Uzbekistan Cotton wadding and articles thereof imports by country

in 2021

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
Uzbekistan imports of Cotton wadding and articles thereof was $902.72K and quantity 157,657Kg.
Uzbekistan imported Cotton wadding and articles thereof from Russian Federation ($759.76K , 132,689 Kg), Poland ($36.23K , 6,327 Kg), Estonia ($33.59K , 5,867 Kg), Turkey ($33.16K , 5,790 Kg), China ($14.82K , 2,589 Kg).

Cotton wadding and articles thereof exports by country in 2021
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021 World902.72157,657Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Russian Federation759.76132,689Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Poland36.236,327Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Estonia33.595,867Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Turkey33.165,790Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021China14.822,589Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Latvia8.351,459Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Italy6.321,103Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Ukraine5.46954Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Hong Kong, China1.25217Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Germany1.12195Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Czech Republic0.76132Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021France0.63110Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Netherlands0.5495Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Serbia, FR(Serbia/Montenegro)0.3154Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Austria0.2544Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Belgium0.0916Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021Korea, Rep.0.059Kg
 UzbekistanImport560121Cotton wadding and articles thereof2021United Arab Emirates0.035Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 560121: Cotton wadding and articles thereof

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports