Welcome to the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS).
WITS is software developed by the World Bank, in close collaboration and consultation with the various International Organizations including, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), International Trade Center (ITC), United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) and World Trade Organization (WTO). WITS gives access and allows users to retrieve information on trade and tariffs compiled by various international organizations.
WITS offers a lot of flexibility for retrieving information from the various databases, both at tariff line and HS 6-digit levels. WITS can convert automatically data between nomenclatures (from HS to BEC, GTAP, WTO MTN, ISIC ...) and produce product and country aggregated results which can be saved or exported to other applications for further treatment.
WITS also include simulation tools which allow producing new tariff structures using pre-defined or user-defined tariff change scenarios (Doha negotiations, Unilateral MFN applied, preferential agreements) or simulating the impact of tariff changes on trade flows (trade creation and diversion), tariff revenues, and consumer welfare using partial equilibrium modeling tools.
Online Help: Organization and Conventions
This help is organized the following way:
You can read the topics of this help in order, or you can read the Introduction and WITS Basics and then start with the topic that best suits your interest.
The following typographical conventions are used in this manual:
WITS Online Help
The World Bank, 2010