/nas,nfw than cold formed or finishe 721520 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, nfw than cold formed or fin
721530 -- Bars&rods,i/nas,nfw than cold formed or finishe 721540 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, nfw than cold formed or fin
721590 -- Bars & rods, i/nas, nes 721610 -- Sections, U,I or H,i/nas,nfw than hot rolled/dr
721621 -- Sections,L,i/nas,nfw than hot rlld,drawn/extrud 721622 -- Sections,T,i/nas,nfw than hot rlld,drawn/extrud
721631 -- Sections,U,i/nas,nfw than hot rlld,drawn/extrud 721632 -- Sections,I,i/nas,nfw than hot rlld,drawn/extrud
721633 -- Sections,H,i/nas,nfw than hot rlld,drawn/extrud 721640 -- Sections, L or T, i/nas, nfw than hot rlld, dra
721650 -- Angles,shapes and sect,i/nas,nfw than hot rlld/ 721660 -- Angles, shapes and sections, i/nas, nfw than co
721690 -- Angles, shapes and sections, iron or non-alloy 721711 -- Wire,i/nas,polished or not,but not plated or co
721712 -- Wire,i/nas,plated or coated with zinc,containin 721713 -- Wire,i/nas,plated or coated with oth base mtls
721719 -- Wire, i/nas, containing by weight less than 0.2 721721 -- Wire, i/nas,polished or not,but not pltd or ctd
721722 -- Wire, i/nas, plated or coated with zinc contnng 721723 -- Wire,i/nas,pltd or ctd with oth base mtls nes,c
721729 -- Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, nes containing b 721731 -- Wire,i/nas,polished or not,but not pltd or ctd,
721732 -- Wire,i/nas,plated or coated with zinc containin 721733 -- Wire,i/nas,pltd or ctd with oth base mtls nes,c
721739 -- Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, nes containing b 721810 -- Ingots and other primary forms, stainless steel
721890 -- Semi-finished products, stainless steel 721911 -- Flat rlld prod,stainless steel,hr,in coil,=>600
721912 -- Flat rlld prod, stainless steel, hr, in coil,=> 721913 -- Flat rlld prod, stainless steel, hr in coil,=>6
721914 -- Flat rlld prod, stainless steel, hr in coil,=>6 721921 -- Flat rlld prod, stainless steel, hr, nic,=>600m
721922 -- Flat rlld prod, stainless steel, hr, nic, >600m 721923 -- Flat rlld prod, stainless steel, hr, nic, >600m
721924 -- Flat rlld prod, stainless steel, hr, nic, >600m 721931 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, >600mm w
721932 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, >600mm w 721933 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, 600mm wi
721934 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, >600mm w 721935 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr, >600mm w
721990 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, 600mm or mor 722011 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, hr <600mm wi
722012 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, hr <600mm wi 722020 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, <600mm wide,
722090 -- Flat rolled prod, stainless steel, cr <600mm wi 722100 -- Bars & rods, stainless steel, hot rolled in irr
722210 -- Bars & rods, stainless steel, nfw than hot roll 722220 -- Bars & rods, stainless steel, nfw than cold for
722230 -- Bars & rods, stainless steel, nes 722240 -- Angles, shapes and sections, stainless steel
722300 -- Wire of stainless steel 722410 -- Ingots & other primary forms of alloy steel, o/
722490 -- Semi-finished products of alloy steel o/t stain 722510 -- Flat rolled products of silicon-electrical stee
722520 -- Flat rolled products of high speed steel =>600m 722530 -- Flat rlld prod, as, o/t stainless, in coils, nf
722540 -- Flat rolled prod, as, o/t stainless, nic nfw th 722550 -- Flat rlld prod, as, o/t stainless, nfw than col
722590 -- Flat rolled prod, as, o/t stainless, =>600mm wi 722610 -- Flat rolled prod, of silicon electrical steel,
722620 -- Flat rolled prod, of high speed steel, <600mm w 722691 -- Flat rlld prod, as, o/t stainless, nfw than hot
722692 -- Flat rolled prod, as, o/t stainless, nfw than c 722699 -- Flat rolled prod, as, o/t stainless, <600mm wid
722710 -- Bars & rods, of high speed steel, hr, in irregu 722720 -- Bars & rods, of silico-manganese steel, hr, in
722790 -- Bars&rods,alloy steel,o/t stainless hr,in irreg 722810 -- Bars and rods of high speed steel, nes
722820 -- Bars and rods of silico-manganese steel nes 722830 -- Bars&rods,alloy steel,o/t stainless nfw than ho
722840 -- Bars & rods, as, o/t stainless, not further wor 722850 -- Bars&rods, as, o/t stainless, not further wkd t
722860 -- Bars & rods, as, o/t stainless, nes 722870 -- Angles, shapes and sections, as, o/t stainless,
722880 -- Bars & rods, hollow drill, alloy or non-alloy s 722910 -- Wire of high speed steel
722920 -- Wire of silico-manganese steel 722990 -- Wire of alloy steel, o/t stainless

73 - Iron or steel articles

730110 -- Sheet piling,i or s whether or not drilled/punc 730120 -- Angles, shapes and sections, welded, iron or st
730210 -- Rails, iron or steel 730220 -- Sleepers (cross-ties), iron or steel
730230 -- Switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods & oth 730240 -- Fish plates and sole plates, iron or steel
