Lebanon Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled exports by country

in 2018

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Lebanon exports of Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled was $653.22K and quantity 1,290,250Kg.
Lebanon exported Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled to Italy ($191.73K , 149,800 Kg), France ($75.79K , 55,368 Kg), Sudan ($64.05K , 391,965 Kg), Germany ($53.33K , 48,448 Kg), Turkey ($48.64K , 273,005 Kg).

Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled imports by country in 2018
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018 World653.221,290,250Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Italy191.73149,800Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018France75.7955,368Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Sudan64.05391,965Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Germany53.3348,448Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Turkey48.64273,005Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Jordan35.2897,195Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018United Kingdom33.1125,642Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Qatar31.8260,271Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Greece29.6522,154Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Netherlands16.6214,855Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Saudi Arabia11.0654,125Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Russian Federation7.294,238Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Gabon6.481,545Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Canada5.866,020Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Malaysia5.641,880Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Egypt, Arab Rep.5.5154,840Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Guinea3.373,322Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Armenia3.262,500Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Belgium2.612,250Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Switzerland2.572,530Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Sweden2.271,530Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Austria2.083,044Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Algeria2.002,000Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Cote d'Ivoire1.832,305Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Thailand1.702,000Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Senegal1.651,566Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Liberia1.49816Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018United Arab Emirates1.18755Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Hong Kong, China0.91720Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Venezuela0.83650Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Brazil0.80500Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Angola0.79675Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018South Africa0.57518Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Colombia0.43480Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Cyprus0.24180Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Cameroon0.23181Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Congo, Rep.0.1936Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Bahrain0.14135Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Nigeria0.1295Kg
 LebanonExport071350Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled2018Oman0.11108Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 071350: Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports