Trade Statistics By Partner Help



This page provides export, import and related indicator details for a country for a particular year or a range of years, with partner trading countries. Use this page to obtain country's import/export trade value in thousands of US dollar, how much is the Partner share in percentage in the overall exports/imports.

The table in this page by default provides country's import/export trade value in thousands of US dollar, the Partner share in percentage in the overall exports/imports. In addition, for Imports by default you also get the tariff profile and the following indicators are shown by default.

  1. Effectively Applied Weighted Average Tariff
  2. Most Favored Nation (MFN) Weighted Average Tariff
  3. Number of tariff agreements for that country


Other than the default data displayed, additional indicators can be viewed by selecting it from the "Show More Columns" drop down on the table right hand side top.
For exports and imports, you can add the following trade indicators:

  • Number of HS 6 digit products exported or imported from the partner country
  • Share in total products exported/imported as a percentage
With Trade Flow as imports you can add the following tariff indicators
  • Effectively applied Simple Average Tariff in percentage
  • Total tariff lines with effectively applied tariff
  • Effectively Applied Dutiable Tariff Lines Share in percentage
  • Effectively Applied Duty Free Tariff Lines Share in percentage
  • Effectively Applied Ad-Valorem Equivalent (AVE) Tariff Lines Share in percentage
  • Effectively Applied Maximum Rate tariff in percentage; The highest tariff value at the tariff line level within the product category
  • Effectively Applied Minimum Rate tariff in percentage; The lowest tariff value at the tariff line level within the product category
  • Effectively Applied Specific Duty Imports in thousands of US Dollar
  • Effectively Applied Dutiable Imports in thousands of US Dollar
  • Effectively Applied Duty Free Imports in thousands of US Dollar
  • Most Favored Nation (MFN) Simple Average tariff in percentage
  • Most Favored Nation (MFN) Total Tariff Lines
  • Most Favored Nation (MFN) Dutiable Tariff Lines Share in percentage
  • Most Favored Nation (MFN) Duty Free Tariff Lines Share in percentage
  • Most Favored Nation (MFN) Specific Tariff Lines Share in percentage
  • Most Favored Nation (MFN) Ad-Valorem Equivalent (AVE) Tariff Lines Share in percentage
  • Most Favored Nation (MFN) Maximum Rate in percentage; The highest tariff value at the tariff line level within the product category
  • Most Favored Nation (MFN) Minimum Rate in percentage; The lowest tariff value at the tariff line level within the product category
  • MFN Specific duty imports in thousands of US Dollar
  • MFN Dutiable Imports in thousands of US Dollar
  • MFN Duty Free Imports in thousands of US Dollar


While viewing data for a particular year, a pie chart is shown on the right showing the Top 20 partners and the remaining partners total trade is shown under others.
While viewing time series data, a line chart is shown with data for top five trading partner countries, excluding World. Users can add additional countries by selecting more countries from the "Show More Partners" dropdown.
Both the charts can be embedded in your web page or blog by clicking on the scissor icon and copying the html into your web page or blog.


You can change your selection by clicking on the selection drop-down on top, change the variables in the popup window and click on Update. You can click on Cancel button to retain current selection. Click on the eye icon to get the metadata. These are the various selection options in this page

  • Change Country by selecting a different country. If you select World
  • If you select World, you can view the top exporting countries by selecting "Trade Flow" as import. Similarly selecting "Trade Flow" as export will let you view the top importing countries in the World
  • Change Year for the country by selecting a different year from the year drop-down
  • Change Trade Flow Export/Import
  • To view a particular indicator as time series select a range of years from the year drop down and select the Indicator from the Indicator drop down.
  • In the time series view, you can select a different indicator's time-series data from the indicator drop down
Click on the Update button after making changing the selection to obtain the new data.
You can also download the table data by clicking on the download icon, you can print the table by clicking on the print icon and select to print only the displayed columns or all columns by selecting the appropriate selection. Using the scissor icon, you can copy the html code and drop the table into your blog or any web page.
You can drill down further by clicking on an individual country name in the "Partner Name" column in the "Table View" and check all the product groups that are being imported or exported from this country.

To obtain the Trade summary statistics for the Country click on Summary tab.
To obtain country level, trade indicators and development indicators related to merchandise trade, services trade, trade related taxes and indicators like GDP, GNI click on the Country Tab
To obtain countries exports and import values of various product groups by the country along with product specific indicators like Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Product Share, Country Growth, World Growth, Effectively applied and MFN tariff, number of dutiable lines and much more, click on the Product Groups tab.