| | | |
D |
Duty free imports | Sum of imports that are subject to MFN duty free tariff | UNCTAD - TRAINS; UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. UNCTAD TRAINS is used for tariff data. 4. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 5. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
Duty free imports - total | Sum of gross imports of all MFN duty free products | UNCTAD - TRAINS; UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. WITS - UNCTAD TRAINS is used for tariff data. 4. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 5. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
Duty free NTM coverage ratio | The duty free coverage ratio is calculated by determining the value of duty free imports of each commodity subject to NTMs, aggregating by applicable HS commodity group, and expressing the value of duty free imports covered as a percentage of total duty f | UNCTAD - NTM | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. WITS - UNCTAD TRAINS is used for tariff data. 4. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 5. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
Duty free NTM Frequency ratio | The duty free frequency ratio accounts for the presence or absence of a NTM for duty free products, and indicates the percentage of duty free traded products to which one or more NTMs on duty free products are applied | UNCTAD - NTM | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. WITS - UNCTAD TRAINS is used for tariff data. 4. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 5. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
Duty free product count | Count of HS 6 digit products that are subject to MFN duty free tariff | UNCTAD - NTM | 1. WITS - UNCTAD TRAINS is used for tariff data. 2. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 3. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
Duty free total products - count | Count of MFN duty free products | UNCTAD - TRAINS | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. WITS - UNCTAD TRAINS is used for tariff data. 4. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 5. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
I |
Imported products - total | Count of traded products (imports/exports) | UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database | 1. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. |
N |
NTM affected duty free imports % | Sum of imports that are subject to MFN duty free tariff and affected by one or more NTM measures | UNCTAD - NTM | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. WITS - UNCTAD TRAINS is used for tariff data. 4. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 5. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
NTM affected product - count | Count of traded HS 6 digit products that are subject to one or more NTM measures | UNCTAD - NTM | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. Leaf level NTM codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 4. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
NTM affected trade | Sum of gross imports or gross exports that are affected by one or more NTM measures | UNCTAD - NTM; UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 4. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
NTM Coverage ratio | The coverage ratio is calculated by determining the value of imports of each commodity subject to NTMs, aggregating by applicable HS commodity group, and expressing the value of imports covered as a percentage of total imports in the HS commodity group | UNCTAD - NTM | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. NTM Codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 4. Partially covered NTM codes are excluded |
NTM Frequency ratio | The frequency ratio accounts for the presence or absence of a NTM, and indicates the percentage of traded products to which one or more NTMs are applied | UNCTAD - NTM | 1. Only traded products are considered. 2. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. 3. Leaf level NTM codes that cover 95% or above products are excluded. 4. NTM codes that do not affect all tariff line under a 6 digit are excluded |
NTM partial coverage | Count of products at HS 6 digit level in which some items of the tariff line code are not affected by the same NTM measure. | UNCTAD - NTM | |
T |
Total Trade | Sum of gross imports or gross exports of all products | UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database | 1. UNCTAD - South-South Trade Database. |