Reporter | TradeFlow | ProductCode | Product Description | Year | Partner | Trade Value 1000USD | Quantity | Quantity Unit |
United States | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 20,211.47 | 6,664,350 | Kg |
Thailand | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 20,142.74 | 9,786,510 | Kg |
Italy | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 17,355.84 | 3,654,620 | Kg |
Netherlands | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 15,466.26 | 5,566,110 | Kg |
Germany | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 13,783.20 | 4,200,940 | Kg |
United Kingdom | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 10,989.42 | 3,600,630 | Kg |
Spain | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 10,660.06 | 5,664,770 | Kg |
Denmark | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 8,809.10 | 2,517,900 | Kg |
Estonia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 8,507.40 | 3,094,880 | Kg |
Belgium | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 6,378.49 | 2,263,400 | Kg |
Poland | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 4,688.96 | 1,886,270 | Kg |
Czech Republic | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 3,528.45 | 1,168,200 | Kg |
Finland | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 3,280.75 | 821,402 | Kg |
France | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 3,110.33 | 559,717 | Kg |
Hungary | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 2,696.59 | 599,844 | Kg |
Austria | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1,872.01 | 560,382 | Kg |
Croatia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1,807.56 | 530,293 | Kg |
Lebanon | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1,581.10 | 489,125 | Kg |
Japan | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1,421.78 | 469,157 | Kg |
Latvia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1,223.66 | 287,069 | Kg |
Switzerland | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1,167.33 | 196,264 | Kg |
Norway | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1,046.94 | 207,079 | Kg |
China | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1,037.97 | 447,600 | Kg |
Romania | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 785.64 | 280,547 | Kg |
Turkey | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 703.08 | 479,657 | Kg |
Korea, Rep. | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 697.47 | 188,184 | Kg |
Ireland | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 579.45 | 30,431 | Kg |
Lithuania | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 417.18 | 178,531 | Kg |
Colombia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 374.97 | 114,105 | Kg |
India | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 340.12 | 120,184 | Kg |
Hong Kong, China | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 253.52 | 117,940 | Kg |
Vietnam | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 247.01 | 82,476 | Kg |
Greece | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 224.37 | 40,650 | Kg |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 199.47 | 137,052 | Kg |
Portugal | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 171.12 | 49,326 | Kg |
Serbia, FR(Serbia/Montenegro) | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 169.20 | 125,709 | Kg |
Philippines | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 152.53 | 46,554 | Kg |
North Macedonia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 106.75 | 55,023 | Kg |
Brazil | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 102.24 | 49,436 | Kg |
Singapore | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 85.92 | 35,572 | Kg |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 77.84 | 25,990 | Kg |
Mexico | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 75.41 | 30,838 | Kg |
Other Asia, nes | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 48.59 | 9,693 | Kg |
Malaysia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 47.19 | 29,372 | Kg |
Saudi Arabia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 30.35 | 42,104 | Kg |
Pakistan | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 24.15 | 9,946 | Kg |
South Africa | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 19.31 | 5,095 | Kg |
Indonesia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 17.03 | 7,430 | Kg |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 14.51 | 12,469 | Kg |
Ukraine | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 8.12 | 6,419 | Kg |
Belize | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 6.94 | 3,667 | Kg |
United Arab Emirates | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 5.95 | 3,700 | Kg |
Slovenia | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 5.20 | 1,494 | Kg |
Nicaragua | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 1.54 | 1,356 | Kg |
Rwanda | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 0.94 | 100 | Kg |
Sri Lanka | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 0.44 | 63 | Kg |
Occ.Pal.Terr | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 0.19 | 63 | Kg |
Iceland | Export | 210390 | Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments | 2021 | Sweden | 0.07 | 20 | Kg |