Importations of Dominica have a coverage ratio of 37.70% and a frequency ratio of 26.31% for non-tariff measures. Exports of Dominica have a coverage ratio of 45.02% and a frequency ratio of 2.18% for non-tariff measures.
NTM Frequency and Coverage ratio, total imports, NTM Affected Product count NTM affected Trade (sorted by coverage ratio)
Measure | NTM Coverage Ratio | NTM Frequency Ratio | NTM affected product - Count | NTM affected Trade |
Export Prohibition (P110) | 42.12% | 0.35% | 5 | 150,682.79 |
Hygienic practices during production (A420) | 17.68% | 12.21% | 364 | 106,835.56 |
Labelling requirements (B310) | 8.64% | 11.07% | 330 | 52,223.69 |
Excise taxes (F720) | 7.49% | 1.41% | 42 | 45,252.97 |
Hygienic requirements n.e.s. (A490) | 6.03% | 5.44% | 162 | 36,454.17 |
Prince control measures n.e.s (F900) | 5.81% | 0.27% | 8 | 35,121.96 |
Prohibition for TBT reasons (B110) | 5.74% | 0.50% | 15 | 34,660.42 |
Requirement to pass through specified port of customs (C300) | 3.62% | 2.89% | 86 | 21,897.44 |
Conformity assessment related to SPS (A800) | 3.62% | 2.79% | 83 | 21,896.36 |
Licensing or permit requirements to export (P130) | 2.79% | 1.34% | 19 | 9,985.86 |
NTM Frequency and Coverage ratio, total imports, NTM Affected Product count NTM affected Trade (sorted by coverage ratio)
Sector | NTM Coverage ratio | NTM Frequency ratio | NTM affected product - count | NTM affected trade | NTM affected duty free imports |
Vegetable | 99.79% | 98.25% | 168 | 38,351.51 | 21.41 |
Animal | 99.66% | 97.85% | 91 | 29,175.31 | 24.67 |
Food Products | 95.94% | 95.17% | 138 | 52,058.57 | 3.06 |
Fuels | 88.87% | 23.53% | 4 | 34,246.87 | 3.85 |
Transportation | 52.25% | 25.53% | 24 | 29,469.45 | |
Textiles and Clothing | 46.89% | 59.65% | 241 | 12,610.68 | 1.45 |
All Import Products | 37.70% | 26.31% | 784 | 227,764.41 | 3.45 |
Mach and Elec | 23.56% | 12.91% | 75 | 25,996.93 | 0.53 |
Chemicals | 10.25% | 7.31% | 25 | 4,231.71 | 2.88 |
Minerals | 8.62% | 13.33% | 4 | 875.10 | |
Footwear | 4.38% | 12.82% | 5 | 414.90 | 0.64 |
Miscellaneous | 0.94% | 3.41% | 9 | 333.38 |