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 Benin Non-Tariff Measure (NTM) Summary


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Importations of Benin have a coverage ratio of 64.11% and a frequency ratio of 32.73% for non-tariff measures. Exports of Benin have a coverage ratio of 46.68% and a frequency ratio of 30.17% for non-tariff measures.

Benin Top ten most imposed non-tariff measures

NTM Frequency and Coverage ratio, total imports, NTM Affected Product count NTM affected Trade (sorted by coverage ratio)

Measure NTM Coverage Ratio NTM Frequency Ratio NTM affected product - Count NTM affected Trade
Inspection requirement (P610) 46.44% 22.26%270446,953.50
Export technical measures, n.e.s. (P690) 44.55% 26.13%317428,681.54
Authorization requirement for TBT reasons (B140) 44.24% 10.01%3481,574,706.41
Export subsidies (P700) 43.32% 23.83%289416,843.20
Local content measures (I100) 41.48% 24.48%8511,476,566.08
Trade-related investment measures, n.e.s (I900) 41.48% 24.48%8511,476,566.08
Additional charges n.e.s. (F690) 40.24% 14.64%5091,432,453.67
Requirement to pass through specified port of customs (C300) 40.24% 10.47%3641,432,266.66
Export taxes and charges (P500) 38.76% 4.45%54372,989.19
Special Authorization requirement for SPS reasons (A140) 38.71% 11.22%3901,377,988.23

Benin Non-Tariff Measure by Sector

NTM Frequency and Coverage ratio, total imports, NTM Affected Product count NTM affected Trade (sorted by coverage ratio)

Sector NTM Coverage ratio NTM Frequency ratio NTM affected product - count NTM affected trade NTM affected duty free imports
Vegetable 100.00% 100.00%192911,955.21
Food Products 100.00% 100.00%167122,778.55
Animal 100.00% 100.00%120391,994.73
Minerals 89.35% 15.22%762,958.12
Fuels 77.29% 50.00%12407,763.684.70
Chemicals 74.24% 20.14%86173,601.6544.48
Textiles and Clothing 69.99% 99.12%44997,332.25
All Import Products 64.11% 32.73%11382,282,081.443.71
Wood 40.95% 19.41%3316,188.198.39
Transportation 17.81% 8.18%982,457.03
Miscellaneous 17.07% 5.26%157,235.17
Stone and Glass 7.59% 11.11%163,172.35
Footwear 5.59% 24.44%11714.44
Metals 1.75% 0.24%12,840.71
Hides and Skins 0.84% 16.22%635.10
Mach and Elec 0.31% 2.08%141,054.27