Iceland Caviar and caviar substitutes imports by country

in 2021

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
Iceland imports of Caviar and caviar substitutes was $205.49K and quantity 9,934Kg.
Iceland imported Caviar and caviar substitutes from Norway ($148.19K , 7,359 Kg), Sweden ($19.73K , 922 Kg), China ($16.35K , 745 Kg), Germany ($9.51K , 329 Kg), Denmark ($7.16K , 355 Kg).

Caviar and caviar substitutes exports by country in 2021
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021 World205.499,934Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Norway148.197,359Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Sweden19.73922Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021China16.35745Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Germany9.51329Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Denmark7.16355Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Lithuania1.4270Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Canada1.1557Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Korea, Rep.0.7839Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Portugal0.6432Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021United States0.4020Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Italy0.126Kg
 IcelandImport160430Caviar and caviar substitutes2021Poland0.030Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 160430: Caviar and caviar substitutes

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports