- Product Concordance
- Product Nomenclatures
- SITC Standard Product Groups
- HS Standard Product Groups
- MTN Standard Product Groups
- Global Value Chain Product Groups
- Medical Products (COVID 19)
Product Nomenclatures
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Products
HS Products
Broad Economic Categories (BEC)
Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature (CCCN)
Central Product Classification (CPC)
Global Trade Analysis Project - product classification (GTAP)
International Standard Industrial Classification (I2)
International Standard Industrial Classification (I3)
(US) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
WTO MTN Multi-Lateral Trade Negotiations (MTN Categories)
NACE Revision 1
SITC Standard Product Groups
Chemical: Chemicals (SITC 5)
Food:Food (SITC 0+1+22+4)
Fuels: Fuels (SITC 3)
Miscl:Miscellaneous Goods (SITC 9)
NonOil:Total non-oil trade
OresMtls: Ores & Metals (SITC 27+28+68)
PetrlPrd: Petroleum Products (SITC 332)
Textiles: Textiles as 26+65+84 of SITC
TotalNo95:Total less arms (95)
Transp: Machinery & Transport Equipment (SITC 7)
Agricultural Materials (SITC 0+1+2-27-28+4)
Agricultural Raw Materials (SITC 2-22-27-28)
Other manufactures (SITC 6+8-68)
Primary Products
Resource Based
High Tech
Medium Tech
Low Tech
HS Standard Product Groups
UNCTAD-SoP1: Raw materials
UNCTAD-SoP2: Intermediate goods
UNCTAD-SoP3: Consumer goods
UNCTAD-SoP4: Capital goods
WTO_HS_Aggri: WTO HS Agricultural
WTO_HS_Indus: WTO HS Industrial
WTO_HS_Petro: WTO HS Petroleum
MTN Standard Product Groups
MTNAGR: MTN Agricultural Products
MTNNAGR: MTN Non Agricultural Products
List of Standard Country Groups
All high-income (OECD plus non-OECD countries)
ALL OECD members
EU25 members
High-income OECD
Least Developed Countries -- LDC
Low & Middle income East Asian & Pacific countries -- LDCEAP
Low and middle income economies --
Low and Middle Income Europe -- LDC Europe
Low and Middle income Latin America and Caribbean -- LDC LAC
Low and Middle income Middle East and North Africa -- LDC MNA
Low and Middle income South Asian countries -- LDC S Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa -- SSA
WTO All members (154) -- WTO-ALL
WTO Developing members (59) excl. LDCs & BC<35%
WTO High-income Members (21)
WTO LDC members (31) -- WTO-LDC
WTO Low & Middle income members (102) -- WTO-LM
WTO members non-LDC with BC<35% (11) -- WTO-BC35
WTO Not member countries -- WTO-NOT
- TRAINS Tariff Measures and Preference Beneficiaries
- UNCTAD Classifications of Non-Tariff Measures
- UN Comtrade Quantity Codes
- WTO IDB Quantity Codes
- SMART Import Demand Elasticity
- Bilateral Tariff Technical Note
TRAINS Tariff Measures and Preference Beneficiaries
TRAINS Tariff Measures
TRAINS Preference Beneficiaries
UNCTAD Classifications of Non-Tariff Measures
NTMs Classification versions
NTMs Correlations (M2 to M3)