Value of productsimported and exported by Germany from all countries along with their product share, Most Favored Nation (MFN) and Effectively applied tariffs (AHS) for the year 2007.
[Select 'All Countries and Regions' to view data for all countries and regions.]
Partner Country / Region
Select Product
Please select a country or a region.
UseBy Countrytab to view country's export or import data for a particular year, for all products with a Partner or a Product with all Partners. UseBy Indicatortab to view particular indicator across years for all products with a Partner or a Product with all Partners.
By Country
Select Country or Region from Country / Region dropdown.
Select Year from Year dropdown.
Select Import/Export from the Trade Flow dropdown.
Select view by Product or by Partner.
View by Partnerallows you to view all exports or imports for a particular reporting country or region with a particular partner, for all products.
View by Productlets you view the export or import data to all partners for a particular country or region for All Products (total trade) or for a particular product grouping.
Note: You can also type your country or region name name after clicking on the dropdown.
UseBy Countrytab to view country's export or import data for a particular year, for all products with a Partner or a Product with all Partners. UseBy Indicatortab to view particular indicator across years for all products with a Partner or a Product with all Partners.
By Indicator
Select Indicator from the Indicator dropdown.
Select Year range from the Year Range dropdown.
Select Reporting country / region from the Country /Region drop down.You can also select All Countries and Region in the Reporter Country / Region dropdown if you want to see indicators for all countries and region.
Select view by Product or by Partner.
View by Partnerallows you to view indicators for a data for the selected region or country with a particular partner, for all products.
View by Productallows you view the indicator for a particular reporting country or region with all partners for All Products (total trade), or you can select a particular product grouping that can be selected in the the Product dropdown.
Note: You can also type your country or region name name after clicking on the dropdown.