Summary | Prevalence | Measures

 Nigeria Non-Tariff Measure (NTM) Summary


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Importations of Nigeria have a coverage ratio of 94.33% and a frequency ratio of 85.90% for non-tariff measures. Exports of Nigeria have a coverage ratio of 1.02% and a frequency ratio of 24.41% for non-tariff measures.

Nigeria Top ten most imposed non-tariff measures

NTM Frequency and Coverage ratio, total imports, NTM Affected Product count NTM affected Trade (sorted by coverage ratio)

Measure NTM Coverage Ratio NTM Frequency Ratio NTM affected product - Count NTM affected Trade
Pre-shipment inspection (C100) 83.68% 74.49%340248,059,773.07
Labelling requirements (B310) 20.62% 18.13%82811,841,436.21
Authorization requirement for TBT reasons (B140) 19.23% 19.49%89011,042,777.05
Registration requirement for importers for TBT reasons (B150) 17.69% 14.32%65410,160,025.85
Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials (A220) 11.20% 10.20%4666,430,855.10
Labelling requirements (A310) 9.70% 10.23%4675,572,826.87
Registration requirements for importers (A150) 9.67% 10.18%4655,555,671.92
Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances (A210) 9.67% 10.18%4655,555,671.92
Special Authorization requirement for SPS reasons (A140) 9.63% 9.98%4565,532,723.93
Product registration requirement (A810) 9.36% 9.94%4545,373,647.43

Nigeria Non-Tariff Measure by Sector

NTM Frequency and Coverage ratio, total imports, NTM Affected Product count NTM affected Trade (sorted by coverage ratio)

Sector NTM Coverage ratio NTM Frequency ratio NTM affected product - count NTM affected trade NTM affected duty free imports
Textiles and Clothing 100.00% 100.00%664793,886.21
Miscellaneous 100.00% 100.00%3491,005,792.982.12
Food Products 100.00% 100.00%1822,938,474.51
Stone and Glass 100.00% 100.00%176701,558.95
Transportation 100.00% 100.00%1295,926,435.901.25
Animal 100.00% 100.00%1382,286,057.32
Vegetable 100.00% 100.00%2664,358,998.79
Wood 100.00% 100.00%2241,345,609.8517.16
Footwear 100.00% 100.00%49228,972.61
Hides and Skins 100.00% 100.00%5351,143.07
Plastic or Rubber 100.00% 100.00%2093,177,098.930.36
Mach and Elec 100.00% 100.00%76713,174,205.496.93
Metals 100.00% 100.00%5314,565,217.93
Fuels 95.78% 8.57%311,454,590.96
All Import Products 94.33% 85.90%392354,175,510.723.21
Chemicals 44.51% 23.62%1672,053,897.5212.82
Minerals 37.40% 18.18%16113,569.72