Summary | Prevalence | Measures

 United Arab Emirates NTM Prevalence by Sector


Type count
Sector NTM Type Count Share NTM affected product - count
All Import Products3+ types49.842594
All Import Products2 types5.34278
All Import Products1 type4.63241
All Import ProductsNo NTMs40.192092
Animal3+ types97.62328
Animal1 type0.602
AnimalNo NTMs1.796
Chemicals3+ types21.22167
Chemicals2 types7.7561
Chemicals1 type5.4643
ChemicalsNo NTMs65.57516
Food Products3+ types21.8046
Food Products2 types12.3226
Food Products1 type65.88139
Footwear3+ types31.9115
FootwearNo NTMs68.0932
Fuels3+ types32.5614
FuelsNo NTMs67.4429
Hides and Skins3+ types49.2834
Hides and Skins2 types4.353
Hides and Skins1 type14.4910
Hides and SkinsNo NTMs31.8822
Mach and Elec3+ types83.27642
Mach and ElecNo NTMs16.73129
Metals3+ types7.8244
Metals2 types0.181
Metals1 type0.533
MetalsNo NTMs91.47515
Minerals3+ types23.8125
Minerals2 types1.902
Minerals1 type1.902
MineralsNo NTMs72.3876
Miscellaneous3+ types55.37196
Miscellaneous2 types1.415
Miscellaneous1 type2.549
MiscellaneousNo NTMs40.68144
Plastic or Rubber3+ types14.2230
Plastic or Rubber2 types0.952
Plastic or Rubber1 type8.5318
Plastic or RubberNo NTMs76.30161
Stone and Glass3+ types16.9233
Stone and GlassNo NTMs83.08162
Textiles and Clothing3+ types68.47545
Textiles and Clothing2 types22.11176
Textiles and Clothing1 type1.7614
Textiles and ClothingNo NTMs7.6661
Transportation3+ types72.3194
Transportation2 types1.542
TransportationNo NTMs26.1534
Vegetable3+ types97.16342
Vegetable1 type0.281
VegetableNo NTMs2.569
Wood3+ types16.6039
WoodNo NTMs83.40196