You are here: Utilities > Product Groups > Adding or excluding a range of products

Adding or excluding a range of product categories

Range selection is an alternative to individual product category selection

To add or exclude a range of product categories:

  1. Select the Tier;
  2. Click on the Range button. It opens the Define Product Range window.

    the Range button

  3. Select the First product in the range (included) and the Last product in the range (NOT included) in their respective list.

  4. Click on OK to validate range selection and close the window.

Consequently, the Selected Products table is filled:

Note: remember that the High code is never included in the selected range. In our example actual selection goes from 0510 to 0546 which is the product code immediately preceding 0548 in the nomenclature.

Next: Resetting product selection

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The World Bank, 2010