730290 -- Rail or tramway construction material of iron o 730300 -- Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast iron
730410 -- Pipes, line, iron or steel, smls, of a kind use 730420 -- Casings,tubing&drill pipe,i/st,smls,for use in
730431 -- Tubes,pipe&hollow profiles,i or nas,smls,cd/cr, 730439 -- Tubes, pipe & hollow profiles, i or nas, smls,
730441 -- Tubes,pipe&hollow profiles,stain steel,smls,cd/ 730449 -- Tubes, pipe & hollow profiles, stainless steel,
730451 -- Tubes,pipe&hollow profiles,as,(o/t stain) smls, 730459 -- Tubes,pipe&hollow profiles,as,(o/t stainless) s
730490 -- Tubes, pipe & hollow profiles, iron or steel, s 730511 -- Pipe,line,i or s,longitudinally subm arc wld,in
730512 -- Pipe,line,i or s,longitudinally wld w int/ext c 730519 -- Pipe, line, i or s, int/ext circ cross sect, wl
730520 -- Casings,i/s,int/ext circ c sect,wld ext dia >40 730531 -- Tubes & pipe, i or s, longitudinally welded, ex
730539 -- Tubes&pipe,i or s,welded,riveted or sim closed, 730590 -- Tubes & pipe, i or s, riveted or sim closed, ex
730610 -- Pipe,line,i or s,welded,riveted or sim closed,n 730620 -- Casing/tubing,i or s,welded,riveted or sim clsd
730630 -- Tubes,pipe&hollow profiles,iron or nas,welded,o 730640 -- Tubes,pipe&hollow profiles,stainless steel,weld
730650 -- Tubes, pipe & hollow profiles,al/s,(o/t stain) 730660 -- Tubes, pipe & hollow profiles, i/s, welded, of
730690 -- Tubes, pipe & hollow profiles, iron or steel, w 730711 -- Fittings, pipe or tube, of non-malleable cast i
730719 -- Fittings, pipe or tube, cast, of iron or steel, 730721 -- Flanges, stainless steel
730722 -- Threaded elbows, bends and sleeves of stainless 730723 -- Fittings, butt welding, stainless steel
730729 -- Fittings pipe or tube of stainless steel, nes 730791 -- Flanges, iron or steel, nes
730792 -- Threaded elbows, bend and sleeves, iron or stee 730793 -- Fittings, but welding, iron or steel, nes
730799 -- Fittings, pipe or tube, iron or steel, nes 730810 -- Bridges and bridge sections, iron or steel
730820 -- Towers and lattice masts, iron or steel 730830 -- Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds
730840 -- Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping 730890 -- Structures and parts of structures,i or s
730900 -- Reservoirs, tanks, vats & sim ctnr, cap >300L, 731010 -- Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes&sim contr, i o
731021 -- Cans,iron or steel,cap<50 litres,to be closed b 731029 -- Cans, iron or steel, capacity <50 litres nes
731100 -- Containers for compressed or liquefied gas of i 731210 -- Stranded wire,ropes and cables of iron or steel
731290 -- Plaited bands, slings and the like of iron or s 731300 -- Wire,barbed,twisted hoop,single flat or twisted
731411 -- Woven products, stainless steel 731419 -- Woven products, iron or steel, other than stain
731420 -- Grill,netting,fencing,i or s,welded inter,cross 731430 -- Grill, netting, fencing, iron or steel, welded
731441 -- Grill, netting, fencing, iron or steel, plated 731442 -- Grill, netting, fencing, iron or steel, coated
731449 -- Grill, netting, fencing, iron or steel, nes 731450 -- Expanded metal, iron or steel
731511 -- Chain, roller, iron or steel 731512 -- Chain, articulated link, iron or steel, nes
731519 -- Chain parts, articulated link, iron or steel 731520 -- Chain, skid, iron or steel
731581 -- Chain, stud link, iron or steel 731582 -- Chain, welded link, iron or steel, nes
731589 -- Chain, iron or steel, nes 731590 -- Chain parts, iron or steel, nes
731600 -- Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof of iron or 731700 -- Nails, staples & sim art, i or s,excl art of he
731811 -- Screws, coach, iron or steel 731812 -- Screws, wood, iron or steel, nes
731813 -- Screw hooks and screw rings of iron or steel 731814 -- Screws, self-tapping, iron or steel
731815 -- Bolts or screws nes, with or without their nuts 731816 -- Nuts, iron or steel, nes
731819 -- Threaded articles of iron or steel, nes 731821 -- Washers, spring or lock, iron or steel
731822 -- Washers, iron or steel, nes 731823 -- Rivets, iron or steel
731824 -- Cotters and cotter-pins, iron or steel 731829 -- Non-threaded articles of iron or steel, nes
731910 -- Needles, sewing, darning or embroidery, iron or 731920 -- Pins, safety, iron or steel
731930 -- Pins, iron or steel, nes 731990 -- Articles for use in the hand, i or s, similar t
732010 -- Springs, leaf and leaves therefor, iron or stee 732020 -- Springs, helical, iron or steel
732090 -- Springs, iron or steel, nes 732111 -- Cooking appliances&plate warmers for gas fuel o
732112 -- Cooking appliances & plate warmers for liquid f 732113 -- Cooking appliances & plate warmers for solid fu
732181 -- Household or camping appliances,i/s,for htg or 732182 -- Household or camping appliances,i/s,for htg or
732183 -- Household or camping appliances,i/s,for htg or 732190 -- Appliance parts clearly identifiable as for hou
732211 -- Radiators and parts thereof, cast iron 732219 -- Radiators and parts thereof, iron or steel, oth