Summary | Prevalence | Measures

 Philippines NTM Prevalence by Sector


Type count
Sector NTM Type Count Share NTM affected product - count
All Import Products3+ types41.152142
All Import Products2 types13.72714
All Import Products1 type14.93777
All Import ProductsNo NTMs30.201572
Animal3+ types77.68261
Animal2 types4.1714
Animal1 type8.6329
AnimalNo NTMs9.5232
Chemicals3+ types21.98173
Chemicals2 types12.0795
Chemicals1 type17.28136
ChemicalsNo NTMs48.67383
Food Products3+ types96.68204
Food Products1 type2.375
Food ProductsNo NTMs0.952
Footwear3+ types23.4011
Footwear2 types10.645
Footwear1 type53.1925
FootwearNo NTMs12.776
Fuels3+ types74.4232
Fuels2 types6.983
Fuels1 type4.652
FuelsNo NTMs13.956
Hides and Skins3+ types30.4321
Hides and Skins2 types20.2914
Hides and Skins1 type26.0918
Hides and SkinsNo NTMs23.1916
Mach and Elec3+ types80.67622
Mach and Elec2 types14.79114
Mach and ElecNo NTMs4.5435
Metals3+ types12.0868
Metals2 types23.98135
Metals1 type10.3058
MetalsNo NTMs53.64302
Minerals3+ types77.1481
Minerals1 type8.579
MineralsNo NTMs14.2915
Miscellaneous3+ types24.5887
Miscellaneous2 types35.88127
Miscellaneous1 type16.9560
MiscellaneousNo NTMs22.6080
Plastic or Rubber3+ types9.4820
Plastic or Rubber2 types20.3843
Plastic or Rubber1 type30.3364
Plastic or RubberNo NTMs39.8184
Stone and Glass3+ types24.6248
Stone and Glass2 types20.5140
Stone and Glass1 type4.108
Stone and GlassNo NTMs50.7799
Textiles and Clothing3+ types8.2966
Textiles and Clothing2 types3.1425
Textiles and Clothing1 type36.06287
Textiles and ClothingNo NTMs52.51418
Transportation3+ types20.7727
Transportation2 types59.2377
Transportation1 type10.7714
TransportationNo NTMs9.2312
Vegetable3+ types89.77316
Vegetable2 types3.6913
Vegetable1 type3.1311
VegetableNo NTMs3.4112
Wood3+ types44.68105
Wood2 types3.839
Wood1 type21.7051
WoodNo NTMs29.7970