WITS TradeStat Database is designed with the purpose of providing the latest international merchandise and commercial services trade data and overview of country and region's imports and exports, tariff and non-tariff measures. View international trade statistics by country or region to obtain the following (i) country or region's overall exports, imports and tariffs (i) details of exports and imports with various partner countries along with partner share and Most Favored Nation (MFN) and Effective Applied Tariff (AHS) tariffs imposed. (iii) Details on various products exported and imported globally and with individual partner countries (iv) Trade indicators like number of export and import partners, herfindahl hirschman index,
Index Of Export Market Penetration, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and much more(iv) Relevant indicators from World Development Indicators (WDI) like GDP, GDP per Capita, Trade as percentage of GDP, Services Exports and Imports, taxes on exports and more.