Summary | Prevalence | Measures

 Qatar NTM Prevalence by Sector


Type count
Sector NTM Type Count Share NTM affected product - count
All Import Products3+ types11.80614
All Import Products2 types8.76456
All Import Products1 type37.501952
All Import ProductsNo NTMs41.942183
Animal3+ types67.26226
Animal2 types18.7563
Animal1 type2.388
AnimalNo NTMs11.6139
Chemicals3+ types3.9431
Chemicals2 types9.5375
Chemicals1 type69.12544
ChemicalsNo NTMs17.41137
Food Products3+ types25.5954
Food Products2 types67.30142
Food Products1 type3.798
Food ProductsNo NTMs3.327
Footwear2 types21.2810
Footwear1 type10.645
FootwearNo NTMs68.0932
Fuels2 types18.608
Fuels1 type30.2313
FuelsNo NTMs51.1622
Hides and Skins2 types13.049
Hides and Skins1 type71.0149
Hides and SkinsNo NTMs15.9411
Mach and Elec1 type87.16672
Mach and ElecNo NTMs12.8499
Metals2 types0.895
Metals1 type6.7538
MetalsNo NTMs92.36520
Minerals2 types2.863
Minerals1 type31.4333
MineralsNo NTMs65.7169
Miscellaneous2 types10.4537
Miscellaneous1 type56.50200
MiscellaneousNo NTMs33.05117
Plastic or Rubber2 types0.952
Plastic or Rubber1 type52.13110
Plastic or RubberNo NTMs46.9299
Stone and Glass2 types0.511
Stone and Glass1 type23.5946
Stone and GlassNo NTMs75.90148
Textiles and Clothing2 types4.9039
Textiles and Clothing1 type11.4391
Textiles and ClothingNo NTMs83.67666
Transportation1 type79.23103
TransportationNo NTMs20.7727
Vegetable3+ types86.08303
Vegetable2 types11.0839
Vegetable1 type0.281
VegetableNo NTMs2.569
Wood2 types9.7923
Wood1 type13.1931
WoodNo NTMs77.02181