European Union Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c imports by country

in 2005

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European Union imports of Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c was $38,357.41K and quantity 429,987Item.
European Union imported Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c from Turkey ($20,109.26K , 52 Item), Canada ($3,654.36K , 3 Item), Ukraine ($2,531.94K , 5 Item), Indonesia ($1,979.08K , 10 Item), Unspecified ($1,523.91K , 491 Item).

Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c exports by country in 2005
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005 World38,357.41429,987Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Turkey20,109.2652Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Canada3,654.363Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Ukraine2,531.945Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Indonesia1,979.0810Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Unspecified1,523.91491Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005United States1,520.52966Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Venezuela1,474.142Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005India1,377.68341,252Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005United Arab Emirates754.4747Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Russian Federation699.666Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Cuba622.902Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Brazil559.901Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Switzerland469.4337Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Australia465.002Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Nigeria262.629Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Kuwait237.221Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Jordan54.221Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Israel48.63300Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Philippines12.3586,000Item
 European UnionImport850423Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c2005Hong Kong, China0.11800Item

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 850423: Liq dielectric transf having a power handling c

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports