Merchandise Trade Indicator Metadata

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NameDefinitionSourceTopicProduct ClassificationPeriodicityData NotesValuationCurrencyLast Updated
Country Growth (%)Annual percentage growth rate of the country’s trade value (export or import), by sector, at market prices in current U.S. dollars.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) Mirror Exports is considered 2)Growth for a given year is computed with respect to the previous yearExport - FOB; Import - CIFJan-03-2020
HH Market concentration indexHirschman Herfindahl index is a measure of the dispersion of trade value across an exporter’s partners. A country with trade (export or import) that is concentrated in a very few markets will have an index value close to 1. Similarly, a country with a perfectly diversified trade portfolio will have an index close to zero.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) Mirror Exports is considered for export data 2) All Countries except World and EUN are considered as partner group 3) Product 'Total' is used for this computation 4) The indicator is computed at reporter-partner level and aggregated to reporter levelExport - FOB; Import - CIFJan-03-2020
Index Of Export Market Penetration It is calculated as the number of countries to which the reporter exports a particular product divided by the number of countries that report importing the product that year. WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) Mirror Exports is considered for export data 2) All products at HS 6 digits are considered 3) Computation is performed at Country-Product level and aggregated to country levelExport - FOB; Import - CIFJan-03-2020
No Of traded HS6 digit ProductsTotal number of products exported by a country at the Harmonized System 1998 (HS 2) six digit level in any given year.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) All traded products at HS 6 digits are considered for this computationJan-03-2020
No Of traded HS6 digit ProductsTotal number of products imported by a country at the Harmonized System (HS) six digit level in any given year.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) All traded products at HS 6 digits are considered for this computationJan-03-2020
Number of export partnersNumber of countries to whom a particular country exports data in any given year.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) Product 'Total' is used for this computation.Jan-03-2020
Number of import partnersNumber of countries from which a particular country imports data in any given year.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) Product 'Total' is used for this computation.Jan-03-2020
Number of products exportedTotal number of products exported by a country at the Harmonized System (HS) six digit level in any given year.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) All traded products at HS 6 digits are considered for this computation.Jan-03-2020
Number of products importedTotal number of products imported by a country at the Harmonized System (HS) six digit level in any given year.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) All traded products at HS 6 digits are considered for this computation.Jan-03-2020
Partner Share (%)The share of total merchandise trade (export or import) accounted for by the partner in a given year.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2AnnualJan-03-2020
Product Share (%)The share of total merchandise trade (export or import) accounted for by the product in a given year.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2AnnualJan-03-2020
Revealed comparative advantageMeasures of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) have been used to help assess a country’s export potential. The RCA indicates whether a country is in the process of extending the products in which it has a trade potential, as opposed to situations in which the number of products that can be competitively exported is static. It can also provide useful information about potential trade prospects with new partners.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2AnnualMirror Exports is considered. The RCA index of country I for product j is often measured by the product’s share in the country’s exports in relation to its share in world trade: RCAij = (xij/Xit) / (xwj/Xwt) Where xij and xwj are the values of country i’s exports of product j and world exports of product j and where Xit and Xwt refer to the country’s total exports and world total exports. A value of less than unity implies that the country has a revealed comparative disadvantage in the product. Similarly, if the index exceeds unity, the country is said to have a revealed comparative advantage in the product.Export - FOB; Import - CIFJan-03-2020
Share in Total Products (%)Share in Total Products (%)WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) All traded products at HS 6 digits are considered for this computation.Jan-03-2020
Trade complementarity indexThe trade complementarity (TC) index can provide useful information on prospects for intraregional trade in that it shows how well the structures of a country’s imports and exports match. It also has the attraction that its values for countries considering the formation of a regional trade agreement can be compared with others that have formed or tried to form similar arrangements. WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) Mirror Exports is considered for export data 2) Computation performed at HS 2 digit level and aggregated to Partner level. The TC between countries k and j is defined as: TCkj = 100(1 – sum(|mik – xij| / 2)) Where xij is the share of good i in global exports of country j (selected as Reporter) and mik is the share of good i in all imports of country k (selected as Partner). The index is zero when no goods are exported by one country or imported by the other and 100 when the export and import shares exactly match.Export - FOB; Import - CIFJan-03-2020
Trade Value (US$ Thousand)Total Import/Export Value in thousands of US Dollars current value.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2AnnualExport - FOB; Import - CIFUS Dollar - Current valueJan-03-2020
World Growth (%)Annual percentage growth rate of the world’s trade value (export or import), by sector, at market prices in current U.S. dollars.WITS - UNSD ComtradeTradeHarmonized System 1988/92, SITC Revision 2Annual1) Mirror Exports is considered 2)Growth for a given year is computed with respect to the previous yearExport - FOB; Import - CIFJan-03-2020