Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal exports to Greece

in 2018

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In 2018, Top exporters of Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal to Greece were Netherlands ($137.27K , 46,765 Kg), Germany ($94.62K , 59,446 Kg), Czech Republic ($53.97K , 30,127 Kg), Belgium ($35.50K , 31,987 Kg), United States ($27.30K , 11,322 Kg).

Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal imports by country in 2018
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ReporterTradeFlowProductCodeProduct DescriptionYearPartnerTrade Value 1000USDQuantityQuantity Unit
 NetherlandsExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece137.2746,765Kg
 GermanyExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece94.6259,446Kg
 Czech RepublicExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece53.9730,127Kg
 BelgiumExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece35.5031,987Kg
 United StatesExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece27.3011,322Kg
 ChinaExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece19.9120,250Kg
 FranceExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece16.885,136Kg
 SloveniaExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece16.2928,000Kg
 ItalyExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece11.314,809Kg
 PolandExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece6.234,375Kg
 AustriaExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece1.06186Kg
 SpainExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece0.7038Kg
 BulgariaExport291529Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal2018Greece0.38300Kg

HS Nomenclature used HS 1988/92 (H0)
HS Code 291529: Salts of acetic acid (excl. of sodium and cobal

Please note: Exports is gross exports and Imports is gross imports