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Ad-Valorem Equivalents of non Ad-Valorem Tariffs

UNCTAD and the World Bank have jointly computed ad valorem equivalents (AVEs) of non ad valorem tariffs.

These AVEs are included in the tariff schedules when you view an entire tariff schedule using Quick Query - Tariff View and Export Raw Data for TRAINS database, and they can be included when Advanced Query computes average tariff rates.

AVEs are calculated using two methods:

UNCTAD 1: a three-step method for estimating unit values: (1) from tariff line import statistics of the market country available in TRAINS; then (if (1) is not available) (2) from the HS 6-digit import statistics of the market country from UN COMTRADE; then (if (1) and (2) are not available) (3) from the HS 6-digit import statistics of all OECD countries. Once a unit value is estimated, then it is used for all types of rates (MFN, preferential rates, etc)

UNCTAD 2: Step (3) of the above. This produces unique unit value for each product common to all importing countries and all types of rates. It also preserves the margin of preference in the preferential rates.

Next: Non Tariff Measures

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The World Bank, 2010