
This page provides trade summary statistics for the selected country and year..

Use this page to obtain merchandise trade statistics information on Trade, Tariff, and Development Indicators. Trade data such as total exports, number or products exported, top exporting and importing partner countries and top exported and imported product groups are available. Tariff information like number of trade agreements, simple and weighted average tariff, duty free imports value and duty free goods share in percentage are available. You also obtain trade indicators like Hirschman Herfindahl market concentration index, index of market penetration, world growth and country growth in percentage. Development indicators such as GDP, GNI per capita, Trade Balance, Trade and Services trade as percentage of GPD is available from WDI.


There are two charts in the page.

  1. A line chart showing the import and export of the country. This gives a quick snapshot of whether the country exports or imports more over years and how much the gap is.
  2. A tree map chart showing the product groups exported by the country. This helps you to identify the key exported product group of a country and to check if the product basket is diversified.


The page is divided into multiple logical sections. In the Trade section, the following indicators can be obtained

  • Export value in millions of US dollar
  • Number of traded products exported at HS6 digit level
  • Number of partners to which the country exports
  • Import value in millions of US dollar
  • Number of traded products imported at HS6 digit level
  • Number of partners to which the country imports

Next is the Top Export and Import Partners section. Here you get the top five countries to which the country exports or imports from along with the trade value in millions of US dollar and the partner share in percentage.

The Trade indicators section has the following Trade Indicators and this is how it can be used.

  • Hirschman Herfindahl index: is a measure of the dispersion of trade value across an exporter's partners. A country with trade (export or import) that is concentrated in a very few markets will have an index value close to one. Similarly, a country with a perfectly diversified trade portfolio will have an index close to zero.
  • Index of Export Market Penetration: is the number of countries to which the reporter exports a particular product divided by the number of countries that report importing the product that year. The number close to one means the country reaches to a larger market.
  • World Growth and Country Growth in percentage, to compare how the country growth in comparison to the world growth.

The next section provides Tariff information and these include:

  • Number of tariff/trade agreements
  • Effectively applied maximum tariff rate in percentage
  • Simple average tariff in percentage
  • Trade weighted average tariff in percentage
  • Total duty free trade imports in thousands of US dollar
  • Effectively applied duty free tariff lines share in percentage.

The Development Indicators section has the following indicators

  • GDP of the country in millions of US dollar(current)
  • GNI per capita
  • Trade Balance as percentage of GDP and in current US dollars
  • Trade in Services as percentage of GDP
  • Trade as percentage of GDP

In addition, indicators you can view the time series data by clicking on the Indicator name or the value. The indicators that have time series data and that do not have a product or partner dimension (such as total trade, maximum tariff) will be a hyperlink and the link will take you to the time series page. Indicators that have a partner or product dimension and have time series data, the value will be a hyperlink and clicking on the value will take you to the time-series page.


You can change your selection by clicking on the selection drop-down on top, change the variables in the popup window and click on Update. You can click on Cancel button to retain current selection. Click on the eye icon to get the metadata.

To obtain latest Trade Data (at a glance) click on At a Glance tab
To obtain country level, trade indicators and development indicators related to merchandise trade, services trade, trade related taxes and indicators like GDP, GNI click on the Country tab
To obtain import and export trade values with all partner countries and indicators like Partner Share, Share in total products, number of six digits products exported or imported to a particular country, or applied tariff for a particular country click on the By Partner tab.
To obtain countries exports and import values of various product groups by the country along with product specific indicators like Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Product Share, Country Growth, World Growth, Effectively applied and MFN tariff, number of dutiable lines and much more, click on the Product Groups tab.