South Africa Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 8 exports by country

in 2021

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South Africa exports of Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 8 was $685.90K and quantity 156,888Kg.
South Africa exported Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 8 to United States ($379.43K , 69,860 Kg), Netherlands ($108.46K , 22,309 Kg), France ($35.42K , 3,270 Kg), Canada ($34.10K , 3,731 Kg), United Kingdom ($31.35K , 4,440 Kg).

Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 8 imports by country in 2021
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021 World685.90156,888Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021United States379.4369,860Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Netherlands108.4622,309Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021France35.423,270Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Canada34.103,731Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021United Kingdom31.354,440Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Namibia21.7320,021Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Mozambique18.5111,925Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Uganda11.39453Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Botswana8.798,408Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Malaysia7.93900Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Zambia6.922,122Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Zimbabwe4.432,973Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Malawi3.611,233Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Japan2.82253Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Mauritius2.73479Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Lesotho2.391,046Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Eswatini2.052,329Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021New Zealand1.18150Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Kenya0.85394Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Congo, Dem. Rep.0.76284Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Germany0.5615Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Saint Helena0.2232Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Angola0.18195Kg
 South AfricaExport110630Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 82021Ethiopia(excludes Eritrea)0.1065Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 110630: Flour, meal and powder of products of Chapter 8

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports