Pakistan Trade

Latest trade data available from various sources.

Please note: The data from various sources are not from the same year.
Pakistan monthly trade data

Country / Region
For viewing trade, tariff data for country or region by year click here.
Please note the exports, imports and tariff data are based on reported data and not gap filled. Please check the Data Availability for coverage.



Overall Exports and Imports

Exports (in US$ Mil) 30,769
No. Of products 2,753
No. Of partners 199
Imports (in US$ Mil) 70,176
No. Of products 3,988
No. Of partners 206

Trade Indicator

HH Market concentration index0.06
Index of export market penetration9.22
World Growth5.18
Country Growth7.98

Service Indicators 2022

Service imports (BoP, current US$)10,508,078,000.00
Service exports (BoP, current US$)7,357,970,000.00
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)21.85
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)10.47

Pakistan top 5 Export and Import partners

Market Trade (US$ Mil) Partner share(%)
United States6,193 20.13
China2,528 8.22
United Kingdom2,011 6.54
Netherlands1,791 5.82
Germany1,751 5.69
Exporter Trade (US$ Mil) Partner share(%)
China16,131 22.99
United Arab Emirates7,840 11.17
Saudi Arabia5,081 7.24
Indonesia4,891 6.97
Qatar4,086 5.82

Pakistan Exports and Imports of Product Groups

Product Categories Exports Imports
Export(US$ Mil) Product share(%) Import(US$ Mil) Prod share(%) Weighted Average (%)
Raw materials3,049 9.91 15,625 22.27 3.45
Intermediate goods7,124 23.15 18,458 26.30 4.26
Consumer goods19,747 64.18 26,326 37.51 15.76
Capital goods815 2.65 8,388 11.95 11.26

Top 5 Products exports imports at HS 6 digit level

Men's or boys' ensem ...2,017,035.76
Semi-milled or wholl ...1,692,839.34
Bed linen of cotton ...1,106,572.10
Toilet linen and kit ...1,067,694.85
Bad linen of other t ...949,520.81
Petroleum oils, etc, ...10,925,475.08
Petroleum oils and o ...5,961,414.86
Natural gas, liquefi ...4,523,446.16
Palm oil (excl. crud ...3,742,745.47
Cotton, not carded o ...1,937,495.60

Tariff and Trade Barriers for Pakistan

Tariffs 2022

No. Of Tariff Agreement 1
Simple Average (%) 11.30
Duty Free Imports (US$ Thousand) 15,160,637.28
Maximum Rate (%) 956.73
Weighted Average (%) 8.22
Duty Free Tariff Lines Share (%) 27.56

Overall Trade Restrictiveness Index (OTRI) 2009

Overall Trade Restrictiveness Index - MFN Tariff (2009)0.07
Overall Trade Restrictiveness Index - Applied Tariff (2009)0.07

Services Service Policy Restrictive Database (SPRD)

Services Trade Restrictions Index - Over All28.30

Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) 2013

No Of NTM Measures (2013)2
No Of NTM Affected Products (HS 6 Digit) (2013)28

Temporary Trade Barriers Database (TTDB) 2013

Temporary Trade Barriers in Effect - Simple Average (2013)0.29
Temporary Trade Barriers in Effect - Weighted Average (2013)1.31

World Development Indicators (WDI)

2022 WDI »
GDP (current US$ Mil)376,533
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)1,580.00
Trade Balance (current US$ Mil)-42,867.00
Trade Balance (% of GDP)-11.38

Doing Business

2019 Doing Business »
Ease of Doing Business Rank108
Trading Across Borders Rank111

Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA)

2018 CPIA »
CPIA Trade Ratings3.50

Logistics Performance Index (LPI)

2016 LPI »
LPI Score2.92
LPI Rank68