You are here: Protection Data Query > Advanced Query > Selecting a Database and Naming the Query

Selecting a Database and Naming the Query

As mentioned in introduction, any Advanced Query is saved and so requires a name and a description. Moreover, since Advanced Query is multi-database tool, any query definition must start by picking a database, which choice will affect the parameters to be specified.

This topic focuses on using Advanced Query for tariff data retrieval (for trade data retrieval, see Advanced Query on UN COMTRADE.

Defining an Advanced Query is the same with TRAINS or WTO/IDB as chosen data source. TRAINS is used for illustration in the following presentation.

In the General panel:

1. Enter a Query Name (25 characters maximum and no spaces) and a Query Description (100 characters maximum) in corresponding text areas; If you want to modify an existing query, select Existing Query radio button and then select the query to be modified from the dropdown.

2. Select TRAINS in Data Source.

Once you select TRAINS (or WTO IDB) as your Data Source, click on Proceed button to enter your query criteria:

In order for you to form a query, you would have to make selections from all 5 listed dimensions (folders):

  • Reporters (Markets)
  • Products
  • Partner Countries
  • Years
  • Tariffs

Next: Selecting Reporters

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The World Bank, 2010