Singapore Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c exports by country

in 2021

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
Singapore exports of Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c was $41,770.68K and quantity 21,461,700Kg.
Singapore exported Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c to United States ($19,674.75K , 7,145,200 Kg), China ($11,341.00K , 5,488,750 Kg), Hong Kong, China ($2,955.23K , 1,971,480 Kg), Malaysia ($1,886.23K , 1,595,450 Kg), Indonesia ($849.81K , 411,180 Kg).

Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c imports by country in 2021
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021 World41,770.6821,461,700Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021United States19,674.757,145,200Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021China11,341.005,488,750Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Hong Kong, China2,955.231,971,480Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Malaysia1,886.231,595,450Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Indonesia849.81411,180Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Netherlands827.41731,623Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Australia739.06744,988Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021New Zealand683.93753,798Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021France426.20654,999Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Germany343.95558,183Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021United Arab Emirates308.44173,606Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Brunei249.6435,508Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Philippines207.9787,736Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Thailand207.8451,679Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021United Kingdom166.05224,282Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021South Africa152.31177,276Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Canada91.1185,339Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Korea, Rep.83.2597,037Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Norway82.52120,015Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Other Asia, nes52.9664,148Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Vietnam47.809,060Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Tonga45.9117,250Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Guam34.3926,148Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Hungary30.1232,059Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Denmark29.7433,913Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Cyprus29.3632,737Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Myanmar26.6011,302Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Kenya24.7125,425Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Cambodia22.799,458Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021India17.96563Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Japan17.9414,710Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Maldives16.5810,328Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Seychelles15.449,576Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Bangladesh15.085,356Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Pakistan14.263,027Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Qatar14.2014,250Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Trinidad and Tobago13.7110,804Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021East Timor5.335,445Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Ukraine4.555,000Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Papua New Guinea3.003,360Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Macao2.231,992Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Micronesia, Fed. Sts.2.181,130Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Fiji2.121,500Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Spain2.112,624Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Mongolia1.862,000Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Greece0.89275Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Mauritius0.1579Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Israel0.0234Kg
 SingaporeExport200980Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c2021Samoa0.0112Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 200980: Juice of other single fruit, unfermented, not c

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports