Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an exports to Angola

in 2021

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
In 2021, Top exporters of Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an to Angola were Brazil ($173.09K , 254,001 Liter), European Union ($83.71K , 28,319 Liter), Portugal ($75.61K , 24,370 Liter), Belgium ($8.18K , 8,749 Liter), South Africa ($5.16K , 613 Liter).

Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an imports by country in 2021
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 BrazilExport220720Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an2021Angola173.09254,001Liter
 European UnionExport220720Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an2021Angola83.7128,319Liter
 PortugalExport220720Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an2021Angola75.6124,370Liter
 BelgiumExport220720Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an2021Angola8.188,749Liter
 South AfricaExport220720Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an2021Angola5.16613Liter
 Cote d'IvoireExport220720Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an2021Angola0.25272Liter
 NamibiaExport220720Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an2021Angola0.013Liter
 IndiaExport220720Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an2021Angola0.010Liter

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 220720: Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits of an

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports