You are here: Utilities > TRAINS Tariff Measures

Using TRAINS Tariff Measures

The TRAINS Tariff Measures tool, available in Support Materials, details tariff measures existing in TRAINS by country period.

To display information:

  1. Click Support Materials menu;
  2. In the menu, select TRAINS Tariff Measures and Preference Beneficiaries.
  3. The default tab selected is TRAINS Tariff Measures. The table will show the years for which tariff schedules are available and the HS version on which the national tariff line level structure is based for any given country/period (Nomen field)
  4. In the table, locate the nomenclature, country/year for which you want to retrieve tariff measures.

    The table displays information on several tariff structures:

Column Heading


TDW DutyCode

is the tariff structure code.


is the code for the partner or group of partners facing the considered tariff. In case of a group, individual countries can be identified using another WITS tool called TRAINS Preference Beneficiaries (see Using TRAINS Preference Beneficiaries). For example, N37 is the group of MERCOSUR members.

Breif Description

returns the name of the tariff measure.


returns the code for the type of tariff measure (002 for MFN Applied for example).


is not used at this stage.

Downloading Data

You can download the data by:

  1. Clicking on the Download button;
  2. Enter the appropriate Job Name,Job Description and select the desired File Format in the file format dropdown and click on download ;
  3. Go to the Download and View Results page under Results menu and click on the Download tab.


Next: Using TRAINSPreference Beneficiaries tool

WITS Online Help

The World Bank, 2010