South Africa Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n imports by country

in 2022

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South Africa imports of Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n was $474.53K and quantity 10,574Kg.
South Africa imported Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n from Belgium ($458.93K , 8,956 Kg), Japan ($4.60K , 279 Kg), China ($4.51K , 1,112 Kg), United Kingdom ($1.99K , 100 Kg), Czech Republic ($1.87K , 54 Kg).

Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n exports by country in 2022
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022 World474.5310,574Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022Belgium458.938,956Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022Japan4.60279Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022China4.511,112Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022United Kingdom1.99100Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022Czech Republic1.8754Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022United States1.109Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022Netherlands0.446Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022Italy0.4313Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022Unspecified0.3942Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022Special Categories0.281Kg
 South AfricaImport370390Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n2022India0.001Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 370390: Photographic paper, paperboard and textilles, n

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports