
Sector Group Classification Sector Code Sector Description Division/Group Concordance with GTAP
Manufacture ISIC rev. 3
b_tBeverages and Tobacco Products24, 25b_t
crpChemical, Rubber, Plastic Products241, 242, 25crp
fmpMetal Products28fmp
i_sFerrous Metals271, 2731i_s
leaLeather Products19lea
lumWood Products20lum
macMachinery and Equipment nec29-33ele, ome
nfmMetals nec272, 2732nfm
nmmMineral Products nec26nmm
omfManufactures nec36, 37omf
pfdProcessed Foods21-23cmt, omt, vol, mil, pcr, sgr, ofd
pppPaper Products, Publishing21, 22ppp
texTextiles17, 243tex
trnTransport Equipment34, 35mvh, otn
wapWearing Apparel61wap
Services ISIC rev. 3
egwElectricity, Gas, Water401-403, 41ely, gdt, wtr
osgPubAdmin/Defence/Health/Educat75, 80, 85, 90, 91, 99osg
ospOther Private Services64-67, 70-74, 92, 93, 95cmn, ofi, isr, obs, ros
t_tTrade and Transport Services51, 521-526, 55trd, otp, wtp, atp
Primary ISIC rev. 3
affAgr, Forestry, Fisheries 01-03,015, 05pdr, wht, gro, v_f, osd, c_b, pfb, ocr, ctl, oap, rmk, wol, frs,fsh
egyEnergy Extraction 10-11, 23coa, oil, gas, p_c
omnMinerals nec 12-14omn