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Advanced Query Submission

Once you define and save your query, you can submit your job.

To submit an advanced query, click on the Submit button or on the Adjust Year & Submit button.

Please note that if the query is incomplete pressing Submit or Adjust Year & Submit button will give you an alert indicating the missing dimension.

When you click on Adjust Year & Submit, a new window will popup with the year basket. This window offers two options for dealing with years for which no data are available. These are especially useful when the query includes several reporters. Indeed, WITS returns results only when data are available for the selected reporter/year. To avoid such missing data situation, an alternative year can be used based on some replacement rules. There are two ways of going about it.

Automatic year adjustment:

Instead of manually adjusting years, you can let WITS making the selection for you. This is especially convenient when dealing with many reporters.

Select one of the four options from the dropdown Selected Year.

The options for replacing the year are as follows:

  • Use the nearest year (earlier year wins ties): selects the closest year with preference for an earlier year. For example, if 2003 is selected and missing but 2004 and 2002 are available, WITS will take 2002 which is as close to 2003 as 2004 but earlier than 2003.
  • Use the nearest year (later year wins ties): selects the closest year with preference for a later year. For example, if 2003 is selected and missing but 2004 and 2002 are available, WITS will take 2004 which is as close to 2003 as 2002 but later than 2003.
  • Choose from earlier years only: selects the closest year available after the initially selected one. For example, if 2003 is selected and missing but 2004 and 2000 are available, WITS will take 2000 which is earlier than 2003.
  • Choose from later years only: selects the closest year available after the initially selected one. For example, if 2003 is selected and missing but 2005 and 2002 are available, WITS will take 2005 which is later than 2003.

Make one of the four selections and click on Go button to see the year adjustments done by WITS.

The second option is manual adjustment of the year. From the table showing Market/Reporters and Year's click on the country name or the NA to open a new window where you can replace the NA with the year of your choice.

You can also use the automatic option to let WITS do the date adustments and then review the changes and make adjustments manually.

TRAINS and WTO Advanced Query submission offer identical features unless specifically mentioned in this document.

After you submit the query you will be shown a alert with the option Your query is submitted successfully. Do you want to check the query status.. If you select OK you will be taken to the View and Request Download screen and if you select Cancel you will remain in the query screen and you can modify the query or go Back and create a new query.

Next: View and Request Download

WITS Online Help

The World Bank, 2010