India Trade Indicators

Country / Region
Please note the exports, imports and tariff data are based on reported data and not gap filled. Please check the Data Availability for coverage.
Number of Import Partners: 214
Number of Products Imported: 4,341
Index Of Export Market Penetration: 27.06
Number of Export Partners: 220
Number of Products Exported: 4,483
HH Market Concentration Index: 0.04
Import value index (2000 = 100): 117.84
Import volume index (2000 = 100): 82.00
Goods imports (BoP, current US$): 475,304,047,599.56
Trade (% of GDP): 55.62
Net trade in goods (BoP, current US$): -167,456,559,193.65
Export value index (2000 = 100): 113.04
Export volume index (2000 = 100): 91.11
Goods exports (BoP, current US$): 307,847,488,405.91
Merchandise trade (% of GDP): 42.09
Net barter terms of trade index (2000 = 100): 86.34
Service imports (BoP, current US$): 77,758,139,080.02
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP): 31.08
Imports of goods and services (annual % growth): 20.41
Imports of goods and services (BoP, current US$): 553,062,186,679.58
Imports of goods and services (constant 2010 US$): 502,877,812,872.31
Imports of goods and services (current US$): 566,667,744,819.91
Imports of goods, services and primary income (BoP, current US$): 579,252,729,071.66
International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports): ...
Commercial service imports (current US$): 76,915,514,527.43
Transport services (% of commercial service imports): 19.99
Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service imports): 12.69
Travel services (% of commercial service imports): 17.81
Travel services (% of service imports, BoP): 17.62
Transport services (% of service imports, BoP): 19.77
ICT service exports (BoP, current US$): 62,087,226,109.32
Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service exports): 67.93
Energy imports, net (% of energy use): 29.38
Trade in services (% of GDP): 11.86
High-technology exports (current US$): 14,503,888,164.00
ICT goods exports (% of total goods exports): 2.18
Merchandise imports (current US$): 464,462,000,000.00
Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies outside region (% of total merchandise imports): 37.59
Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise imports): 1.75
Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise imports): 8.17
Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise imports): 7.12
Merchandise imports by the reporting economy (current US$): 465,073,000,000.00
Service exports (BoP, current US$): 138,527,915,664.69
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP): 24.54
Exports of goods and services (annual % growth): 15.49
Exports of goods and services (BoP, current US$): 446,375,404,070.60
Exports of goods and services (constant 2010 US$): 376,986,670,143.60
Exports of goods and services (current US$): 447,384,417,625.09
Exports of goods, services and primary income (BoP, current US$): 456,522,683,721.07
International tourism, receipts (% of total exports): ...
Commercial service exports (current US$): 137,935,254,028.87
Transport services (% of commercial service exports): 12.83
Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service exports): 6.40
Travel services (% of commercial service exports): 12.84
Travel services (% of service exports, BoP): 12.78
Transport services (% of service exports, BoP): 12.78
ICT service exports (% of service exports, BoP): 44.82
Communications, computer, etc. (% of service imports, BoP): 43.04
Net trade in goods and services (BoP, current US$): -106,686,782,608.97
Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service imports): 49.51
High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports): 7.87
ICT goods imports (% total goods imports): 5.97
Merchandise imports from high-income economies (% of total merchandise imports): 59.81
Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise imports): 18.72
Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise imports): 1.83
Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise imports): 0.55
Merchandise imports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise imports): 2.06
Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies within region (% of total merchandise imports): 0.55
Taxes on exports (% of tax revenue): 0.01
Taxes on goods and services (% of revenue): 24.98
Taxes on goods and services (current LCU): 2,516,400,000,000.00
Taxes on international trade (current LCU): 1,493,270,000,000.00
Taxes on exports (current LCU): 660,000,000.00
Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and services): 3.81
Taxes on international trade (% of revenue): 14.82
Customs and other import duties (% of tax revenue): 16.79
GDP (constant 2010 US$): 1,616,399,170,582.72
GDP (current US$): 1,823,051,829,894.55
GDP growth (annual %): 5.24
GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$): 1,285.28
GDP per capita (current US$): 1,449.60
GDP per capita growth (annual %): 3.82
GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $): 4,374.23
GDP per capita, PPP (current international $): 4,467.47
GDP, PPP (constant 2011 international $): 5,501,127,199,128.23
GDP, PPP (current international $): 5,618,380,734,786.90
GNI (constant 2010 US$): 1,601,999,440,438.01
GNI (current US$): 1,807,020,595,447.34
GNI growth (annual %): 5.45
GNI per capita (constant 2010 US$): 1,273.83
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$): 1,360.00
GNI per capita growth (annual %): 4.03
GNI per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $): 4,335.66
GNI per capita, PPP (current international $): 4,430.00
GNI, PPP (constant 2011 international $): 5,452,618,914,100.17
GNI, PPP (current international $): 5,568,974,800,574.79