Paraguay Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber imports by country

in 2018

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Paraguay imports of Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber was $300.14K and quantity 36,873Kg.
Paraguay imported Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber from Brazil ($261.63K , 32,875 Kg), Argentina ($20.07K , 64 Kg), China ($13.80K , 3,797 Kg), United States ($1.67K , 62 Kg), United Kingdom ($1.13K , 9 Kg).

Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber exports by country in 2018
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018 World300.1436,873Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Brazil261.6332,875Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Argentina20.0764Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018China13.803,797Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018United States1.6762Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018United Kingdom1.139Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Italy0.8215Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Germany0.4019Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Other Asia, nes0.223Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Spain0.173Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Serbia, FR(Serbia/Montenegro)0.1417Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Japan0.0910Kg
 ParaguayImport400690Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber2018Korea, Rep.0.000Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 400690: Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports