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Quick Search: UN COMTRADE by Product

UN COMTRADE by Product allows you to query UN COMTRADE database and to access trade values and quantities for one product (or product category) at a time but for one or multiple years, reporters and partner countries.

This query module is specially helpful if you want to identify a country's major trading partners (importers or exporters) for a specific product category.

Select UN COMTRADE by Product sub-menu under Quick Search menu.

In the query selection screen go from top to down selecting the following query dimensions.

  • Nomenclature
  • Year
  • Flow
  • Tier
  • Product
  • Reporters
  • Partners

Click on View Report to get the report Column Selection Screen or Download to get the Download job

To customize your query result:

  1. On the column selection screen you can select the columns from left Available Columns and press the > to move the selection to the right Selected Columns. Use the >> button to move all the columns to the Selected Columns section.
  2. To remove a selected column(s) select the column(s) in Selected Columns and press the <. Note some columns (like Partner Code, Product Code, Reporter Code) are mandatory and cannot be removed.

You can use the Up and Down button to order your column selection in the Selected Columns section. To sort the data by a particular column ensure the column is first in the Selected Columns section. On selecting a column name you also get a brief description of the column below the Pivot Header drop down.

To pivot a table:

  1. Go to the Select report columns screen;
  2. Move the columns you want to be displayed in the report to the Selected Columns section.
  3. Select the column on which to pivot in the Pivot Header dropdown. Note the available columns in this dropdown is limited (columns on which the data can be pivoted).
  4. Then in the Pivot Data select the columns whose value should appear in the pivot. Note: Here again the number of columns in this are limited to meaningful columns.
  5. After making the selection click on the Proceed button to get the output.

Next: Trade - View and Export Tariffline Imports

WITS Online Help

The World Bank, 2010