You are here: Basics > Concordances > Checking product Concordances

Checking product Concordances in WITS

WITS includes an automatic conversion system between several nomenclatures and versions. You can therefore display your data using a derived nomenclature/version.

The choice for a nomenclature/version is another important step when working with WITS. Indeed, if you want data to be consistent among several years, and/or countries and/or types of data (trade, tariffs, NTMs) you need to pay particular attention to the nomenclature/version you choose. The general rule here is that you must choose a common nomenclature/version for all selected years, countries and/or types of data.

To check available product concordances:

All information on nomenclatures can be accessed from the Support Materials menu, by choosing Product Nomenclature and Concordances:

In the Product Nomenclature and Concordances screen ensure Product Concordances radio button is selected.

Then select the desired nomenclature in the Nomenclature dropdown and the concordance in the Concordances dropdown.

Clicking on the View Report button to view the results or Download to Download the output.

Concordance Table Content Description

  • Column 1: source nomenclature product code
  • Column 2: source nomenclature product name
  • Column 3: destination nomenclature product code
  • Column 4: destination nomenclature product name

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The World Bank, 2010