Ethiopia(excludes Eritrea) Product exports and imports
Value of productsimported and exported by Ethiopia(excludes Eritrea) from all countries along with their product share, Most Favored Nation (MFN) and Effectively applied tariffs (AHS) for the year 2001.
[Select 'All Countries and Regions' to view data for all countries and regions.]
Partner Country / Region
Select Product
Please select a country or a region.
UseBy Countrytab to view country's export or import data for a particular year, for all products with a Partner or a Product with all Partners. UseBy Indicatortab to view particular indicator across years for all products with a Partner or a Product with all Partners.
By Country
Select Country or Region from Country / Region dropdown.
Select Year from Year dropdown.
Select Import/Export from the Trade Flow dropdown.
Select view by Product or by Partner.
View by Partnerallows you to view all exports or imports for a particular reporting country or region with a particular partner, for all products.
View by Productlets you view the export or import data to all partners for a particular country or region for All Products (total trade) or for a particular product grouping.
Note: You can also type your country or region name name after clicking on the dropdown.
UseBy Countrytab to view country's export or import data for a particular year, for all products with a Partner or a Product with all Partners. UseBy Indicatortab to view particular indicator across years for all products with a Partner or a Product with all Partners.
By Indicator
Select Indicator from the Indicator dropdown.
Select Year range from the Year Range dropdown.
Select Reporting country / region from the Country /Region drop down.You can also select All Countries and Region in the Reporter Country / Region dropdown if you want to see indicators for all countries and region.
Select view by Product or by Partner.
View by Partnerallows you to view indicators for a data for the selected region or country with a particular partner, for all products.
View by Productallows you view the indicator for a particular reporting country or region with all partners for All Products (total trade), or you can select a particular product grouping that can be selected in the the Product dropdown.
Note: You can also type your country or region name name after clicking on the dropdown.