Belgium Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto exports by country

in 2021

Change selection (Reporter, Year, Trade Flow, Partner and HS 6 digit Product)
Belgium exports of Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto was $3,025.33K and quantity 186,219Kg.
Belgium exported Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto to France ($1,038.10K , 75,261 Kg), Tunisia ($619.61K , 37,652 Kg), Germany ($412.36K , 17,094 Kg), Netherlands ($215.41K , 14,945 Kg), Morocco ($181.98K , 11,211 Kg).

Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto imports by country in 2021
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021 World3,025.33186,219Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021France1,038.1075,261Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Tunisia619.6137,652Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Germany412.3617,094Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Netherlands215.4114,945Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Morocco181.9811,211Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Saudi Arabia152.264,738Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Poland48.805,064Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Ukraine45.352,017Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Italy43.211,996Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021United Kingdom36.112,290Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Czech Republic33.912,220Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Switzerland30.892,087Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Turkey24.451,326Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Finland17.83900Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Romania14.42818Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Hungary12.65605Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Spain12.47569Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Bulgaria10.27475Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Greece10.11549Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Austria8.98404Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Sri Lanka8.86623Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Moldova8.49156Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Sweden7.54457Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Croatia6.08364Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021North Macedonia5.11146Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Denmark3.62171Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Portugal3.60156Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Slovenia3.47158Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Ireland3.37152Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Estonia2.4998Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Lithuania1.8558Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Malta0.5215Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Cyprus0.3513Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Russian Federation0.3331Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Luxembourg0.231,394Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021Japan0.181Kg
 BelgiumExport521139Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto2021South Africa0.053Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 521139: Dyed woven cotton fabrics, nes, with <85% cotto

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports