Congo, Dem. Rep. Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin) imports by country

in 2021

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
Congo, Dem. Rep. imports of Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin) was $174.59K and quantity 240,441Kg.
Congo, Dem. Rep. imported Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin) from Italy ($54.42K , 18,320 Kg), Spain ($35.67K , 15,877 Kg), Turkey ($20.60K , 15,048 Kg), United Arab Emirates ($17.21K , 21,638 Kg), China ($13.49K , 22,079 Kg).

Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin) exports by country in 2021
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021 World174.59240,441Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Italy54.4218,320Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Spain35.6715,877Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Turkey20.6015,048Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021United Arab Emirates17.2121,638Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021China13.4922,079Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Belgium11.0899,541Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Lebanon6.1917,431Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Malaysia4.982,366Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Netherlands3.652,141Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Angola3.0414,460Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Brazil2.241,445Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Egypt, Arab Rep.1.3510,000Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021South Africa0.3777Kg
 Congo, Dem. Rep.Import150990Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)2021Tunisia0.2918Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 150990: Olive oil and fractions (excl. virgin)

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports