New Zealand Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a imports by country

in 2018

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
New Zealand imports of Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a was $547.65K and quantity 12,646Kg.
New Zealand imported Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a from United Kingdom ($366.43K , 8,461 Kg), Australia ($76.03K , 1,756 Kg), China ($49.64K , 1,146 Kg), Italy ($28.96K , 669 Kg), Denmark ($8.22K , 190 Kg).

Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a exports by country in 2018
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018 World547.6512,646Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018United Kingdom366.438,461Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018Australia76.031,756Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018China49.641,146Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018Italy28.96669Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018Denmark8.22190Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018New Zealand6.37147Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018Japan4.42102Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018United States4.2197Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018Hong Kong, China1.5335Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018Turkey0.9422Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018Mexico0.5713Kg
 New ZealandImport511119Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a2018Belgium0.317Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 511119: Woven fabrics, with >=85% carded wool or fine a

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports