Other Asia, nes Trade Summary

2022 Data

Other Asia, nes exports, imports, tariff by year.

Country / Region
For at a glance i.e. latest available trade, tariff, trade barriers and other trade related data Click Here.
Please note the exports, imports and tariff data are based on reported data and not gap filled. Please check the Data Availability for coverage.




Overall Exports and Imports

Exportsmore »
Exports (in US$ Mil): 477,817
No. Of products: 4,042
No. Of partners: 216
Importsmore »
Imports (in US$ Mil): 436,551
No. Of products: 4,361
No. Of partners: 229

Top 5 Products exports imports at HS 6 digit level

Exports (US$ Thousands)  
Imports (US$ Thousands)

Top 5 Export and Import partners

Market Trade (US$ Mil) Partner share(%)
China120,630 25.25
United States74,927 15.68
Hong Kong, China64,426 13.48
Japan33,592 7.03
Singapore29,398 6.15
Exporter Trade (US$ Mil) Partner share(%)
China83,564 19.14
Japan54,354 12.45
United States45,691 10.47
Korea, Rep.34,098 7.81
Australia24,695 5.66

Exports and Imports of Product Groups

Product Categories Exports Imports
Export(US$ Mil) Product share(%) Import(US$ Mil) Prod share(%) Weighted Average (%)
Raw materials6,271 1.31 67,417 15.44 ...
Intermediate goods82,485 17.26 69,800 15.99 ...
Consumer goods71,340 14.93 79,623 18.24 ...
Capital goods316,006 66.14 213,105 48.82 ...

Trade Indicators

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HH Market concentration index: 0.14
Index of export market penetration: 20.42
World Growth: 5.18
Country Growth: 4.22


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No Of Tariff Agreement: ...
Maximum Rate (%): ...
Simple Average (%): ...
Weighted Average (%): ...
Duty Free Imports (US$ Thousand): ...
Duty Free Tariff Lines Share (%): ...

Development Indicators

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GDP (current US$):
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$):
Trade Balance (% of GDP): ...
Trade Balance (current US$ Mil): ...
Trade in services (% of GDP):
Trade (% of GDP):