You are here: Trade Data Query > Advanced Query > Selecting a Database and Naming the Query

Selecting a Database and Naming the Query

As mentioned in Introduction, any Advanced Query is saved and so requires a name and a description. Moreover, since Advanced Query is multi-database tool, you must specify what database you want to obtain information from since your choice will affect the parameters to be specified.

In the General panel:

  1. Enter a Query Name (25 characters maximum no spaces or special characters) and a Query Description (100 characters maximum) in corresponding text areas;
  2. Select UN COMTRADE in Data Source.

 In order for you to form a query, you would have to make selections from all 5 listed dimensions (folders):

  • Reporters (Markets)
  • Products
  • Partner Countries
  • Years
  • Trade Flow

Next: Selecting Reporters

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The World Bank, 2010