Thailand Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal imports by country

in 2021

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
Thailand imports of Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal was $6,112.28K and quantity 2,344,270Kg.
Thailand imported Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal from China ($4,064.54K , 1,712,030 Kg), Canada ($563.93K , 230,740 Kg), Japan ($486.15K , 84,074 Kg), Germany ($273.61K , 54,679 Kg), Netherlands ($154.40K , 58,762 Kg).

Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal exports by country in 2021
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021 World6,112.282,344,270Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021China4,064.541,712,030Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Canada563.93230,740Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Japan486.1584,074Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Germany273.6154,679Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Netherlands154.4058,762Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021France137.4515,498Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Sweden120.2414,400Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Other Asia, nes108.5166,110Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021India91.4672,775Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Switzerland30.07437Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Italy19.8222,500Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Spain17.281,622Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021United States15.861,428Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021United Kingdom15.355,267Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Korea, Rep.8.993,815Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Belgium2.6193Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Australia1.775Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Malaysia0.1920Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Russian Federation0.0415Kg
 ThailandImport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2021Singapore0.013Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 291529: Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports